
to be fair, this was because of chat and then it became a whole different bandwagon. So. That's that. If we manage to come up with a fancier name, perfect. If not? Oh well. Syke we did. Anywho, Space pirate (who honestly function more like Robin Hood than pirates) and they ride space dragons. Anyone can join in, literally anyone. We're not quite sure if this is going to be an RP or just a world where we discuss stuff about characters, goof around and have fun. But it's here in case it does. XD The Reaper is in charge of the dragons. Somehow I got roped into the Pirates. (It's because I opened my big mouth). Just hop on in and we'll add you to the roster! Art Gallery: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=5&t=93706 RP: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=17&t=93882 (the art gallery often has free character designs and dragons!) (the rp is ... just for character stuff. We might have a plot later) Edited at January 31, 2025 03:06 PM by Zeraphia
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Pirates: Space Captain: Quillus Xandire (Zeraphia/Vah) "playboy menace" / Dragon: Velyran First Mate: Mylo (The Reaper (in charge of Dragons)) "too tired for this" / Dragon: Stardust Mates:
- Narna (Nesta) ?? - Xiomara (VioletEcho) "chaos but make it clumsy" / Dragon: Dagger - Scout: Ava (Amygdala) "I dont need no help (but lowkey kinda do)" / Dragon: Cassiopeia - Navigator: Shai (Mirko) "directionally challenged" / Dragon: Ambrose - Weaponsmith: Makovu (Rogue Wildfires) / Dragon: Nyota - Human Medic: Vasilios (Eternity) "short tempered" / Dragon: Urchin - Dragon Medic(Vet?): Charlie/Ace Rover (Acerbus) "you stay over there" / Dragon: Halcyon - Lunar (Lunar Moons) - ice (icemoons) - Tea (The TeaDrinkers) - Boatswain: Dallas (Lackadaisy) // Javalasii - Engineer: Yutaka (Boeing) / Dragon: Meilora - Cook/Inventor: Flux (Urux) / Dragon: Tiamat - Whispering Snow (Snow) Potential roles: Can be combined with other roles, aren't needed, they're just suggestions Saddle-maker/tailor Physical Therapist (let's be honest actual therapist? Nah) Gardener/Herbalist Seamstress/seamster Location: The main hub where they stay is located within a ring galaxy. Most Ring galaxies can consist of one smaller inner galaxy and an outer galaxy ring. This one is similar to that fashion. The name of this galaxy is Stellaris Draconia. Current Activity: The pirates will often go outward to the ring and beyond to do their raiding of other pirates and returning stuff to proper owners. Other Information: The pirates have special little trinkets or whatnot made from the sheds of Space Dragons. Space Dragons and their shedded stuff (scales, teeth, fur, hair, etc.) have a special enzyme that allows them to breathe from the solar matter around them. This can be absorbed into the skin of a rider. The pirates /do/ have a ship (it's like a space ship but looks like an old-timey sail-ship). They usually go out with it to raid and then return stuff when they're done. Edited at February 8, 2025 01:26 AM by Zeraphia
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Okay I'm gonna collect the images we have of everyone so far/their heights so I can have everything in one place. Even if a character doesn't have a ref, a piece of art is fine :0 If you're not on the list please post a ref/description and your character's height :D Also Vas will absolutely call Mylo short, sorry Flux - 6'6" Vasilios - 6'2" - 37 Dallas - 6'2" - 25 Quillus - 6'2" Makovu - 6'0" Yutaka - 6'0" Mylo - 5'11" Shai - 5'8" - 23 Ava - 5'2" Xiomara - 5'1" Edited at February 6, 2025 11:54 AM by Eternity

Question, can I BE a space dragon? Lol (also no problemo if not) Edited at January 10, 2025 11:46 AM by Lunar Moons

dragons cassandra - Leader ( Icemoons/slushy)

Ice, no no no. The dragons are going to be listed by Reaper, since that's kind of their thing. They're making space dragon adopts (I guess that's the best way to describe it).
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Yayy we doing this ^^ Space pirate...feel like space cadet sounds cooler tho? Lmk Echo - space pirate/cadet (VioletEcho) Edited at January 10, 2025 11:49 AM by VioletEcho

Yeah pretty much, I have 7/10+ done
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Ohhh okok can i at least be leader of the dragons once grim is finished?

Ice there's no leader of the dragons. The dragons are with the pirates. Pfft. Reaper let me know how you want to classify space dragons and whatnot. I will gladly add that to the roster--I also forgot to link my dude.
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