
Sage Sage felt way to comfortable in her fox form, but she decided to turn back to her human form. She kept dwelling on that moment with her and the other fox (shapeshifter) maybe alittle to much, She sighed. She reached into her pocket and grabbed out her knife, she traced the blade with her fingers. "Sharp" she murmered softly. Sage drifted off to sleep for a few moments then awoke.She quietly walked up to lily, "is there anything to eat?" She asked hopefully.

Lily Lily looked up at the girl before smiling, "Yes, there is beans in here and we still have rabbit jerky. I also have fruits in my refrigerator." She knew that the cold water would keep her fruits cold enough. Walking to the waterfall, she slid a hand underneath the ledge, pulling out a couple oranges, apples, and pears. Putting them on the bench, she pulled out a couple bowls from the corner before stirring the beans again. "Help yourself," She said cheerfully before looking towards the others. "We have beans, fruit, and rabbit jerky if anyone else is hungry." And then we have to figure out what happened to us and what to do. She thought with a sigh.
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Edited at March 7, 2021 10:28 PM by Hurricane blizzards

(I hope not but no one else is responding. If we have enough people that still wants to do this, then we could try to revamp it.) Hurricane blizzards said: Did the rp end?
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Okay, I also hope it didn't end Fangsoffire said: (I hope not but no one else is responding. If we have enough people that still wants to do this, then we could try to revamp it.) Hurricane blizzards said: Did the rp end?

I think we can revamp this if I get enough votes to. I'm going to make a poll and post it here if we want to revamp this and get it started again. Hurricane blizzards said: Okay, I also hope it didn't end Fangsoffire said: (I hope not but no one else is responding. If we have enough people that still wants to do this, then we could try to revamp it.) Hurricane blizzards said: Did the rp end?
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Poll if you guys want this to be revamped and not die!! Edited at March 10, 2021 08:32 AM by Fangsoffire
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It won't let me go to the page the server says the page cannot be found ;-; Fangsoffire said: Poll if you guys want this to be revamped and not die!!

Tell me if that one works. Hurricane blizzards said: It won't let me go to the page the server says the page cannot be found ;-; Fangsoffire said: Poll if you guys want this to be revamped and not die!!
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I was wondering if anyone wanted to revamp this rp. I remember it being really fun but I constantly forgot to post