Let me know if I missed something while I was editing him~
Credit to CastleGraphics@DA for Images

Meaning “Deity or Celestial Being”
Rain & Pine
The one. The only. Alpha Male.
Desired Rank:
Content, and he is not willing to share his power with any other male.
Tyr is known for being an absolute flirt with the ladies of the pack. A tramp, if you will. He will blatantly come up and throw all sorts of one liners, compliments, and suggestive gestures to any female that catches his eye. Though, they are all hollow of meaning and will only end in the broken heart of the girl. His true affection will only be directed towards his one, true love.
On the political side of things, the male is a power house – only second to his beloved in power. With his charming flair and commanding words with a temper to boot, it was of a surprise to no one to see him rise up to the top. While most of what he does is saved for seconding his mate’s commands, there is denying the authority he holds. Only those with the brain the size of a mouse would dare to challenge him and his mate. In his mind, everyone (besides his beloved and a select few others) is beneath him. They’re existence is only tolerated because they serve his queen and the pack. They’re simple pawns in the game of chess that is this life.
Thoughts On The Trials:
A necessary and well founded tradition with the sole purpose of weeding out the weakest members of the pack. It is what keeps their legacy going. Keeps them strong. Without it… well, let’s just say that his paws would have been a little more dirty than they already are.

Tyr is a regal and powerful wolf, known for his intimidating stature amongst those of his pack. He is quite hard to miss, holding himself at 34 inches at the shoulder. He uses this height to its fullest extent as well – formulating his poster to be as, well, regal as possible. Head held high, eyes sharp and focused, legs steady and unshakable, tail in an upright position, and shoulders square. You can practically feel the dominance radiating off him with a simple glance. There is no questioning his authority around here. His lean yet muscular build just makes him all the more daunting, granting him a large sum of strength that can be seen rippling underneath his long and thick fur with every movement he makes. This muscle is especially apparent in his broad chest and impeccably sturdy legs. He, when focused, is practically a brick wall to most other wolves. They can do damage, of course, but attempting to knock him over would be futile. Combine this with his weight of 172 pounds and you have a wall of pure muscle and strife.
The large wolf’s pelt is one of chilling darkness. The kind that you see only in the dead of a moonless night, where everything can see you and you can’t see them. Its shade of black almost looks cold to the touch, as though it were made of the night itself. Lighter collections of gray can be found around his back and shoulders, like the softest of moonlight filtering through the leaves of a dense forest. Some of this gray can also be found along his sides, but it is much less apparent. The brightest patch of gray accumulates right before his rump on the left side of his body, and is quite noticeable during the day where it can look almost brownish-white in complexion. A false white, if you will. Around his front paws, however, a pure form of white can be seen. It encompasses his toes in a blanket snow-white fur, going no further than the top of his toes. The fur of this shining hue is quite scattered and disconnected, having been corrupted by the eerie black of the rest of his coat. Though, his fur is not the only chilling part about this male. His eyes hold a haunting shade of pale yellowish-green, like that of a spirit. To strangers and low ranking males, these eyes are always harsh and piercing – like a wild briar out to cut through their fur if they so much as look in the wrong direction. To females he takes “interest” in, they are warm and lively. Entrancing, if you will. Like a gentle summer’s breeze whizzing through their coats just long enough to keep them cool without sapping their forms of their own body heat. And, finally, for his mate. His beloved. His one and only sun. The tone of his eyes is always warm and adoring, filled with nothing but the purest form of love. It is a sight to behold on such a dark being, even if [Spell’s alpha] will be one of the only wolves to ever see it.
The chilling male takes a lot of pride in upholding a pristine image. Perfect posture, chilling gaze, and a flawless coat. No mistakes. Not a hair out of place. He must remain presentable at all times. No exceptions. So, it is of no surprise that the male has great distaste towards scars. Even if they signify the life of a strong soul, they leave a disgusting stain on his beautiful pelt – tainting his near-perfect form. But of course, his hide is not completely void of them. He’s a wolf, not some pampered pet. Thankfully, most are hidden underneath his luxurious coat. Though, there are a select few that have shimmied their way out of hiding. One – a quite obvious slash of sorts – runs along his shoulders, starting at the front of his left shoulder and ending towards the back of his right one. It is rather ragged in shape, not drawing a straight line across his shoulder blades. Time has not been kind to this scar, leaving it in sight of only lookers. It’s best not to point out or get caught staring at the mark. He will not take kindly to either gesture. A second old injury is a rather small one in the form of three claw marks on his snout. Like those of a lynx or bobcat. This particular scar is one that is actually okay with. He only accepts such image-staining marks if they came from serving what he considers a greater purpose – such as protecting his mate and (very rarely) family members – which is exactly how he earned this one. The most embarrassing scar (his words) on his form is actually the smallest and least noticeable. It is nothing more than a small notch in his upper right ear. A disgrace of a scar, even more so than the largest one on his body. This one was obtained when he was pounced on by his brother as pups which is exactly why he hates it so.
Tyr’s voice is quite the unforgettable one. It is impeccably smooth, with each and every word – heck, every syllable – being flawlessly connected. Its lower pitch makes it all the more memorizing, like it holds something that no other wolf could ever possess. There is no stuttering to be found in this male, even during times of intense stress. It’s as though he spoke nothing but poems every waking moment of his life. The tone of his voice always seems to hold a sense of regalness, much like his posture. Demanding attention and respect, without any room for argument. Though, this tone earns a nasty drip of venom if he is defiled – one that can poison even the most sturdy of souls. And yet, it still manages to sound cordial all the same, as though the stinging venom were nothing more than a sickening illusion. However, the most bone chilling aspect of his voice is its volume. It never raises through emotion. No, not even the most scorching of anger can get it to rise. The only thing that ever shifts is the emotion his words hold – piercing the hearts of all those that feel its wrath.

Flirtatious || Playboy || Flamboyant || Cunning || Manipulative || Loyal || Prideful || A Huge Dork || Attention Driven || Hypocrite || Perfectionist || Affectionate (Towards his Beloved only) || Just A Hair Towards The Aggressive Side (More like a full yard) || Observant || Sometimes Impatient || Can Be Stern
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. I would advise against bad mouthing my beloved, peasant. She’s not the only one who doesn’t stand for it. Just be grateful that she has much more patience than I.”
♡ His Beloved. His Darling, Dear.
♡ Attention From [Spell’s Alpha]
♡ Manipulating The Females Of The Pack
♡ Scaring The Younger Males
♡ Wolves Respecting His Loved One
♡ Perfection, Or As Close As He Can Get To It
- Those Opposed To His Beloved
- Males With Straying Eyes
- The Omegas (The Scum Of The Earth In His Eyes)
- Weaklings
- Dispersals
- Scars & Injuries
+ Smooth Talker/Good With Words
+ Endurance
+ Strength
+ Authority/Demanding Presence
+ Intimidating Stature
- Patience
- Agility
- Quick To Anger
- Perfectionist
- Those Who Can Spot His Manipulation
Relationship Status:
The lovely High Lady herself, [Spell’s alpha]
Who needs a crush when you’re already found love? But, it’s still [Spell’s alpha], through and through.
Familial Relationships:
Maybe an older brother/sister?
None… for now.
- Aside from simply wanting to toy with the other females of the pack (and wanting to make his adored mate jealous), Tyr has good reasons behind his flirtatious advances. If he can keep a decent chunk of the females interested in him, then he’ll have a loyal group of “fangirls” who would be willing to follow his every command just to please him. In other words, more pawns to keep his beloved [Spell’s female] safe. <3
I am still attempting ta up my cat number ta 6. :p
Oh, and I am blind as crap. Thunderbird.

Credit to CastleGraphics@DA for Images