Alright Who do I throw in here because I'm allowing myself to man three characters; CorbinAmaraAnd I know we need females but like,,, Corbin would be pretty badass
Amara, we really do need females
Also, I'm working on a response post, sorry I've been absent today but it's the holidays. I'll probably be just as inactive tomorrow as well.
Corbin is more up my alley but I'd say Amara is the better idea. We need more women. I'll probably make a second character, because as much as I do love Eden, he's pretty hard to get interactions for, so...
To be honest, is it just me, or does Corbin sound slightly like Zephyr, except Zephyr's better looking? Lol
Is it actually just me or what?
Probably lmao
I will be throwing Amara in then. I'm not sure what rank to give her though. Which would really be between a resident and maybe a loner considering I could open more spots, but like ;;
I'm certainly not against more loner spots being opened. Maybe one can join the loner group, too! I suppose whether Amara would join the group or not depends on how useful she would be in a group setting, though, if that makes sense?
Amara is my antisocial bean and more or less a softie. She'd really just be there for the protection, but I imagine that seeing her become cold would be an interesting arc.
Corpses, I love all your characters too much >.> I might throw in a third (female) character of my own to add to the trauma drama *^*
I'll have my post up later today, have work at 4:30 today and won't be out until 1:30. If I can't have it up around 11/12. (: