
Peony will make his entrance later. Also, how do I pronounce Callidora's name? "Cally-dora" is how I say it by default whenever I see it, but it doesn't sound right. ;-;

Eh, close enough. It's Cal-li-do-ra or Cal-ih-dor-ah (not sure which is easier to read), so it's pretty similar.

So..Cuh-lih-doe-rah or Caah-lee-doo-rah?OR Caah-lee-doe-rah? --This is what you get for choosing a name with so many syllables.

Caah-lih-doe-rah damn you

Would anyone be mad at Acesco for not being able to save a loved one?

Do you mean in the past or in the future?

Oh, and I'll get a post up as soon as I work something out with Corpses. They might be busy with Christmas stuff, though, so I won't wait too long.

Acesco not being able to save that many wolves from the pack. Would any wolves be mad?

Well, Nekti and Acesco already have a good relationship and Nekti doesn't blame others for his problems, so I don't think Nekti would be mad, sorry.

Yalina wouldn't. She knows he's trying his best and doesn't blame him. Callidora blames herself more than anyone, and she needs Acesco because of her sister, so I don't think she'd be mad at him either. Maybe she was, but not anymore.