Okay plot points come first and then I will make the angsty post later- Oh my gosh I love the meme Canni!! So perfect!!!
It is extremely accurate too- I can never pick XD
And there is no 'both' option!
Now that would be the worst, usually I solve it with doing both but if there's no both option- Oh dear me
Overthink: *Instantly panics* What do I do?!? Choose? How dare you, filthy angst heathen!
Sameeeeee. Imma say long post, butttttt that's just because my response is going to be just as long if you do XD Either way is fine. - Angst and depression are also my best, followed by fluff. This is why you can never leave me and Overthink alone to plan, you'll get a big ball of angst, depression, and absolute crippling sadness that you never asked for- I apologize in advance for any future team ups between the two of us, and also for me, Dete, and Overthink with the angst trio. Good luck. XD
Made a new RP where you can angst all you like, if anyone's interested. Thinksy's got co-brain rights, because I could not make anything if I didn't have some kind of sounding board. Here be the link. https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=28&t=73776
I still say split in half because I have like, one more post of plot before we can actually get back to free choice stuff. Sooo... Yeah. Also, just to check again- What are the sleeping arrangements again?
I split the post in half just for you ThinkThonker (and because I feel to lazy to write more now)! Now I go hibernate-