
It would, haha- Gorōta accidentally telling everyone that Revan hates himself and feels guilty over pushing them all away- Man, Nico would end up pushing harder.

Nico would be even more in Rev's business, lmao "Come hang out!" "Hey, wanna join me in training?" "Let's play a game together or something!"

Revan would just keep pushing back- "Go away." "I'm busy. Unlike you, I have a job in the real world." "I don't play 'games'. I have better things to do with my time."

Honestly, at some point, Nico's just going to stop trying to convince Revan to come do something and just sit and silently watch him work instead, like- "Well, obviously, me trying to get him to engage in some sort of other activity isn't going to work, so I'll just let him do what he wants and stay with him so he's not alone. Oh, and get him water occasionally so he can actually drink something that isn't coffee."

Okay, I'm almost done with Amory, then just one more :') Making new characters is hard, lol

Revan, who's main goal was to get Nico to leave- "What are you doing? Don't you have training or whatever it is you do to waste time?" - Haha... I've still got all of them to do. Basically. New characters are very hard

Nico, completely unphased at this point: "No, I never had to, I chose to. And since you obviously aren't going to come with me as I asked repeatedly, I figured I'd play your way and let you work while also giving you company. Don't worry, I'll be quiet!" - Yeahh, good luck with that, lol I'm thinking my next character is going to be a Nonbinary/Genderfluid person who's Androsexual/Minsexual and Demiromantic, by the way :)

Revan, glaring at him, and deciding to just up the game to 11; "I don't think it'd matter how quiet you are, your mere presence is distracting and annoying enough." - Honestly though? Can't wait for when they meet his mom. Like- Mother; "You mentioned a criminal record? What exactly did you do? If you don't feel comfortable telling me yourself then I can find it online, so it's up to you to tell me in person or not. Either way, if they're just small felonies, I'm sure I can get those cleared for you if you decide to work here. I am currently looking for a... Next in line, if you will. Successor, for after I retire. You seem to be plenty intelligent for the position." Nico; "What about Rev though? He's your son, wouldn't you give it to him?" Mother; "Hm... Any good woman of business knows he'd crack. He always does. As his employer, I have a job to make sure that doesn't happen for any of my employees." - Nice, nice- So we've got four NBs and three Males so far. I'll probably have three Males total and two NBs then lol

Nico: "Thanks, that's a common enough statement directed toward me, so I'll take it. I already established that I wasn't going to leave you alone, did I not? So, I can either sit in the corner quietly or I can beg you to join me in activities, that's your choice." - Oh god, Nico would be so tempted to just punch her before deciding to play into manipulation, lmao Nico, fully intending to take the job and then hand it over to Revan... Or just let the company fall apart if Rev doesn't want it: "I see... Alright then, theft is basically my whole criminal record, though technically I did get arrested for attempted murder at one point, it was disproven though, so-" - Cool!

Revan, taking a breath and sighing; "Fine. But if you're going to be here, then you're going to help. One of the lights in the back are flickering. Can you go to... Home Depot, I suppose, and buy a few of the LED 300 watt E39 Bulbs." Him, taking out a card and handing it to Nico. "Use this card to pay for it. Thank you." - Mother; "Theft and disproven attempted murder? Hm... Go ahead and consider your record clean, it'll be done by within two business days if you decide to take my offer. Of course, you'd work at the company for a month or two before getting my position so that you wouldn't be thrown into the deep end immediately." Revan, sitting in the background, still on his computer working; "I didn't realize you were in the business of allowing convicted criminals work at the company and erasing their records." Mother, rolling her eyes but watching her words in front of Nico for the moment; "I don't recall asking for your opinion. Don't you have better things to do than question my business decisions? I've been in the business much longer than you." - I've finished Irfam- Finally. I'm almost done with Promachus too lol