
Well, hopefully I don't disappoint haha- Definitely will be interesting lol

You could never, you're writing is always incredible :D

Ah, thank you- Hopefully it stays that way haha I'm in the mood to write another arena centric short story Any ideas or prompts?

Hmm, I'll love anything you decide on, so anything is great!

But I have no ideas right now, just the fact that I want to write something concerning the arena! XD

Hmmmmm, okayyyy Ummmm, maybe something with Chile and Aries? Like before Chile died and all? I don't know XD

Oooo Okay I could do the first time Aries saw Chile fight since we've already seen when Chile first saw Aries fight Or I could do when they actually met/talked. Or I could do something else, like a time where Aries made sure Chile wasn't corrected Or a time where Chile saw Aries standing up for someone else Or there's literally so many options

Hmm, let's do one of the first two! Somewhere at the beginning of their friendship or seeing each other :D

Alright! I'll figure out which to do out of those two soon then

I think I'll be doing when Aries first saw Chile :p Edited at September 24, 2023 05:02 PM by Overthink101