Okay, done! Surprisingly, there's not a ton of angst for my openers, just some hints at different things, so enjoy! :)
Oh, right, some information for Karma and Kostas's communication tactics!
The two of them use a color system to easily gauge each other's feelings in a moment where talking much may be hard. (Really, it's just Kos that uses it for Karma, but it's technically in place for both of them.) Each color means something different
Aka, Karma and Kostas's guide to good communication in a healthy relationship!
Green means that whatever's happening is okay. It means that stress and panic are minimal and, in Karma's case, it generally also means that touch is okay. You know, the good color.
Yellow is typically used as either a warning. It means that whoever's using it (again, usually Karma) is on the verge of a panic attack or breakdown, but isn't past saving. Usually, when yellow is used, it means that the other person may use specific tactics to help calm whoever's using the color. It may also used after coming out of a panic attack or breakdown to communicate that whoever's using the color is not yet stable, but is able to process things around them again, and, therefore, is able to be helped. Most of the time, the other person will as what's needed to help. In Karma's case, yellow typically means that touch is not okay unless they give specific indication that they want it.
Red is typically used to communicate quickly that whoever is using it is going into a breakdown or panic attack, and there's no possible way to get them out of it at this point. It's typically used to communicate that whoever's using it needs space.
Then, there are the smaller colors that are used in more specific situations.
Orange is typically used in arguments (which don't happen often, but are generally bad when they do). It's used to communicate that whoever's using it feels threatened. It's a warning that something that just happened was a trigger. When orange is used, the other person immediately backs off and gives the other space to avoid causing more trauma.
Black is typically used only by Karma. It's a warning against any form of physical touch. Typically, this is only used in more intimate moments, but, on bad days, it may be used as a general warning.
Pink is just a way to ask to talk without being suspected by others around. It's a way to communicate that something urgent needs to be discussed.
Purple is typically only used by Karma. It's a way to communicate that they feel uncomfortable in a certain space and need to get out. When purple is used, Kostas will make up an excuse to get the two of them out of wherever they are without too much fuss.
Yay, we love healthy relationships! :D