Wolf Play : Raptor Roleplay: Gen 1 (Frostyhills24 and Terebinth Wolves)
04:21:03 Amy
That's nice🥰
Which two
04:17:26 Amy
I know but that is way too much
04:16:29 Fei the writer
My mum read the poems and liked two the most
 Mistress Nyx
Oh that wasnt me asking for jasmines lmao. Im saying i paid 4 apples for one.

I fear i am partly to blame. I think i bought 15+ jasmines this past 3 days
 Celestial Saga
04:01:07 Queen / Jo
If I wasnÂ’t distracted spring 1 and 2 I would of had these 6 done
 Celestial Saga
03:57:51 Queen / Jo
IÂ’m back
03:54:03 Chrissy
jasmine inflation is as brazy as our economy. 😖

i would genuinely commit a crime for some ice water right now.
 The Night Walker
03:51:55 Anemoia/Aedra
T h i c k- thats actually a good question though.
 Mistress Nyx
Down bad for jasmines :') 4 apples is a crime
 Night Shade
03:49:40 Graves | Chaos
Why are the pitbulls in explore so beefy?
 Midnight Moon Pack
03:35:34 PointyGardener(PG)
I appreciate you checking him
I had to take my glasses off for the night
03:34:25 Vox, Corey
Can say that if he had a common coat he'd be 32 rarity
03:33:44 Vox, Corey
Nose, eyes, and base coat gotta be "common" in rarity for AC.
He is not AC
 Midnight Moon Pack
03:33:40 PointyGardener(PG)
03:33:22 Vox, Corey
Nah, his base coat is rare
 Midnight Moon Pack
03:32:39 PointyGardener(PG)
Would somone glance over him & let me know if hes AC or not?
-WP Click-
 Night Shade
03:32:25 Graves | Chaos
Ultimately didn't get to okay the ghost game. My cat overstimulated me and I started getting frustrated ^^'
 Midnight Moon Pack
03:30:21 PointyGardener(PG)
I don't sell Jasmine whenever i earn one
They are worth more then the mush you earn from selling them
03:30:19 Vox, Corey
After like... ages I've finally made a little badge to give to people lmaoo

Barely any effort went into it, besides a little anchor I made for it xD


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Raptor Roleplay: Gen 1 (Frostyhills24 and Terebinth Wolves)November 13, 2022 07:06 PM


Posts: 1454
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Nightmare's Pov - 1st Person

We are moving onto the next stage, we just now completed half of it already. you and I are supposed to meet the males together, well I just met Azul so that's off the list. Now you have to meet my suitor," I said with a slight smile trying to comfort her knowing she was anxious. "After that, the males get thrown into our enclosure after we settle at our den, then they have to find the den and figure out the enclosure themselves."
Raptor Roleplay: Gen 1 (Frostyhills24 and Terebinth Wolves)November 13, 2022 07:14 PM

~Terebinth Wolves~

Posts: 4156
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Forest Pov
I nodded along with Nightmare and returned her slight smile with a slight smile of my own. I was very nervous but managed to keep my cool as the humans whistled for me and Nightmare. Azul gave me a loving smile as i walked toward Nightmare's alpha. We then made our way to where Zeir was waiting. I let Nightmare go first and only then did i step foot onto the grass of the enclosure. I then stood nervously just at the entrance.
Raptor Roleplay: Gen 1 (Frostyhills24 and Terebinth Wolves)November 13, 2022 07:20 PM


Posts: 1454
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Nightmare's Pov - 1st Person

He didn't say anything, he just stood there (Menacingly)(I had to make the joke). Forest and I stood our sides glued to one another. I wasn't putting my side to hers on purpose but she seemed to do it out of habit now.
Raptor Roleplay: Gen 1 (Frostyhills24 and Terebinth Wolves)November 13, 2022 08:04 PM

~Terebinth Wolves~

Posts: 4156
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Forest Pov

Me and Nightmare stood together, our sides glued to one another. I wasnt sure why she wasnt greeting him but i honestly felt a bit better with her by my side. After a while though my courage grew so i said a weak, "Hi." If it were up to me i wouldve just ran but i wanted Nightmare to be happy so i stood my ground.
Raptor Roleplay: Gen 1 (Frostyhills24 and Terebinth Wolves)November 13, 2022 08:24 PM


Posts: 1454
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Nightmare's Pov - 1st Person

"Hello," was all he said, being dry. I clicked as a greeting. This was mainly to see if they got along so I pulled my side from hers. I sneezed breaking the silence, "Bless you, love," He said and my face became red. He smirked at this, I wasn't expecting him to be so flirtatious.
Raptor Roleplay: Gen 1 (Frostyhills24 and Terebinth Wolves)November 13, 2022 08:29 PM

~Terebinth Wolves~

Posts: 4156
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Forest Pov

I gave Nightmare a paniced look as she removed herself from my side. Nightmare then sneezed and in unisine me and Zeir said "Bless you," except he added love at the end. I held in a gross face as i kept my eyes between Zeir and Nightmare. I felt myself getting more upset. Flirting right infront of me? Really?! I then decided not to talk anymore unless he or Nightmare talked to me.

Edited at November 13, 2022 08:29 PM by ~Terebinth Wolves~
Raptor Roleplay: Gen 1 (Frostyhills24 and Terebinth Wolves)November 13, 2022 08:33 PM


Posts: 1454
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Nightmare's Pov - 1st Person

They were still quiet and I sighed sitting down, "This was supposed to be thing where we see if you two get along. So far neither of you spoke except to bless me and fluster me," I said glaring at Zier playfully
"Am I not allowed to show affection?" He asked
"hmm, technically you haven't claimed the role fully, yet, so," I said shrugging
"Yet," He emphasized.
Raptor Roleplay: Gen 1 (Frostyhills24 and Terebinth Wolves)November 13, 2022 08:39 PM

~Terebinth Wolves~

Posts: 4156
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Forest Pov

I again let my eyes roll at the male. I was glad he wasnt my mate. Then i caught myself thinking about Azul and shook my head. "Technically we arent fighting so we are getting along. Just not how you would like. So can we go home now?" I said, my words anyyoned the same with what i was feeling.
Raptor Roleplay: Gen 1 (Frostyhills24 and Terebinth Wolves)November 13, 2022 09:25 PM


Posts: 1454
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Nightmare's Pov - 1st Person

I sighed again, I hoped they would get along with time. I got up off the ground, "Yes, I suppose we can," I made my way to the gate and Forest was hot on my tail. "You know Azul and Zier are both going to be put in the enclosure at a random time tomorrow right?" I asked "and we won't be able to help guide them where to go, they have to figure it out on their own," I said as we walked through the halls and ended up being let into our gate. I broke into a run to get to the den, I was a little upset but there was nothing I could do. She could probably sense that I was upset as I lay down in my nest. "I'm not upset at your," I said to her curling up into a ball, "Just upset at the way things turned out, You do know not every show of affection is flirting. The name 'Love' is literally just a pet name like 'Honey' or 'Sweetie'," at this point, I was just upsetting myself so I stayed quiet and let my brain overthink everything.
Raptor Roleplay: Gen 1 (Frostyhills24 and Terebinth Wolves)November 13, 2022 10:42 PM

~Terebinth Wolves~

Posts: 4156
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Forest Pov
When we were let back into our enclosure i felt full affect of what i had did. I had been so stupid. I should've tryed...but i didn't. I watched as Nightmare ran off and i just took my time going back to the cave, hoping she would calm down before i got there. Once back at the cave though i could tell she was still upset. I sat down in my nest as Nightmare spoke to me and curled up into a ball. I sighed, silently scolding myself to the ground. I then layed down in my nest to think. I need to make it up to Nightmare. I messed up, thats for sure, but now i need to fix it. After careful consideration i had a plan worked out.
Hoping it would work i checked to make sure Nightmare was asleep. Once she was asleep i quietly went out of the cave. For some reason in the back of my head i already knew how to get out. I managed to climb a tree that was closed to the glass. I then jumped from a branch over the glass and onto thw otherside. It hurt a bit but i just ignored the pain. I then searched around the entire building for Zeir's cage. Luckily i found him and got his attention by scratching the glass with my nails. "Listen, we both care about Nightmare right? Well shes very sad right now and i intend to make her happy again. For me to do that though i need your help. We have to get along for her. We need to pretend to like eachother. If we do you will make her the happiest raptor alive. Please work with me! Ill even pay you with whatever you want. Just please do it for Nightmare!"

Edited at November 13, 2022 10:44 PM by ~Terebinth Wolves~

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