
Hmmm, okay. I'll probably have Horatio try to go get some help then, mainly from Mira and Juno since he won't feel comfortable enough asking people he doesn't know well yet... Juno will probably take action (and freak out Tio, Mira, and Briar by doing so-) Meanwhile, Briar's just gonna sit and worry and be guilty, lol Orrrr, we could do a small time skip if you have a way to get Aries to Jakob, if that's what you're wanting to do. We can always just do the jewelry checks the next day, and I didn't have anything particular planned other than that, sooo What would you prefer?

Well, Jakob wouldn't be calling until in the evening, and Aries might not even answer like this right now. Dude won't be doing anything without permission from Horatio. So, Juno's probably the better choice haha

Alright! More protective Briar and absolutely shocked Horatio coming up! Lmao


Okayyy, done with Briar's part of the post. Just gotta do Horatio and Juno now, and, uh- Well, Juno's going full boss bitch mode, but, like, bad boss bitch, lmao I mean, she's basically just a much more confident, grounded, and straight-forward version of Horatio, so, just think of angry/over-protective Horatio energy but emotionless :) Much fun

Ooo, very fun indeed This will be great, I am certain - I kind of want to do a RP just full of our favorite OCs. Like, I have no idea what the plot would be or anything but I kind of want to do that XD

I hope so, lmao - I was actually thinking the same thing! XD

Don't know what the plot would be, but maybe we could do top 7 or 8 characters so choosing is easier XD

Yeah- I'd say 7, I don't want to overload anything lol (plus we can always have recurring NPCs haha)

True, alright! 7 it is! Now we just need a plot, lmao