Promachus: You guys worried about Irfam?
Amos: Totally!
Kostas: Yeah, they called me in the middle of the night and just yelled, "what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?"
Promachus: And what'd you say?
Kostas: "I dunno, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno."
Promachus: They're lucky to have you as a friend.
Promachus: Where's Irfam?
Amos: Don't worry, I'll find them.
Amos, shouting: Kostas sucks!
Irfam, distantly: Kostas is the best person ever! Fuck you!
Amos: Found them.
Amos: You're smiling. What happened?
Promachus: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it?
Kostas: Irfam tripped and fell down the stairs today.
Kostas: Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, and wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Amos: That's deep.
Irfam: That means that ketchup is a smoothie.
Amos: That's deeper.
Promachus: ...You guys are idiots
Irfam: Where the devil is Promachus?
Kostas: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe they melted?
Amos: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Kostas, teaching Promachus to drive: Okay, you're driving and Amos and Irfam walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Promachus: Oh, definitely Irfam. I could never hurt Amos.
Kostas, massaging their temples: The brakes. You hit the brakes.
Kostas: Count me in!
Amos: Who the hell are you?!
Kostas: Oh, you know my sibling! They worked at Wendy's.
Amos: Oh yeah, Irfam! How are they doing?
Kostas: Oh yeah, not too good. They've been dead for the past month.
Promachus: What the hell, they didn't tell us!
Amos: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
Promachus: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
Kostas: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance.
Irfam: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
Sol & Irfam in the back of Promachus's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
Kostas: We have food at home.
Promachus: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough*
Sol & Irfam: YAYYYYYY!
Promachus: *orders one black coffee and leaves*
Explosions: Just a minute. I need to go take out the trash.
Irfam: Oh. We're going out?
Explosions: Wh…
Explosions: This date is boring!
Irfam: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Explosions: Then why did you invite me?
Irfam: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Irfam I'll do whatever I want!
Irfam walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Explosions, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Explosions, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Explosions: Stay foxy.
Irfam: Die lonely.
AI Child: You use humor to deflect your trauma.
Irfam: Awww, thanks-
AI Child: That’s not a good thing.
Irfam: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
AI Child: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one.
Irfam: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
AI Child, putting their hands over Irfam's eyes: Guess who!
Irfam: It's either AI Child or the cold, clammy hands of death.
AI Child, putting their hands away: It's AI Child!
Irfam: Dammit.
Irfam: I thought I told you to stop reading my emails.
AI Child: Well, I thought I told you to stop keeping secrets!
Computer: Please enter a password.
Irfam: *types in AI Child*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Irfam: How fucking DARE YOU-
Explosions: How the hell are you still alive?
Irfam: Honestly, I’m just as confused as you are.
Irfam: Hey AI Child, listen, corporate makes us do this every year, but this is just a little manager evaluation form. You just fill it out, let them know how I'm doing, you know?
AI Child: Alright! Uh, "Is your manager manipulative?"
Irfam: I'd say "No" to that if I were you.
AI Child: You made enough pasta that you could take it to lunch tomorrow. Put it in a container.
Irfam: Shovel the pasta into your face. Do it. Put it in your face. The future is meaningless but the pasta is now.
Irfam: When I was your age-
AI Child, mocking Irfam: When I was your height.
Irfam: Listen here you little shit-
Irfam: *shatters a window and climbs through it*
Irfam: *turns around and helps AI Child through it* Breaking and entering is wrong AI Child.
AI Child: Okay.