Wolf Play : WP Wallflowers Alliance Chat
10:19:12 Chat's snack

Oh dear. Did you end up with an answer eventually, or does the question remain? Also, my PMs are always open ^^
10:18:27 Chat's snack

Thank you ^^
 Lazy Kingdom
10:18:05 Lazy, Crazy Cat Lady
Oh that's me 90% of the time :,). People barely want to help now a days unfortunately.

I asked about Cp the other day and literally no one answered ;.;.
10:17:37 KT
Daaamn, good luck on your exploring Nux lol
10:17:11 Kat ?
I think I'm going to put all snake decor on her
-WP Click-
10:16:58 Chat's snack
Moves Left: 480

I shall be gone for a bit, you lot.
10:15:05 Chat's snack

Fairly decent. about to book it to explore.


I hate when that happens. Chat kinda boots through comments sometimes, lol.
10:14:47 Leo, Lion (He/him)
Come and join! Active PvP and AvA alliance! If you don't have the dom enough to join shoot me a PM and i can help you and if it's close you'll get in no matter what! :)

Aiming for high power rank!

-WP Click-
10:14:25 Batman.
I want a lambs head.
 Lazy Kingdom
10:13:19 Lazy, Crazy Cat Lady
Yep ^^ anything counts

Well you were the only one to contribute xD
 Hunting Leopard
10:13:07 It's I Nesta
How are you?
10:12:58 Aria<3
just wondering, has anyone watched Kung Fu Panda 4?
10:12:40 Chat's snack
Heya Blaze ^^
10:12:35 KT
Yess I got a biiig HW from Wolf Party, now I just have to figure out how I want to customize her ;>
 Hunting Leopard
10:12:22 It's I Nesta
10:12:11 Chat's snack

Gotcha! Glad I could be of some sort of help.
 Lazy Kingdom
10:10:58 Lazy, Crazy Cat Lady
I wrote it down ^^, I will be making a poll with the names!
 Continental Wolves
10:10:51 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Gotta go bye chat 🫡
 Hunting Leopard
10:10:44 It's I Nesta
Quiet kid
Horribly. You?
10:10:42 Cloudz, Pumpkin
If I had to transfer departments there 2 id go to, 1 you can earn 25 and hour :") though i got told my department has the best starting out pay


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WP Wallflowers Alliance ChatAugust 11, 2021 04:41 PM

Posts: 1021
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Hello, how are you doing?^^
Hopefully you're not frightened by the longer posts lol.
WP Wallflowers Alliance ChatAugust 11, 2021 05:48 PM

The Blacktails
Posts: 40
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I feel ya. I use to pass by a rooster on my way to school, I could hear him from blocks down lol still do but now the owners let him have the whole sidewalk plus more chickens .-. Dang, painting the old lady as a predator now lmao (jk) May the rat find peace.
That woulda been a good idea but then theres no way my mom would allow me to waste good food lol Although that reminds me a german shepherd that used me as a way to cross a busy street, that was cool! Yeah, I've had a few incidents with tweakers xD they're more reason as to why I'm so paranoid walking lol The old lady that takes care of the cats feeds and waters them so for the most part she has an army at her disposal, the cats don't bother with anyone else i've tried xD
Nahhhh, there wouldn't be such a thing as Holy Water shortage, all he gotta do is bless a river or something :'D I think thats how it works..?
Idk if you play video games but the Fallout series heavily reminds me of that time period!
oooo that's a nice mindset to have! Luck can be a thing that people can get so caught up on, imo. It can easily lead to disappointment or worryment. I just say why worry if it hasnt happened yet. I learned that the brain can easily sabotage you into thinking the worst possible scenarios so its better to just stop and let it happen first, although I do worry in some cases just to be prepared and not caught off guard; like going to a club or walking late at night.
Soooo hillbillies are kinda a gamble if you ever live near them, essentially gambling your life xD That reminds me going to Mexico I would see my family trade livestock and handmade items to other ranchers nearby, pretty neato. But the bargaining can be intense lol
wooo 80%??? whats the other 20? xD I'm sure you've had people give you that glare of "wth did you just say?". Now you gotta make it up somehow lmao You about to roast your own voice as soon as you hear it playing back lol
I'm over here wondering how much time did you take to learn a Shakespearean accent. If it goes bad at least you'll probably never see that person again :'D maybe...
Oof never been to a concert lol My only exception are close family members or anything that involves swimming, I absolutely love to swim :'D That's one of my happy places, I dont give a damn about anyone else ^^
Hey, we gotta keep the country safe by providing professional classes on surviving xD
Ahhhh gotcha! You're completely overrun by "Amurica!" lol How does it feel though to be only other nationality there? Never really experienced it.
Well now I don't even want to meet a French person with the way you spoke about them xD I'm sorry but whenever I think of an Irish person I think of the color green and red hair .-.
How the hell- You really are trying to get yourself killed in the middle of the night... Consider me dead at that point; heart attack real quick. Never watched the Bourne series or even heard about it :0. For me I can watch 'Avatar' forever, even more so since they're releasing a second movie this December. Another is 'Tangled' :').
Treat your wolves like ass and now you ain't gettin' any mush! Thats the first rule in being a mobster boss! Ya blowing everything away >:C (lol)
I'll let ya know when I buy Premium :'D
WP Wallflowers Alliance ChatAugust 11, 2021 05:48 PM

The Blacktails
Posts: 40
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Hello Selom! :"D
WP Wallflowers Alliance ChatAugust 11, 2021 05:49 PM

The Blacktails
Posts: 40
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I'm sorry, my posts really be dragging for hours lol .-.
WP Wallflowers Alliance ChatAugust 17, 2021 01:36 PM

The Legion
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WP Wallflowers Alliance ChatAugust 17, 2021 01:54 PM

Posts: 1021
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Hello Eclipse!
I'm so sorry for not responding, I'm a forgetful person, so feel free to send me disapproving emoji faces in my PMs haha.
WP Wallflowers Alliance ChatAugust 17, 2021 02:33 PM

Posts: 1021
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I hate how loud and confident roosters are, they always look so smug to me.
That lady was a creature of the depths worst nightmare, and that rat I'm sure is still slithering around on this Earth with her.
Ugh, tweaks are seriously their own breed of people. I have so many stories, especially being someone that deals with them on a daily basis.
Oh no, I hope that old lady uses her power of a feline army for good, or may there me mercy upon the souls that wrong her.
I would totally pay 50 bucks to see a priest bless a river, that would be hilarious! XD
I'm not quite sure how it works either, but it still sounds nonetheless funny.
No, I don't play video games too much, but that sounds cool. Maybe I'll check it out one day.
Yeah, I don't think people need to be so obsessed over whether or not they're lucky, it's so taxing to the mind.
I completely agree with you, I like to have a sense of reasonable preparedness (such as my sadly packed zombie apocalypse backpack XD).
Yeah, especially since there are different types of hillbillies. You have the semi-patriotic, the VERY patriotic, the fun time ones, 'I'm gonna tell ya a story' ones, 'Incest isn't a real thing' ones, really the list goes on for quite a while.
Oh wow, that's awesome. I've never been to Mexico, just hanging out in New Mexico haha. Oh yes, the bargaining system can be extremely intense depending on what or who you're bargaining with.
Hm, I think the rest of my personality revolves around awkwardness, kindness, and other traits I'm too lazy to name. XD
Oh yes, I've received that look more times than I can count (not because I can't count high, it's just happened a lot).
If I'm being honest, I'm not proud of the reason why I learned a Shakespearean accent... it makes me look bad, but if you really want to know I'll tell you haha.
I've only been to very few. I so beyond badly wanted to go the the Hella Mega Tour concert playing near me in the fall, but COVID's still a thing, so I guess I'll be watching Youtube recordings lol.
Swimming is amazing, I live next to two lakes, one thats haunted, and one that has old mining debris at the bottom. None of the locals swim at either lake, but the tourists seem to love the them.
Ooo, I'm sure we could generate a profit too. 'Quarantining 101'.
We'll charge 20 dollars a session!
It feels weird. It's definitely not a place you want to flaunt about your heritage in, but its okay.
There are very few French people I have met that are friendly towards Americans, you just have to at least make an effort to speak French in the Canadian cities where they mainly are, otherwise they'll pretend they don't know English. XD
Haha, I always think of Lucky Charms and Leprechauns!
I like to live dangerously from time to time lol. The Bourne series is awesome, but you have to be super into action to appreciate it.
Avatar is amazing, are you excited for Avatar 2 finally coming out soon? I heard the reason it took so long for a part 2 was because the producers had to develop new and unique types of technology to be able to film and generate an underwater world they're planning to put in there.
Oi, I'll mobster in anyway I feel fit, if they ain't gettin' the job done, they be sleepin' with the fishes. XD
Alright, sounds good.
The main reason I haven't posted on here in a bit can be summed up in a two words...
Deranged kitten.
My mom and I got a little 5 week old orange kitten for my youngest brothers birthday, he is 10 weeks now and a complete hellion.
His name is Garfield, but I call him Commander Sir Saucy Paws lol. I'll try and get a pic of him later.^^
WP Wallflowers Alliance ChatAugust 17, 2021 04:59 PM

The Blacktails
Posts: 40
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Hey Eclipse!
Ciel- Don't worry about it lol Situations in life matter more than responding here so I completely understand! Now, I need to write the next page of our short novel xD
WP Wallflowers Alliance ChatAugust 17, 2021 06:12 PM

Posts: 1021
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Here's Commander Sir Saucy Paws!^^
WP Wallflowers Alliance ChatAugust 17, 2021 06:19 PM

The Blacktails
Posts: 40
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Roosters are one thing, but have you ever had a turkey block you and start chasing? In Mexico there was always one turkey at my family ranch who attacked anyone for trying to cross, you'd had to push him a bit to stop lol.
Oof daily?? At most, I deal with them at gas stations or certain houses in my area that I avoid. One story I have is a crackhead harrassing people outside a station, I was about ready to run, and all of a sudden the boss runs outside with a pipe and chased him down xD and I mean really hunted him.
I trust the old lady but not the cats. Some are friendly but they only use it to get inside your house. Not even the old lady lets them inside.
Woooo 50$?? I'll take myself up a nearby tree or something cause I'm not paying xD
You're REALLY prepared for having an apocalypse backpack lol At most we stock up on canned food and water and rarely do we touch them.
At this point, I'd like to think you're an expert on hillbillies lol So if I ever meet one I'll contact you for information xD.
That's funny because I've never been to New Mexico, although sometimes I forget NM is a state in America and not actually Mexico .-.
Well, clearly another trait is laziness xD You mentioned it so now you gotta tell me how you acquired a Shakespearean accent. Although I can't see why it would be bad.
eyyy that concert in going to Chicago too. Even with a vaccine I'm still careful of covid lol.
I love swimming but that's a hell no if its haunted let alone another that has debri from a MINE. Letting the tourists contaminate themselves lol
At that point, I'll just use google translate lol
I think i'll like it since I looove action even though I don't watch many movies anymore. Yesssss, been waiting for the release :'D I did hear it was going to be underwater but imagine how much more advanced the environment is going to look with new technology.
Yea, good luck with that! Wait until they revolt against you and now you ain't got no one to get money then you'll be poor! lol
That explains everything xD I love how you named him Garfield, I'm assuming you've seen the movie? Already you've given him a nickname xD

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