
Alright, so let's say there's around 16 smaller rooms for now then, that way we've got some extra room that we can say other rebellion members are staying in as well, and we can adjust as needed. That would mean 6 rooms on either side of the hall (and the hall leads to a more open eating area or something?). Or we could have 2 section of rooms that are basically 2 larger rooms with 2 bedrooms on every wall plus a hallway that leads to the chow hall, which is between the 2 sections of rooms and the sections can be common areas or something. Don't ask me how all of that'd fit under one building, I've got no idea, but, hey, we've got creative liberty here XD What do you think would be better? - Also, whatever character you decide to do, Adbrei or not, is awesome :) Edited at November 15, 2023 10:19 PM by Lost Memories

I'd say the hallway idea, probably. Easier to understand, and probably easier to imagine working and all lol - Great, I'll figure it out relatively soon probably- Just going to go through all my characters and pick one out lol - Who all should share a room with who? - Also, also- Which song lyric thing should I do next? Lemon Boy by Cavetown Ghost by Confetti Saint Bernard by Lincoln Lies by Will Jay People I Don't Like by UPSAHL

Great, works for me! - Cool, cool, no rush! :D - Um, let's see, Karma and Kostas for sure, Sol and Kano, Gorōta and Hanu, Ingall could room with someone, but, like, that'll probably majorly add to his stress levels. Unless his roommate is clean and stays completely out of Gall's stuff anyway, haha. Akira could room with literally anyone, dude does not care. As long as said person doesn't wake them up early... Or at all, lmao - Let's do, ummm, Saint Bernard by Lincoln Edited at November 15, 2023 10:33 PM by Lost Memories

Hmmm... I've slightly been working on a new character that I could perhaps use? Orrr I could revamp a character that might would work for this... Many choices. - Mergen and Garvin could room together- Except that Mergen wouldn't actually want to be in the room closest to the food. And Garvin definitely took that room. So Akira and Garvin might be a good choice, in all honestly. I also wouldn't suggest Mergen and Ingall, just because Mergen's ability to stay out of Ingall's stuff/way and clean would be solely dependent on like, their mood and that is not consistent at all - Alright, Saint Bernard it is! Just so you know, both Saint Bernard and Lies are both a bit more similar in nature to Nico's Piano Man lol

Whatever you decide will be great :) - Ooo, Akira and Garvin would be fun, I think, and being closest to the food is definitely in character for Kira too, lmao I see, well, we can wait until you choose your next character and see how well that pairing would work? Honestly, it'd be alright if Gall had a messy roommate, it'd just heighten the angst levels, haha - Ooo, fun!

Alright, hmmm There's Keijo who's a polite guy and would probably not be too terrible of a roommate for Ingall who I'd revamp Or there's the new character I'm working on that I could use that also wouldn't be too bad of a roommate for Ingall lol

I'm good with whatever, lmao All your characters are amazing

I made more quotes, this time Karma and Kostas (featuring Irfam) and Kano and Sol Oh, and a random headcanon I just thought up, lmao - Karma: I have lots of friends! Kostas: Name one. Karma: Well, there’s- Kostas: Name one you haven’t gotten incredibly angry at. Karma: Hey, that’s not fair, then there isn’t any! - Karma: When I first got my autism diagnosis, my first thought was “woah… it’s canon” and I think that maybe thoughts like that is why Kostas made me get tested. - Karma, trying to flirt with Kostas: I think both of our families suck. - Karma: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds? Kostas: Yes? Karma: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days. Kostas: Fuck. Karma: It's gonna be a fun week! Kostas: I'm leaving. Karma: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker! - Irfam: I’ve invited you here because I crave the deadliest game... Karma, nodding: Knife Monopoly. Irfam: I was actually going to play Russian roulette, but now I'm really interested in whatever knife Monopoly is. - Kano: Sol... you've been cuddling with me for over an hour now. Sol: *muffled* mm hmmm :) Kano: Fuck. I should be annoyed but you're adorable. - Kano: I wanna die. Sol: We all do, you aren't special! - Kano: How has life been treating you lately? Sol: Horribly. - Kano: BE A BETTER PERSON! Sol: WHY?! Kano: BECAUSE SOMEONE NEEDS TO HAVE MORALS IN THIS RELATIONSHIP, AND IT SURE AS FUCK AIN'T GONNA BE ME, SWEETHEART! - Kano: Just wondering, did you get any sleep? Sol: Did I get any... leap? Kano: What…? - Sol: Valentine’s Day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart-shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos- Kano: I wrote you a poem. Sol, already crying: You did? --- And the headcanon! Garvin, Briar, and Akira are particularly protective of Nico, especially when they're around Revan and when they realize what's happening with Adiar (don't ask me why, I just feel like these three would become the "Nico protection squad" for some reason, lmao), and Nico's completely oblivious to all of it. However, he does have a tendency to ask Garvin and Akira if she can ride on their shoulders (shush, he's small and wants to be tall for once-), and, thus, is often seen riding around on their shoulders happily (they are a gremlin child-)

I'm bad at choosing, I will figure it out soon though lol - Those incorrect quotes are amazing and I love them. - Honestly- Yes. Knowing the three's track records, they definitely become Nico protection squad. And Garvin would totally let Nico ride on his shoulders, it'd be hilarious.

Alrighty, no rush! :) - Glad you like them, and wonderful, Nico shall be constantly above everyone else despite likely being the shortest person in the group then (well, Rev may be shorter or the same height, I don't remember, but heels, so-), lmao I can already see Nico just happily trying to give Revan gifts and start up conversations with him while Garvin, Akira, and Briar are just looming over his shoulder and glaring threateningly at Rev XD