Oh, for sure XD - Sol, slightly disassociated, retreating into their mindspace to get away from the yelling: "I don't like being mad... It scares Savy." Kano, frustrated, but realizing they may have pushed too far: "Fine. Whatever. Don't be mad then, I don't care what you do, just- I'm leaving, come find me when you're... Awake again." Sol, quietly: "You're leaving me alone?" Kano, clenching their jaw: "You have Ginny and Savannah, you'll be fine." - Haha, yeahhh. Sol's episodes can be really bad. This one was both milder and also a more paranoid one, which Kano can handle a little better. When it's an angry/manic episodes though? Yeah, probably best to keep Kano and Sol separate because, uh, they both get violent towards each other. Especially when Kano's also not in a good headspace, lol I can't imagine Irfam and Sol both going into manic episodes, that would be honestly terrifying-
Manic Irfam, clutching the gun: "Why the fuck not!? Leave! Fucking leave! Get out!" Promachus, staying where he is: "Because making sure everyone is safe is my job, Irfam." Manic Irfam, absolutely pissed: "I- I'm not- I'm not going to attack Angelita again! I'm not! So you can go!" Promachus: "And what about yourself?" - Promachus is better at dealing with depressive episodes than manic ones. Mostly because the formula for depressive episodes is always the same, just keeping an eye on Irfam and making sure he's taking care of himself. Mixed episodes are a pain, mostly because Promachus never knows what all is in the specific mix. Manic episodes though are the worst. Sol and Irfam both being manic would be terrible. Someone might would die. And unfortunately, it'd probably be Sol because Unexpected Success would be very unlikely to not show up.
Sol, burying his face in Rosemary for grounding: "Okay... But you'll come back then, right?" Kano, sighing and walking out: "Always do." Sol, dissociating further: "Okay..." - Yeah, that makes sense. Mixed ones are probably the worst for Sol, mostly because that's the state he was in when the 'incident' happened, and, therefore, that's where a lot of severely repressed emotions are. Also, these episodes tend to happen when Sol is already very deep into one of the other two episodes and is specifically triggered by either one of their already present hallucinations or by something very specific someone around them says or does, so they aren't common, luckily Yeahhh, not that that'll actually stop Sol because in manic episodes Venus and Nike are very present, and all they want is violence, they don't care who gets hurt. And Ginny, though she's technically encouraging "self-preservation," is also very prone to encouraging Sol to lash out as those who hurt them, sooo Yeah, bloodbath :)
Manic Irfam, still absolutely pissed: "I can take care of myself!" Promachus: "I never said you couldn't." Manic Irfam: "But you thought it! And you implied it! So you might as well have said it!" - That's fair. Irfam's episodes aren't normally triggered, just the mood disorder (affective) part of his schizoaffectice disorder. Now lashing out or specific things are triggered, but the episodes make them much more likely to happen. Like when Irfam first said that Sol was talking to air, they were mostly just stating a casual thing that while manic they found funny, not really thinking about filtering it or not. Now, Irfam can have triggered episodes too, and those are so much worse than the ones that just happen. Haha, yeah, and then Pewter berates everyone and encourages violence towards everyone. Not to even mention how prone to violence, and listening to Pewter, a manic Irfam actually is. A manic Irfam is more likely to listen to Pewter than he is to listen to Promachus ever. Definite bloodbath, for sure.
That makes sense, haha, very fun Sol has episodes that aren't triggered by anything often as well, it's just that being around Irfam, specifically when he's in the middle of an episode already, is very likely to trigger them. Partially because of the inability to censor and partially because seeing other people in similar stages of distress/disorder is triggering in itself (yay, medical trauma!) Typically, ones that are triggered are also worse, since ones that aren't triggered have a tendency to be more paranoid or dissociated than manic, and they're easier to calm down than triggered episodes. And then there's just the normal hallucinations without a full episode. Those are fun too XD
Irfam's episodes tend to be severe, regardless of if they're triggered ones or not. He tends to have severe depressive episodes, severe manic episodes, and severe mixed episodes. None are more likely than the other, except maybe for mixed episodes. I will say, Irfam is constantly in a state of disorder in some capacity. During an episode that just gets even worse. So plenty of trauma and triggers for Sol there. When he isn't having an episode but one is triggered, they tend to either be manic or mixed episodes, and depressive ones are harder to trigger. Calming down any of his episodes is difficult to do. Mostly because a triggered episode is just hard to calm down. And then for non triggered episodes, all you can really do is calm him down from the current outburst, you can't actually stop/calm down the episode. And then Irfam's basically got hallucinations constantly, regardless of episode or anything else. Super fun haha
Very fun indeed, lmao Sol also tends to be in constant disorder of some sort, but they do hide it well. Yeah, Irfam will definitely be a great trigger constantly though, amazing XD Mhm, if we're being technical about it, no episodes are easy to fully calm down, non-triggered ones are just easier for Sol to escape through minor disassociation (which does include being almost completely unaware of what's actually going on around them-), but, if you were to talk to Kano, even major disassociation, which can, in fact, be an episode in and of itself, is perfectly fine. Why? Because it's quiet and Sol looks unbothered. Who cares if they aren't responding to anything around him or seem so far gone that he might stay in the same place, the same position, with the same expression for hours on end? They're not screaming or cowering, so obviously, everything is perfect! And then you see Sol's POV of a major disassociation episode, and, uh- It's not fine. Very not fine, lmao I'm curious about who will actually be able to calm Sol down now, really. Because, technically, Kano is only kind of successful most of the time, and Rosemary holds the lead for being helpful XD
Irfam about to be causing so many triggers for Sol! Dude won't even realize it either, haha... Amazing for sure Yeah... Dissiociative episodes are a least favorite for Promachus. Especially the majorly severe ones, because then Irfam might be in the same spot for days. And because Promachus knows what's happening on the other side and it is bad. Mostly because those also tend to be severe hallucinations of traumatic events. - I honestly kind of want to see Garvin try to calm Sol down. I feel like that might be hilarious and might be helpful and I am all here for that combination.
Yeahhh, same for Sol. Kano likes them though because they mean Sol's not bothering anyone, and they don't really care to ask how they actually effect Sol. Great partner, really XD - Ooo, that could be great fun! I like that idea, lmao Edited at November 26, 2023 02:31 PM by Lost Memories
Haha, mhmmm, amazing partner, truly - I feel like it would be hilarious- Sol accuses him of working with them and the response is basically Garvin being mock-offended that Sol thinks he'd work with any sort of authority. And unlike Irfam, Garvin's very unlikely to call Sol crazy. But unlike Kostas, he's also very unlikely to come off as authoritative or trying to get Sol to do anything. If anything, Garvin will just start talking about something completely unrelated, like what is and isn't okay to eat. Or the effects of drinking on an empty stomach. Or different types of card games, including illegal ones. And offering to teach Sol how to play said card games, again including illegal ones.