
Christine / female / 19 years / bad side / M: Sage, everyone Christine nodded as Sage went back to the campfire. She then walked through the woods, shaking a bit as she heard a howl in the distance. She had never been one for trekking in the woods, she always acted like a proper lady. She finally found a berry bush and inspeted the berries, to make sure they were not poisonous. They were just blueberries, and she took as many as her satchel could carry. She stopped by the stream and filled up her water flask and put some iodine in it, knowing it needed to sit for thirty minutes before they could drink it. She then continued until she found a raspberry bush, and collected the berries before heading back. She set the satchel of berries down, as well as the water flask. "Let the water sit for another 15-20 minutes, then it will be safe to drink." She told Lily before walking over to her humongous pile of skirt and plopped down on the sinde, falling asleep instantly.

Gabriella Gates Gabi answered the question about what to do, "We should all stay together to survive and so we don't get lost. But we also need to move so we should stay here for tonight and in the morning when we are all rested well enough. We will start moving then." She started to feel dizzy as she stood up but she couldn't stand so she quickly fell down. She grabbed her head as pain rushed through it. She looked up to the sky. The sun was starting to get lower every second. Gabi grabbed some of the meat and offered it some (if any) took the meat. The boy looked like he was about to pass out from starvation. Where she was from they ate everything thing there was no leftovers. She offered the meat to (if he takes it then she smiles, if not she says, "You need to eat or you will starve.") As she stands up she starts to stumble and falls into the fire. Yet she doesn't caught on fire. She just falls through the flames like she fell through the wall at the destructed building. She stood amazed of what just happened. She happened to fall on her butt after but she was to amazed to notice. "Umm.. I will just eat some meat and go to sleep. Honestly I don't think I can stand anymore," she said with a small giggle at the end.

Ace Winters Ace flinched as the girl seemed to have suddenly appeared. Heshook his head and barely managed to mumble, "You should eat first..." He tensed up as she stumbled into the fire and shifted his form into a hawk that was black with a white underside, incliding his wings, tail, belly, neck and wings, with the usual green eyes before swiftly diving down to get her. He looked at her, clearly a bit surprised before shifting back into a human. "Are you... alright...?" He asked nervously before looking down. He knew the right to do was to help her, but part of him was oddly afraid. Maybe he didn't want to mess things up, or it was possibly just his anxiety.

Sage After Sage was done talking to lily and gabi she decided she wanted to walk in the forest, it didn't matter to her that it was night, besides that's when the wolves would be out. As she started for the forest she heard wolves howling, "why do I want to howl with them so badly?" She asked aloud. As she got deeper to the forest the howls started to get louder, and Sage started to get dizzier. Sage felt like she was going to faint, and her head ached so badly, she took a few more steps then fell down. When she awoke her headache had gone away, and she felt less dizzy, she could still hear the wolves howling, so she assumed it was still night. Once she stood the urge to howl got strong which was extremely weird. Sage felt different also, she had an urge to be a wolf. After a while of standing there Sage gave in, she felt herself changing, she was a wolf. In her wolf form Sage tilted her head back and howled with the wolves. Sage could hear her howl echoing through the forest. As the howls died away Sage turned back to a human form, and started walking back to camp.

Lily Lily nodded to the girl with the berries before hearing the girl she had been talking to answer her question. "That will be good," She answered before watching her hand out the rabbit strips. She finished the last rabbit on the fire before digging into one strip. We will need food in the morning too. She thought before leaving the rest of the strips by the fire to harden into rabbit jerky. The girl fell through the fire just then and Lily looked up wondering if she was okay. Not burned she said, "Umm.. I will just eat some meat and go to sleep. Honestly I don't think I can stand anymore." Lily cocked her head before cleariing her thoughts. All of us can do something different and yet the same. We are not normal like others. "Okay, if you need help just let me know." Lily responded before hearing a howl. Looking up, she pinpointed where it came from before tending to her rabbit jerky. She bundled her hoddie closer to her feeling her pendant. Closing her eyes, she felt around in her mind feeling the urge to shift, but didn't. She could feel something else but she didn't know what it was. Sighing, she opened her eyes before flipping the rabbit jerky over as night started upon them. She looked around wondering where that metal man had gone.
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Sage As sage got back to camp, she couldn't quite control her thoughts on what had just happend. She had changed shape, she couldn't help but smile to herself, it was weird, scary, and exciting to her all at the same time. She wanted to shift again but not in front of anybody, she knew it could be a wreck. Sage walked to a tree, not bothering to greet anyone, she was far to tired to chat. She sat down and leaned her head against it, soon she drifted off to sleep. Sage awoke into a dark house, she heard someone at the door, she quickly ran to her room shutting and locking the door, footsteps came up the stairs, she hid under the bed, waiting for them to pass. But they didn't pass, a man entered her room, shouting her name angrily, when he didn't find her he threw items at the wall, then he walked out slamming the door behind him. as she slept, she accidentally set the tree she was leaning against on fire. Sage was a wolf, wandering through the woods, howling at the moon a large pack surrounded her, snarling and growling the alpha wolf lunged for the killing bite.. then Sage awoke..

Christine / female / bad side / 19 years / M: Everyone at the fire Christine dozed off, leaving herself to her own thoughts and dreams. She dreamt about that metal guy she had seen. She wondered who he was. Why was he made of metal? Was he like them, happened to be too close to the explosion? She didn't know. And that worried her. She wished she was back in her mansion, curled up in her sheets of her bed. She sighed in her sleep, just a small sound that escaped her closed lips, like air escaping a tire.

Gabriella Gates Gabi awoke to the tree on fire. "Ok guys I guess change of plan. So instead of moving in the morning we will have to leave now," Gabi said in a rush. She grabbed her jacket and put the meat in it. "Dose anyone have a place we could move to?" She asked in a hurry. She tried to make sure no one got hurt and they moved as fast as they could.

Ace Winters Ace looked at the girl. "I have a small apartment, but I'm not sure it's big enough for all of us..." He had quite a bit of money from his parent's will after they were killed, but wouldn't consider himself rich. He's never needed more than that small two bedroom apartment. Ace got up and looked around for somewhere to shift as practice, since he wasnt good with the mythical creatures yet. (Writer's block, sorry.)

Lily Lily looked over at the girl before standing up. "I know a place where we can go. . ." She said hesitantly. Blinking, she thought to herself before sighing. We need to at this point. "Yes, we can go there. It is hidden deep in the woods so we need to watch where we are walking." She looked around before pulling out her compass. "We need to go North East and then turn South at Old Mother's Oak." Not that they know what Old Mother's Oak is. She winced thinking to herself. She packed up the jerky before pulling her back pack on. Checking her compass again, she started down an overgrown trail. "This way."
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