
Sounds good :D Alley will come save the day!


God I missed a LOT XD, Sorry I'm at my familys house for thanksgiving. India-SIC-6 India soon lost the scent of the mystery raptor, she decided to head back to the camp. As she ran the way to the camp she knew her leader would be aggrivated...After all she had disobeyed and was quite rude to her. Once at camp India got an erie feeling some of the pack was missing. India looked around, trying tofind where Blu was. Edited at November 24, 2022 12:55 PM by Moss Pack

Moss Pack A lot of stuff happened. Jani isn't back at camp anymore if that's who you are talking about.

Oh okay, I caught up one sec^^

Guys im making a discussion thread^^, it should be done in a bit!


Alsaela She had been walking for hours upon hours. Nothing to her was recognizable. She trudged along the river bank, mud caked her legs and paws(I still don't know what they're called) and her tail dragged behind her. She was hungry and exhausted. (she's traveled 12 miles) a sharp scent caught her nose. Something familiar. Which was odd cause she didn't know where she was. She followed the scent for a good few minutes, hope rising in her heart. After some time, since she was a bit slow from exhaustion, the pungent scent of blood struck her, and she curled her lip. It smelled vile, rotten. What is that?! She glanced around till she saw some sort of bloody limb. She didn't dare eat it. She recognized the color though. And the shape. raptor... Jani?! Her heart raced and she began circling the area, wider and wider, searching for his scent in hopes that she may find him hopefully alive.