|~| Flood |~|
Name: Alon Nami.
Nickname(s): Flood, Captain Flood, Dew, Stray, Unity, and Nigh.
Age: 41. (He was 34 the last time Chips saw him)
Gender: Male.
Koda?: Yes, he got a low level one when he was 17 and got one that was an average level two years before meeting Chips.
He can stop the effects of someone’s power, either before or while they’re using it. He can stop multiple people’s powers at once or stop one person’s power from affecting multiple people, but the more people involved the less time before this ends up breaking and if the person(or people) is still trying to use their power(s) by then, then the effects of their power(s) are felt much stronger than before.
(Credits to @lof@[email protected])
6’ 7” | 180lbs (20.28 BMI) | Fair Skin | Deep Blue Eyes | Square-Faced | Plenty of Freckles | Mesomorph | Thick Eyebrows | Messy Shoulder Length Hair | Thick Facial Hair | Right Eyebrow Scar | Prosthetic Hands | Brown Hair | Straight Nose | Gold Lobe + Helix Piercings
Patient | Silver Tongue | Protective | Level-Headed | Sarcastic | Cut-Throat | Calm | Tough Love | Observant | Driven | Opportunistic | Strong-Willed | Intelligent | Distant | Loyal | Charismatic | Determined | Morally Questionable | Negotiator | Guarded | Persuasive | Independent | Trust Issues | Ambitious | Self-Preserving | Focused | Confident | Cautious | Unapologetic | Unhealthy Habits | Responsible | Realistic | Paranoid | Stoic | Perceptive | Reserved | Dry + Dark Humor | Analytical | Reliable | Hard-Worker | Courageous | Cold | Critical | Steadfast | Adaptable | Collected | Nihilistic | Accountable | Firm | Resourceful | Serious | Secretive | Skeptical | Insightful | Gentle
|~| Jinx |~|
Name: Jonah Alkimos.
Nickname(s): Jinx, First Mate Jinx, Scale, Hex, Reverie, and Wish.
Age: 38. (She was 31 the last time Chips saw her)
Gender: Female.
Koda?: Yep, she got hers a year before Chips left.
She can manipulate the luck of people around her and herself by basically transferring it. She can give away all of her luck and turn into it bad luck on the way so that whoever/whatever she gave it to has bad luck, or she can take away all the luck around her and turn it into good luck, thereby giving herself a heap of good luck. The opposites are also true, and she can give people good luck and she can take away luck and give herself bad luck. She simply has to focus on what she wants to give/take. Using it too much can either just make her slightly dizzy or make her pass out for a few hours, it all depends on how much/how long she was using it for.
(Credits to @[email protected])
6’ 1” | 150lbs (19.79 BMI) | Tanned Espresso Skin | Olive Green Eyes, Feline-Like Pupils | Oblong-Faced | Thick Eyebrows | Plenty of Freckles | Ecto-Mesomorph | Curly (2C-3B) Lumbar Length Hair | Right Eye Scar, Left Cheekbone Scar, Right Lip Scar | Blind Right Eye | Plum Purple Hair | Rounded Nose | Gold Lobe + Helix Piercings
(Credits to @lof@[email protected]) - Straightened Hair Version
Impatient | Silver Tongue | Thrill Seeker | Curious | Adventurous | Perceptive | Overly Confident | Reckless | Open-Minded | Pyromaniac | Loyal | Opinionated | Street Smart | Daring | Impulsive | Ambitious | Intuitive | Sassy | Selfish | Snarky | Kleptomaniac | Witty | Trustworthy | Opportunistic | Social | Escapism | Morally Questionable | Observant | Unhealthy Habits | Courageous | Chaotic | Honest | More Than Slightly Unhinged | No Filter | Sarcastic | Cunning | Hard-Worker | Dependable | Vindictive | Resilient | Sly | Carefree | Adaptable | Extrovert | Independent | Over-Protective | Fearless | Teaser | Bold
|~| Navis |~|
Name: Ler Norbert.
Nickname(s): Navis, Navy, Cetus, Nav, Polar Nav, and Northern Pick.
Age: 39. (He was 32 the last time Chips saw him)
Gender: Male.
Koda?: Yeah, he got his about a week before meeting Chips actually.
So his power does multiple things all for the sake of one overall function, finding people and things. His memory is topnotch, anything from muscle memory to page ten of a random book he read five years ago to how something tastes to the weather ten years ago to someone’s heartbeat to how someone’s lungs fill up with air to someone’s voice. His hearing is also astounding, with his large ears able to hear even the heartbeats of those within five yards and with a variation of echolocation that allows him to find land while out at sea or follow someone’s path (obstacles included) with just his ears. He also has a great sense of direction, able to tell north from south and east from west off the top of his head with ease. Not to mention how his eyes can adjust in order to find/read important information easier.
That covers all the practical/‘less cool’ footnotes of his power, now for the parts that most can’t get over. If he has an attachment, or has ever had an attachment, to someone or something, then it’s even easier to find them/it. Strings only he can see through his left eye are attached to his fingers and if he pulls one off and holds it, it will lead him directly to whatever/whoever is on the other side. Each string is connected to the essence of the person/thing on the other side, and is colored accordingly to best show who/what it is. Along with this, the stars can also play a huge part, and under the night sky, he can close his right eye to see through the stars and all they shine on to find whatever/whoever he is looking for.
Now for the drawbacks. Tunnel vision, more or less. Tunnel everything, just about. When searching for something or someone, he will not be able to stop until whatever/whoever it is, is found. Whether it takes seconds or months, he will completely forget about taking care of himself in favor of finding who/what he’s looking for. And if he loses someone or something that he has an attachment to, it will feel as if he is missing a part of himself until he gets whoever or whatever it is back. The feeling can be ignored, but the longer it is ignored, the harsher the tunnel vision is whenever he finally does look for whoever/whatever it is. Basically, his power can cause the attachments he has to seem like a sort of hoard, treasure that is his and his alone and he needs to have whatever/whoever is part of that hoard, causing him to become obsessive, overprotective, and possessive over the lost aspects of the ‘hoard’. Whenever he finds whoever or whatever was lost, it can take hours to get him to calm down enough to let the recovered person/thing be alone.
(Credits to @lof@[email protected])
6’ 3” | 160lbs (20.00 BMI) | Band Skin | Purple-Orange Right Eye, Silver Left Eye | Black Corners | Diamond-Faced | Light Dust of Freckles | Ecto-Mesomorph | Tied Up, Shoulder Length Hair | Right Cheek Burn Scar, Left Eye/Forehead Burn Scar | Black Hair | Pointed Nose | Long, Sharp Ears | Lobe Piercings
Humorous | Sly | Patient | Obsessive | Level-Headed | Witty | Rather Friendly | Snarky | Possessive | Sarcastic | Skeptical | Reliable | Observant | Controlling | Sassy | Plays 12-String Banjo | Laidback | Opportunistic | Neurotic | Perceptive | Cunning | Cautious | Musically Gifted | Nihilistic | Hard-Worker | Vigilant | Over-Protective | Morally Questionable | Supportive | Empathetic | Approachable | Kleptomaniac | Gentle | Silver Tongue | Alert | Trustworthy | Guarded | Open-Minded | (Can Be) Manipulative | Confident | Dark Humor | Deceptive | Charismatic | Realistic | Tactful
|~| Phlox Aqua |~|
Name: Makishi Porfirio.
Nickname(s): Phlox Aqua, Loch, Fins, Phlox, Gills, and Aqua.
Age: 26. (They were 19 the last time Chips saw them)
Gender: Non-Binary.
Koda?: Nope, but they have their fellow pirates and that’s good enough for them!
Loch Ness Monster.
They can breathe underwater, see underwater and in the dark, and they are just overall great at swimming. More than that, however, is the ‘Monster’ part of their power. On land, they can bring the ocean to them by turning their body into something more akin to water or oil or even ink, something that is fluid and capable of doing much that a human body cannot. This form changes their appearance quite a bit as well, turning them into more of a mass of black with bright phlox colored eyes and seemingly glowing an aqua color underneath the black. They can only hold this form for two hours max, and without fail they always end up sick afterwards.
(Credits to @lof@[email protected])
5’ 10” | 140lbs (20.09 BMI) | Blue Skin | Gills | Fin Ears | Phlox Eyes | Aqua Scleras, Black Corners | Oval-Faced | Ecto-Mesomorph | Thin Eyebrows | Styled Bottom of Ear Length Hair | Left Eyebrow Scar, Right Cheek Scar, Left Eye Scar | Aqua Hair | Pointed/Straight Nose | Sharp Teeth
Thrill Seeker | Kind | Impatient | Ambitious | Hot-Headed | Confident | Reckless | Sassy | Selfish | Friendly | Sly | Jokester | Vindictive | Easily Distracted | Smug | Childish | Unhealthy Habits | Snarky | Prankster | Opportunistic | Proud | Witty | Loyal | Manipulative | Passionate | Adventurous | Greedy | Courageous | Morally Questionable | False Innocence | Egocentric | Humorous | No Filter | Teasing | Carefree | Impulsive | Kleptomaniac | Absentminded | Show-Off | Adaptable | Dependable | Opinionated | Liar | Oblivious of Surroundings | People Smart | Playful
|~| Spade |~|
Name: David King.
Nickname(s): Spade, Fold, Snake, Ace, Rite, and Stake.
Age: 37. (He was 30 the last time Chips saw him.)
Gender: Male.
Koda?: Yeah, he got one of his own a month or so before Chips had to leave.
House of Spades.
He has his own special deck of cards that his power is specifically tied to and if he loses the deck, his power is heavily limited. Anyhow, onto the power! This deck contains 101 cards, though only 100 of them are ‘usable’. The last one, if the deck is lost, stays with him and will not allow itself to fall into anyone else’s possession. The 100 other cards are blank, save for a large spade on either side in the center. These cards can be used for just about anything, from a regular card game where he takes out 52 cards and they turn from blank to four full houses of spades. All the way to taking out all 100 cards and being able to use them for oracle reading with the theme being spades. Tarot cards, playing cards, oracle cards, lenormand cards, OH cards- You name it and he can use his deck for it. Only whatever his cards say when used for divination purposes will ring true, making them a somewhat prophetic power. All he needs for it is focus and the deck, and he can control the deck for just about anything. He can also rig the games in his favor with this focus, able to change the cards into what he wants them to be at will, up until someone else sees them.
Now, the last card is the one that truly matters, though his power is heavily limited if it is the last one he has. He will only be able to use one card at once in order to will things into being, such as- Let’s say- If he were to make it into an OH card that says ‘Fail’ facing an attacker then the attacker will fail but he cannot at the same time make it into a Tarot card of ‘Strength Upright’ facing him to give himself strength against the attacker. He can only make it into one card at a time. No matter what, the theme is spades.
The drawbacks? The cards feed off of his energy, his very being, as he uses them. They cannot kill him, but they can make it to where their continued usage is the only thing keeping him alive. They can make him dependent on using them and stopping use after it gets to that point will have similar effects as withdrawal.
(Credits to @lof@[email protected])
6’ 5” | 175lbs (20.75 BMI) | Fair Skin | Amber-Purple Eyes | Square-Faced | Plenty of Freckles | Mesomorph | Shoulder Blade Length Hair | Facial Hair | Left Eyebrow Scar | Fiery Ginger Hair | Slightly Crooked Nose | Multiple Lobe Piercings
Apathetic | Calm | Friendly | Greedy | Perceptive | Manipulative | Charismatic | Dependable | Laidback | Chill | Confident | Dark Humor | Snarky | Dismissive | Independent | Unhealthy Habits | Cautious | Distant | Cunning | Supportive | Sly | Flirtatious | Reliable | Deceptive | Sarcastic | Great Storyteller | Selfish | Morally Questionable | Resilient | Sassy | Opportunistic | Observant | Nihilistic | Intuitive | Ambitious | Open-Minded | Determined | Resourceful | Silver Tongue | Witty | Rather Forgiving | Loyal
|~| All |~|
Spade and Navis are married. Not legally, of course, don’t succumb to the heavily-affected-by-religion hoax they say.
Navis and Jinx are ambidextrous, Spade and Phlox Aqua are right-handed, and Flood is left-handed.
Flood is the main reason any of the other four are alive today.
The five make up a very dysfunctional family.
Navis sees anything shiny and says MINE.
Phlox Aqua will steal things to give to the other four, just whatever they think someone will like.
Phlox Aqua is the easiest person to steal from of the group, and the other four will often steal things from them.
There’s an agreed upon rule in the group that the one thing off limits to steal is Spade’s deck of cards.
Everyone’s also agreed upon not stealing from Jinx, for fear of losing their fingers, which she has threatened. And actually did to someone outside of their group when they tried to steal from her.
Navis is the hardest of them to steal from, given the nature of his power.
Phlox Aqua gets away with absolutely everything they do because they’re a pro at playing innocent.
Spade has the deepest/lowest voice, followed by Flood, and then Navis, then Jinx, and lastly Phlox Aqua.
Jinx has a patch of an imbalanced scale on the back of her jacket, Flood has a patch of a wave on the back of his coat, Spade has a patch of a card with a spade in the center on the back of his, Navis has a patch of the Cetus constellation on his, and Phlox Aqua has just a patch of the color aqua on the back of theirs.
All of them have trauma, problems, and probably need therapy. Ha, as if they’d ever go.
Unity by The Walkers & Alan Walker. (All of them)
DARKSIDE by Neoni. (Phlox Aqua)
GRRRLS by AViVA. (Spade)
Get Jinxed by Djerv. (Jinx)
DROWN by AViVA. (All of them, Mostly Flood)
Fallohides by We The Heathens. (All of them, Mostly Navis)
Fucked Drunk Life by We The Heathens. (All of them)
Neurotic Decay by We The Heathens. (All of them)
Dance in the Dark by Au/Ra. (Jinx)
CEMETERY by AViVA. (Navis)
Play with Fire by Sam Tinnesz & Yacht Money. (Jinx)
Ruler of Everything by Tally Hall. (Flood)
cut my fingers off by Ethan Bortnick. (Spade)
Scared by SABAI & Claire Ridgely. (Jinx)
Playground by Bea Miller. (Spade)
Captain’s Call by Derivakat & CG5. (All of them)
Hometown by Twenty One Pilots. (Phlox Aqua)
sad faces & dark places by Babel. (Spade)
Still Counting by Volbeat. (Flood)
Lane Boy by Twenty One Pilots. (Phlox Aqua)
Black Rose by Volbeat. (Navis)