Revan, not even looking up; "Are you looking to apply? Because otherwise I don't believe you need to know." - Also- If you want to just do lists for appearance or personality, go ahead, haha I'll probably end up doing that for most of them because my brain doesn't enjoy making all new characters and immediately giving them paragraphs XD
Nico, humming: "Well, not really. I don't think I'd be very welcome, considering my crime background... I'm sure your work is really cool though! I mean, you seem really smart, so your work is probably really valuable." - Alright, I might do that, for my new characters at least, my brain is currently dead, so that might be helpful XD
Revan, pausing briefly; "Well, of course I'm smart. I'm in one of the higher positions in a large company." More under his breath than directly to Nico, "I'm sure your criminal background wouldn't matter that much though, quite frankly." - Same, haha.
Nico: "I don't doubt that for a second! You seem pretty cool too, you know, even if you are a bit cold. I had a... a friend that you remind me of actually, he was cool."
Revan, scoffing and realizing that he probably needs to up his game a bit; "Do you need anything or are you just looking for attention?" - Revan at any sign of attachment- Immediate walls going up XD Edited at December 6, 2022 09:48 PM by Overthink101
Nico, wincing slightly before smiling again: "Well, I was looking to have a conversation with you since we're going to be working together and all, and you seem cool, so-" - Not Revan reminding Nico of a slightly less hostile Dakota, lmao
Revan, refusing to look up; "People can work without 'conversing' just fine, I do it without problem. The only time conversation is necessary is if it's about work." - Revan pushing any and all guilt because 'Think about the long term, Revan. They'll die, just like everyone else. This is better.'
Nico: "Okay, well, I think getting to know your teammates is good, though, you can work together better that way."
Revan, scoffing and continuing to up his game; "Competent people can work in a group without getting to know one another."
Nico: "Maybe, but the better you know people, the easier it is. Communication is key to doing well in a group like ours."