Wolf Play : Velociraptor Pack RP!
 Celestial Saga
04:35:34 Queen / Jo
Ohh no

Xena Warrior Princess (Viti) of pack Amygdala growls meanacingly at 💘Cosmo² as they have come too close to their territory.
04:30:02 Fei the writer
Please give me time to process her request lol
 Celestial Saga
04:25:47 Queen / Jo
Not sure if retire or not -WP Click-
04:21:03 Amy
That's nice🥰
Which two
04:17:26 Amy
I know but that is way too much
04:16:29 Fei the writer
My mum read the poems and liked two the most
 Mistress Nyx
Oh that wasnt me asking for jasmines lmao. Im saying i paid 4 apples for one.

I fear i am partly to blame. I think i bought 15+ jasmines this past 3 days
 Celestial Saga
04:01:07 Queen / Jo
If I wasnÂ’t distracted spring 1 and 2 I would of had these 6 done
 Celestial Saga
03:57:51 Queen / Jo
IÂ’m back
03:54:03 Chrissy
jasmine inflation is as brazy as our economy. 😖

i would genuinely commit a crime for some ice water right now.
 The Night Walker
03:51:55 Anemoia/Aedra
T h i c k- thats actually a good question though.
 Mistress Nyx
Down bad for jasmines :') 4 apples is a crime
 Night Shade
03:49:40 Graves | Chaos
Why are the pitbulls in explore so beefy?
 Midnight Moon Pack
03:35:34 PointyGardener(PG)
I appreciate you checking him
I had to take my glasses off for the night
03:34:25 Vox, Corey
Can say that if he had a common coat he'd be 32 rarity
03:33:44 Vox, Corey
Nose, eyes, and base coat gotta be "common" in rarity for AC.
He is not AC
 Midnight Moon Pack
03:33:40 PointyGardener(PG)
03:33:22 Vox, Corey
Nah, his base coat is rare
 Midnight Moon Pack
03:32:39 PointyGardener(PG)
Would somone glance over him & let me know if hes AC or not?
-WP Click-


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Hourly Damage Variances
Wolverine : -5
Brown Bear : +1
Ermine : -1
    Spring Month: 3   Day  Weather:  Sunny
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Velociraptor Pack RP!November 20, 2022 10:53 AM


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Oculta smiled at the second in command. "Yeah... She is only learning. We all were there before.. Thank you for making me less grumpy, India." She smiled and looked at the sky. "Ya know. I think my mother would've been a great micro-sitter!" She exclaimed and felt something bump into her and looked at her foot. "Alsaela?" She picked her foot up and stepped away. "What are you doing?" She asked and then noticed that the little micro probably tripped. "Oh! Did you trip?"
My tablet is on 5 percent battery lol-

Edited at November 20, 2022 10:54 AM by Fruit Lovers
Velociraptor Pack RP!November 20, 2022 11:01 AM

Former Pack

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She looked up at Oculta, just exhausted. "Stupid... Tail..." She slowly spoke. This time, she didn't push herself up. She just lay there, tired. Usually she would just go to the micro den and sleep, but this time so many things kept her from that, so she thought eating would wake her up. Her thoughts raced at her journey to that far river. She then dragged herself, drousily, towards the prey pile, dragging a rabbit away, and laying down, chewing on the ear. She remained in the shadows, where the sunlight wouldn't hurt at much, and her eyes were less white and more of an off yellow. she seemed distant, her thoughts wandering. She barely ate, but she tried to make it seem like she was just being moody.
Velociraptor Pack RP!November 20, 2022 11:01 AM

Former Pack

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Charge itXD
India smiled at Alsaela, "Are you okay?". India nodded to Oculta telling her to help the small raptor.
Velociraptor Pack RP!November 20, 2022 11:22 AM

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She stared at India, quiet and solemn. She looked away and lowered her head behind the rabbit. She huffed and lay down behind the rabbit, which hid her from everyone due to her small size. But why go? Her tail twitched and curled. Why won't you come back? She felt cold, so she huddled closer to the rabbit, the pelt as some sort of comfort. She kept her gaze on the entrance of the camp, as if waiting.
Heading to the store. Will be back in an hour.

Edited at November 20, 2022 11:25 AM by WendiKore
Velociraptor Pack RP!November 20, 2022 11:46 AM

The Vibes

Posts: 283
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Blu watched Alsaela, Oculta, and India, just watching for several long moments. She wanted to tell Oculta that she was almost as bad as Alsaela when she was a Micro, though Blu was always essentially "an angry little gremlin" according to their previous Leader, and always had a raptor sent after her.
Saying nothing, Blu trots over to Alsaela who was cuddled up to a dead rabbit, and nudged her with her nose to get her attention before sitting beside her, her feathered tail moving to somewhat encircle the Micro. She glanced at Oculta and India one more time before laying down with the Micro completely.
"Look, kid, youre too much like i was when i was your age, and i hope youre aware of that fact scaring me in particular."
Blu states, staring off into the direction of the camp entrance, trying to seem bored to hide her concern for the Micro
(Note: I am busier than id like to be, trying to reply as much as i can)

Edited at November 20, 2022 12:01 PM by Sir Vibes
Velociraptor Pack RP!November 20, 2022 11:48 AM


Posts: 1454
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I nodded to India and her order, the little micro is going to get me in serious trouble one of these days. After Alsaela bumped into me, I watched her go off again. She wandered between all of the raptors present in the den. If I wasn't glued to watching all of them, I would take her but I still had to watch the other micro. It wasn't all bad being bound to the den, but it sure did ruin most of your fun. I'm just glad there are only two micros, makes it easier to manage since I'm the only mother.
Sorry for randomly hoping off, my Chromebook died and I passed out waiting for it to charge.

Edited at November 20, 2022 11:50 AM by Frostyhills24
Velociraptor Pack RP!November 20, 2022 12:05 PM

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India got up when she saw the leader, Blu. "Blu, I must talk to you about what the hunters and huntresses have been seeing on their patrols..." she looked at her leader nervously. It was scaring India on what they had been reporting.
Velociraptor Pack RP!November 20, 2022 12:17 PM

The Vibes

Posts: 283
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Blu raised her head and looked at her second in command, her eyes narrowing and a quiet growl escaping her jaws. She could see India was nervous, and it worried her.
"What's going on?"
She asks, not getting up just yet

Edited at November 20, 2022 12:17 PM by Sir Vibes
Velociraptor Pack RP!November 20, 2022 12:24 PM

Former Pack

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India glaced at Alsaela then bended down so she was next to the leaders ear, "A-Attacks have been happening, the team found a triceritops shredded to peices, something huge must have taken it down...". Whatever it was it was big and was a threat to the pack.
Velociraptor Pack RP!November 20, 2022 12:37 PM

Former Pack

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Alsaela mumbled something to herself, shuddering a bit. She knew she was never like this, but somehow she couldn't shake away her thoughts.

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