
Yeahhh, very incorrect Kind of the opposite really, poor guy XD

Haha, yeah, Garvin is so incorrect but uh- I'm sure everything will end up fine. Also, if you're wondering why Garvin isn't reacting too much to the nicknames- There is a reason. But I haven't decided if I want to tell you it or not lol

I'm sure it will be! Eventually anyway, lol Fair enough, lmao - Oh, for future reference, how do you think Garvin would react to Nico showing up at his and Akira's room in the middle of the night, probably injured, definitely with more trauma, and definitely a complete and total mess that totally didn't just run away from home (finally-) asking for help? No reason XD

Hm... Ignoring the idea that Garvin might immediately guess who it was and then go to beat him up? Dude is going to let Nico inside, let them take his bed, and absolutely offer as much comfort as he possibly can. No questions asked. As soon as he opens the door and sees them, he is letting Nico inside.

Perfect, great This may or may not happen soon-ish :) And Akira might actually wake up after sensing another person enter the room. And definitely won't be immediately plotting murder, lmao

Akira and Garvin both plotting murder immediately is amazing And who cares about resistance to physical damage when Garvin can use his abilities in tandem to do some pretty substantial damage that isn't physical damage haha

Oh, absolutely. Akira and Garvin would be a scary team. Garvin can do damage that isn't physically and Akira can pinpoint all the weak spots of Adiar's power, lmao Throw Briar in the mix and I'd say Adiar simply ceases to exist. All while River and Nico are watching in a mixture of awe and terror Though, admittedly, both may try to stand of for Adiar at first, so that's one obstacle that they've got to get over XD

Haha, indeed And honestly, Garvin's ability might work as a way to remove that obstacle too XD Being able to lower or raise the catecholamine levels of people causes a lot of diverse possibilities haha Especially when used in tandem with his other ability

Amazing, Adiar's definitely fucked XD - Also, I'll either get a post out tonight or sometime tomorrow. It would've been tonight for sure, but I let my little sister use my computer and she closed out the tab that I was writing my post in :/

Sounds good! And wow, yeah, younger siblings can be a pain sometimes lol, no worries, I completely understand Take all the time you need