Wolf Play : Strive to Survive | Animal RP | Revamped | Closed
12:39:34 Vox, Corey
Yes! She'll be nearly 7 by the time I finish this active duty.

Should be good to go to chill with her while in reserves, unless they call me to active duty over somethin'

That is the perfect age. Fully mature but still young enough with plenty of years left.
12:36:39 Vox, Corey
She's 4! :D

She'll be 5 here soon

That is the cutest thing :0

How old is she?
12:32:15 Bau
7 Day Gain: 1454 7 Day Loss: 2350 7 Day Profit: -896

i *may* have did a little- spending..
12:28:36 Vah is dabbling
-WP Click-
12:25:18 Vox, Corey
She is! She has a very specific whine, reserved just for me whenever I come home for leave.

Promptly followed by the zoomies xD

Absolutely! :0 Poor baby. I'm sure she is just super happy to have you home!
12:23:37 Vox, Corey
I'm willing to bet she gets really sad, it's the hardest thing I've had to do thanks to enlisting.

I just gotta tough it out and power through these last two years of active duty so I don't gotta do that to her anymore </3

Aww that's adorable! She must be so sad when you leave


He can be but just not at night. He is a super jealous dog that won't allow me to sit with anyone else on the couch without having to sit in my lap.
12:20:51 Vox, Corey
She's huge on cuddling. She always has to lay her head on my chest, and if I'm laying down she's gotta be near my head.

Gets all wiggly when I wake up and always smothers me xD

She's a little ray of sunshine, honestly
12:19:38 Vox, Corey
Incredibly so!

She's been really protective of me since I've been home. Barked at my dad when he was getting close to the door, then sucked up to him when she realized he was just trynna get to his room lmao

She even barked at my stepmom and promptly flopped on me. lmao
12:19:38 simp 4 lana del rey
her and the little collie are best friends. but it's sort of funny because she's so big and the collie is so.. little

he's just a guy who likes his personal space! but at least you've got one silly guy who likes to cuddle
Aww Vox, that is adorable *^* I bet she is super loyal too
 Necromancin Dancin
12:17:33 Emrys (He/They)
hello chat

Aww, that's so cute! I wish my lab was super cuddly like him but he'd much rather sleep on his own bed 😔
12:16:57 The Naming Empress
-WP Click-
Opinion on her??
12:15:55 Vox, Corey
I love how my dog has a nub. She just wiggles her entire butt when she's happy.

I looked at her just now and she made the bed shake because of it lmao
12:15:22 simp 4 lana del rey
i'm sure it can be excused.. he's too cute

she is! she's quite demanding when it comes to cuddles, no matter what you're doing
 Continental Wolves
12:14:47 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
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Strive to Survive | Animal RP | Revamped | ClosedMarch 11, 2023 09:21 PM

Inferno Abyss

Posts: 13754
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They are both accepted! Make sure to take the 'WIP' out of the sheet if you are finished with them :)
Strive to Survive | Animal RP | Revamped | ClosedMarch 17, 2023 10:29 PM


Posts: 1522
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∩ Noctus ∩
Four years, born in the summer.
Raven Pack.
*Desired Rank
Lead hunter or beta. Some power but not too much.
Grey Wolf.
(credits to me cuz I like customs too much even though I don't use them.)
Noctus is a wolf slightly above average. Not too tall but not quite average. He's also not that heavy, he can make a kill rush and take down a deer or sprint for miles. Long legs, biggish chest, strong hind legs. He is settled nicely between lithe, fit and bulky while keeping that strength intact.
He is a dark silver wolf, meaning white eyes, lips, ears, ankles and a nice light frost over the tips of his fur. He has a white ocelot pattern over his hips faintly which trails down his tail, back legs and a little further up his back. Thin, faint or both but still noticable. His coat is medium length, wavy and thick.
His eyes are golden and his muzzle is broad. He is very active, so some cuts and scrapes, small patches of missing fur in some places are expected, most are kinda noticable. His body make look like it's greying but he is still very lively.
Respectful + Flirty + Commanding + Altruistic + Caring + Impulsive + Friendly + Social + Playful + Gentle + Stubborn + Independant,..sometimes.
Noctus has his ups and downs. Downs being his childish thoughts and ups being his commanding moments. He tends to be far more commanding and independant when around new wolves he doesn't really know, but that can quickly chance considering his social side. He can be a social butterly when he feels like, where his flirty side pops out. Showing his love for the ladies is something most of them notice but not annoyingly.
He may be a charming wolf but he doesn't usually flirt, just with ones he likes to tease for fun. When he isn't, he's actually very helpful, a caring and kind animal who attentively protects his pack, and is always gentle and playful to pups. He tries his best to be a very good pack member and an impressive hunter. Which he is. His body shape being ideal for speed and agility. He is sometimes a showoff but he doesn't usually tell you that. He has a lot of energy which he either uses to impulsively hunt and play, recklessly climb things, run around, scare prey in the summer just because. Luckily he hasn't been allowed to. He isn't what one would say.. afraid of the dark. But he usually has his limits. He has vowed to protect his pack and family no matter the cost.
+ Intelligent / Quick Thinker
+ Adaptable
+ Compossure
+ Endurance / Energy
-Impulsive / Reckless
-Easily overwhelmed sometimes
His voice is on the deep side and typically charming.
He smells naturally like chalk and pine sap, but its usually covered by dirt and grass.
He has a lover ;>
Or at least soon.
Purple bananas (I forgot and so did you)

Edited at March 18, 2023 03:09 PM by iArema
Strive to Survive | Animal RP | Revamped | ClosedMarch 17, 2023 10:31 PM

Inferno Abyss

Posts: 13754
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Well well, look what we have here? Welcome Noctus :D

He's accepted ;)
Strive to Survive | Animal RP | Revamped | ClosedMarch 18, 2023 11:18 AM

~Terebinth Wolves~

Posts: 4156
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"It's not over when you loose, it's over when you quit."
Meaning: Storm
*Desired Rank:
She's not all that sure what she wants as of now
Arashi is on the smaller sids of a wolf, but dont be fooled because shes jam packed with muscles. All those years of restling with her 3 brothers have done that for her, along with just training herself. Besides a small but muscular build, Arashi has a beautiful coat. Her paws are a white, but they are often a grey or brownish color because she always seems to get dirty. Sometimes she means to, and sometimes she dosent. Moving onto her legs, they are a mix of grey and black with silver brindle markings. On her left front leg she also has a bit of brown but only a dash. The rest of her body is much like her legs, a mix of black and grey with silver brindle. In fact, her brindle is how she got her name. The brindle looks like lightning and her coat looks somewhat like the sky would in a storm so thats how she was named. Just like her front leg, she also has another dash of brown on her side and stomach.
| Competitve | Playful | A bit of a daredevil | Brave | Determined/Stubborn(?) | Quiet around newcomers | Can be imtimadating | Gentle when she wants to be | Can be sarcastic | Can be stern | Mysterious | Mature...most of the time | Sometimes serious |
There is basically two sides to Arashi. On the first side shes Mature and stern but on the other side shes playful and competitive.
The first side, the one you see when you first meet her, is her Mature side. She never laughs at immature stunts, shes quiet and therefore sometimes intimadating and stern. Some describe her as a commander, just not so commanding. Shes like that guy who sits alone and acts like a vampire, yet is so mysterious you want to get to know him. Except theres one problem with that, she dosent let you in so easily. Her top favorite things to do is act hard to get. Even if you just want to be her friend, you have to jump through hoops for her to accept you. Unless she grew up with you, then she will let most of your behavior slide. The other perk to this side is how she is with pups and young wolves. Even though she loves them to death, she can be quite stern with them. She knows the world is hard and so she trys to help them, by being stern and almost a bit unimpressed. It takes a miracle to get praise from this girl if shes training you. However, if you glance at her just right, you can see a small, proud smile looking down on you.
The second side, the one you discover after she acepts you, is her playful side. She loves to play, banter and compete. She can be a daredevil sometimes, along with sarcastic. The best way to describe this side is an oversized, goofy, pup. Shes the kind of wolf you can find by Noctus's side when hes getting into trouble. Which, is where she usually is when hes doing these things. Dont be fooled though, she can do alot of fun things without Noctus, thank you very much. Anyways, Arashi is a pretty balanaced wolf. She has her mature moments and she has her playful moments, but overall shes a good wolf to be around.
Pep talks
Dosent like to ask for help
Dosent take defeat easily
Dark green bananas!

Edited at March 18, 2023 08:53 PM by ~Terebinth Wolves~
Strive to Survive | Animal RP | Revamped | ClosedMarch 18, 2023 05:18 PM

Inferno Abyss

Posts: 13754
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Only one thing needs to be changed @Tere, I think it would be a bit too confusing to have 2 Storm's (one in each pack) so perhaps something similar just not Storm :")
Strive to Survive | Animal RP | Revamped | ClosedMarch 18, 2023 07:35 PM

~Terebinth Wolves~

Posts: 4156
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Alright, fixed. Hope its okay :)

Fangsoffire said:
Only one thing needs to be changed @Tere, I think it would be a bit too confusing to have 2 Storm's (one in each pack) so perhaps something similar just not Storm :")

Strive to Survive | Animal RP | Revamped | ClosedMarch 18, 2023 10:32 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10940
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5 Years
Lone Wolf
Desired Rank:
Unsure truthfully.
Probably Mother though.
She longs for pups and love and all that jazz.


Larkspur is a female with a petite build, being slim figured and rather short. She's a bit shorter than the average height and weight of a female, but it has never really bothered her to be small. For a dainty she-wolf, Lark spots a fur coat that is a bit longer with a soft and smooth texture. At a glance she holds the normal grey wolf coat, the darker shades of grey lightening to white on her chest, belly, and legs. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that there are different markings to her. For one she looks like she has a mix of dark and light dappling along her back, flanks, and tail. Then there appears to be some sort of mutation, like a somatic mutation, on her that stains her coat a dark blue-grey color in some places. Along with her coat, the greyscale female spots a nose that is a mix of black and grey, matching her fur almost to a T. As for her eyes, Lark has a pair of dark blue orbs that always seem to betray how she feels.


Larkspur is a complicated female, while also being incredibly straight forward. Being on her own for almost a year has left the female incredibly resourceful and independent, but also self-reliant to a fault. She's slow to trust others, not in the context that she won't be social, but in the idea that she has done everything for herself by herself, and isn't sure she can trust others to share responsibilities with. Otherwise, though, she is a socialable wolf who is quiet friendly, caring, and compassionate. There is a gentle way about the female, a soothing aura that seems innate, as she just likes to take care of others.

Being a softer soul, it's easy for others to think that Larkspur might just be a pushover. However, her go with the flow attitude doesn't mean she won't stand up for herself or others, she just prefers to be given a good reason first. Behind that soft and caring exterior is a strong interior, someone who is a rock covered in silk.

+ Speed & Agility
+ Resourcefulness
+ Indepedent
+ Intelligence


- Physical Strength
- Durability
- Slow to Trust
- Overt Self-Reliance

She's finished.

Edited at March 18, 2023 11:32 PM by Imperial Sands
Strive to Survive | Animal RP | Revamped | ClosedMarch 18, 2023 10:52 PM

Inferno Abyss

Posts: 13754
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@Tere, she is accepted! :D
Strive to Survive | Animal RP | Revamped | ClosedMarch 19, 2023 10:02 PM

Inferno Abyss

Posts: 13754
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@Imperial, she is accepted! You can start posting for her :D
Strive to Survive | Animal RP | Revamped | ClosedMarch 30, 2023 10:03 PM

🌟 Pixie Kit 🌟

Posts: 71
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Could I join? :D

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