I love all the information!
Here's some for Akira's family, plus one of Ingall and Maya that explains why Ingall was counting on his fingers for May in his "What If My Best Friend Died" short story :)
May typically avoids speaking at all, but, when she absolutely has to, she has a limit before she gets pushed over the edge and panics. Her daily limit ranges from 150-250 words, depending on the day and the situation. If she feels comfortable, the count might go up, and if she's overly stressed or worried, it might go down. Ingall is fully aware of her limits and is typically able to judge about how much Maya is able to talk without a collapse. That said, he always keeps careful track of how much May speaks each day (if at all) and steps in to get her out of a situation where she might have to speak if necessary.
Akira always avoided conflict if possible, only ever fighting when someone else initiated it. That is, until after Amie was killed, that was the turning point. Aki still isn't very violent for the most part, but certain things are very triggering for them and, once they're in a position where they have to fight, it's full tunnel vision, no mercy, and complete apathy in regard to the result of the conflict. All of this for self-protection.
Amie managed to convince the people who adopted Leo to take in Everett as well, the two stuck together after that, and are still in contact with their adoptive parents who were, very luckily, a great family.
While Akira stayed in the home until they aged out of the system (a couple of months after reaching 18), Kumi managed to run away a few weeks after Amie's death. She lived on the streets for a little before finding her way to Leo and Everett through the grapevine.
Each of the families keeps a little personal reminder of Amie with them, honoring her in a way that makes the most sense to them. Akira dyes their hair purple to match hers, Kumi keeps both a necklace that Amie crafted for her as well as the lock of hair that she took from the scene where Amie died, Leo maintains a love for creating things, something that Amie taught him, and Everett holds onto a book that Amie gifted to them when he and Leo left, it was her favorite.
Everett often brings home little gifts for Leo, which his boyfriend keeps in a small corner and protects with his life... I very much recommend not touching said stash, you will lose a finger.
Those who were a part of the system often keep in contact with fellow graduates, even if they had no prior contact. If one kid was in the system at any point you can basically guarantee that another graduate knows where they are. There are particular spots scattered around where kids formally in the system can get support from those who have been graduated longer. They really take "we're all in this together" to heart, often dropping all former feuds once they're out of the home.
The family hasn't been fully united since Amie's death, partially due to Akira cutting off all communications after leaving the home unlike most of the kids who graduated from the system. Instead, they found a home with Ava and Howard, who you'll meet eventually :)
Kumi regrets blaming Akira for Amie's death, even though she can't fully let that idea go.
Everett never gave up searching for Akira, even when Leo gave up and let it go, believing them to have died in the system when they never got word from the grapevine and Kumi refused to even mention their name. Evee still thinks Akira is out there and is trying to reconnect with them. "They're still family to me, I won't just give up on them."
Though both Everett and Leo have Koda's, Evee is the only one working. They actually built up and now own a successful small bakery business. Leo has yet to find a job, likely because of his scatterbrained nature and inability to actually finish one task before moving to the next.
I might add more later, but enjoy these for now!