
Also, the post was greatness Lost Memories said: Okayyyy, my T8P post is finally done and Briar is mostly back! We do get some mild hints of angst with Cam, though, lmao Anyway, enjoy! :D

Sounds great! - Yess, I am ready to sob! :D - Also, the timeline is great, thank you, haha

Great, great- I'll do that one after I do my T8P post then - Speaking of, if Aries wasn't so deep in his mindset already, Horatio would've done great. Unfortunately for everyone, Aries is incredibly deep into his mindset. Of course the main wielder doesn't want to hurt it, no wielder ever wants to hurt it or correct it, but it messes up so they have to.

Alright! - Haha, yeahhh. And unfortunately, that means more self-blame on Horatio's end too, lmao And, once again, poor Aries-

Yeahhhh, and we're not going to talk about how 'They're not here now' is totally going to mess Aries up. Because, wow, not what an Aries in this mindset wants to hear at all. (Kind of, a bit more complicated than that, haha)

Oh god, sooo much angst- XD

Some more information about the different dehumanizing ranks! A fighter that's being dehumanized as an animal is branded with a paw print. A fighter that's being dehumanized as a monster is branded with fangs or a circle, depending on the severity. Circle is more severe. A fighter that's being dehumanized as a weapon is branded with an upward sword, and the actual weapons that the arena lets fighters borrow are also branded with that same upward sword.

Aries is done so far for my T8P post, just Gorōta left and then I can post, and then I can get started on the 2% Power short novel. Fun.

Much angst, I love it! Amazing, can't wait! :D

My post is now almost done, should be posted within the next few minutes. Are you ready to see the fruition of my immense research? Aka, are you ready for Gorōta to teach stuff?