Here’s the singles for Irfam and his NPCs. I’m also giving you Irfam and a younger Irfam just because, why not.
All single neka credits go to lof@Tokiori on
Irfam Oryam Ellery, 28. This is present Irfam. Present Irfam is not doing well, at all.
Irfam Oryam Ellery, 19. This is an Irfam from a year or so before The Collapse, which is still canon in this timeline since it’s such a big event for him.
Alvis Rostevan, 31. Dead at 23. Alvis used to be Irfam’s lab partner, which was as soon as Irfam turned 16, and when he was 19. Though, the two had known each other slightly longer than that too anyways. Alvis was also Irfam’s fiance at one point. Unfortunately, he died in The Collapse before they ever actually got married.
Promachus Gabriel Valiant, 27. Being the only person other than Raph that Irfam talks to consistently, these two are still incredibly close, if not even closer. At the same time, the friendship is also a lot more strained this time around.
Raphael Omri Hariph, 32. Irfam and Raph interact a lot, and all of it is strained due to the fact that Irfam does not listen to him. Unfortunately, Raph is the only doctor that’s qualified (and capable in every sense) to deal with Irfam.
Koah Ellery, 51. Father. So, Irfam’s parents aren’t terrible. Yay. But his father is traditional, religious, and emotionally unavailable. So while not normally physically or even verbally abusive, emotional abuse was still very much present.
Taliba Ellery, 50. Mother. Again, Irfam’s parents aren’t terrible. His mother isn’t as traditional or religious as his father. But emotional unavailability? She’s much less emotionally available than his already emotionally unavailable father. Not that he quite blames her, she’s proper and she’s self-disciplined, motivated with her Bipolar type 2 and OCD.
So, Irfam knows nothing of the nameless ones except their faces and what they did. But I do know stuff. Obviously. So… Here we go! What these people did was engage in non-consensual sexual activity with Irfam.
Nameless 1. His name is actually Rojan Malherbe. He is 67 right now. The first, and only, time Irfam ever saw him was when this man was 46.
Nameless 2. His name is actually Mutimir Tomica. He is 55 right now. The first, and only, time Irfam ever saw him was when this man was 39.
Nameless 3. His name is actually Gayle Harlow. He is 39 right now. The first, and only, time Irfam ever saw him was when this man was 25.
Hopefully the angst is good…haha. The duos will be out eventually lol