Wolf Play : The Good Always Fall.|| Private Roleplay for Empress and Rev
12:39:34 Vox, Corey
Yes! She'll be nearly 7 by the time I finish this active duty.

Should be good to go to chill with her while in reserves, unless they call me to active duty over somethin'

That is the perfect age. Fully mature but still young enough with plenty of years left.
12:36:39 Vox, Corey
She's 4! :D

She'll be 5 here soon

That is the cutest thing :0

How old is she?
12:32:15 Bau
7 Day Gain: 1454 7 Day Loss: 2350 7 Day Profit: -896

i *may* have did a little- spending..
12:28:36 Vah is dabbling
-WP Click-
12:25:18 Vox, Corey
She is! She has a very specific whine, reserved just for me whenever I come home for leave.

Promptly followed by the zoomies xD

Absolutely! :0 Poor baby. I'm sure she is just super happy to have you home!
12:23:37 Vox, Corey
I'm willing to bet she gets really sad, it's the hardest thing I've had to do thanks to enlisting.

I just gotta tough it out and power through these last two years of active duty so I don't gotta do that to her anymore </3

Aww that's adorable! She must be so sad when you leave


He can be but just not at night. He is a super jealous dog that won't allow me to sit with anyone else on the couch without having to sit in my lap.
12:20:51 Vox, Corey
She's huge on cuddling. She always has to lay her head on my chest, and if I'm laying down she's gotta be near my head.

Gets all wiggly when I wake up and always smothers me xD

She's a little ray of sunshine, honestly
12:19:38 Vox, Corey
Incredibly so!

She's been really protective of me since I've been home. Barked at my dad when he was getting close to the door, then sucked up to him when she realized he was just trynna get to his room lmao

She even barked at my stepmom and promptly flopped on me. lmao
12:19:38 simp 4 lana del rey
her and the little collie are best friends. but it's sort of funny because she's so big and the collie is so.. little

he's just a guy who likes his personal space! but at least you've got one silly guy who likes to cuddle
Aww Vox, that is adorable *^* I bet she is super loyal too
 Necromancin Dancin
12:17:33 Emrys (He/They)
hello chat

Aww, that's so cute! I wish my lab was super cuddly like him but he'd much rather sleep on his own bed 😔
12:16:57 The Naming Empress
-WP Click-
Opinion on her??
12:15:55 Vox, Corey
I love how my dog has a nub. She just wiggles her entire butt when she's happy.

I looked at her just now and she made the bed shake because of it lmao
12:15:22 simp 4 lana del rey
i'm sure it can be excused.. he's too cute

she is! she's quite demanding when it comes to cuddles, no matter what you're doing
 Continental Wolves
12:14:47 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
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   The Good Always Fall.|| Private Roleplay for Empress and RevDecember 13, 2021 10:33 AM

Former Pack

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My Character~
Name: Brian O'Connor
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual ( Straight )
DNA: Wolf, Fox, Kitsune,Pterolykos ( Winged Wolf )
Level: 1
Personality: Brian is what many call a bad boy. Brian can be kind to those he trust's, although there are very few. Brian seem's to enjoy causing mischief and can be reckless at times. Brian has good leadership skill's and can be quite persuasive in certain cases. Brian can lead a group well, if he put himself up to it. Brian tend's to tease other's in order to feel better about himself. Overall like mentioned before Brian is what many call a Bad Boy.
Dislikes: Brian dislikes " weak " people that clash with his reckless personality. Brian HATES being told what to do- with certain exception's. Brian slightly dislike's other's but that could just be his Kitsune DNA messing with him.
Strength: Brian excel's immensly at hand-to-hand combat, and problem solving in tough situation's.
Weakness: Brian struggle's to accept suggestion's and struggles immensly at taking order's.
Backstory: Brian was brought in young, being chosen for the Kitsune DNA. He was then injected with Wolf and fox, making him a Canine theme experimant. WHen Brian suddenly grew reckless and dnagerous, they locked him up to protect the other's. Since then Brian has sat alone, punching his wall's and making clear indent's in them.
Look description: Brian wears a black hoodie and sweatpants. Brian wear's fingerless gloves to hide his scar's. Brian has black and white eye's though he cover's his white eye, rarely letting someone see it.

Edited at December 13, 2021 11:25 AM by Lest we Forget
The Good Always Fall.|| Private Roleplay for Empress and RevDecember 13, 2021 10:53 AM

Queen Elsa

Posts: 6130
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My Character:
Chino Liamson
hotheaded and tends to wanna do things his way. But kind hearted to some folks
Aster (sister, dead)
Possibly by brian
adventure, running, playing basketball, hangingout with his sister... of course that was before seeing her sister get killed in a gang fight a year ago.
Rude people,
Being bored
Unique markings:
Has a lightning scar on his back starting from his shoulder all the way down to his mid back. and a dragon tat on his right shoulder.
he is very strict when on police duty.

Edited at December 13, 2021 01:26 PM by Empress Elsa
The Good Always Fall.|| Private Roleplay for Empress and RevDecember 13, 2021 11:16 AM

Former Pack

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Can I be the criminal?
The Good Always Fall.|| Private Roleplay for Empress and RevDecember 13, 2021 11:17 AM

Queen Elsa

Posts: 6130
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of course. lol sorry lol let me change it
The Good Always Fall.|| Private Roleplay for Empress and RevDecember 13, 2021 11:19 AM

Former Pack

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The Good Always Fall.|| Private Roleplay for Empress and RevDecember 13, 2021 11:24 AM

Former Pack

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You post first?

Edited at December 13, 2021 11:26 AM by Lest we Forget
The Good Always Fall.|| Private Roleplay for Empress and RevDecember 13, 2021 12:33 PM

Queen Elsa

Posts: 6130
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Chino was just walking around his neighboorhood. His gun and tazer in his belt. Always at the ready " I hope no more stupidity comes around this area. Ive had enough for one night" he said to himself. But something insdie him said something whould indeed happen again, so he kept his eyes open.
The Good Always Fall.|| Private Roleplay for Empress and RevDecember 13, 2021 12:53 PM

Former Pack

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Brian grabbed his ski mask and shotgun and locked up for the night. He planned a heist of the bank today and was running late. Running to the bank he slipped in and shouted. " Everyone get down on the ground! " The bankteller's screamed and dropped to the ground. Brian saw the manager and grabbed him by the neck. " Get me to the vault. " He demanded, his shotgun at his head. The Manager nodded and led him to the bank, hand's shaking as he unlocked it. Brian hit the man with the hilt of the gun and he collapsed onto the ground. Brian turned to the vault and began to stuff his bag. He didn't know that one of the bankteller's had run to a nearby police.
The Good Always Fall.|| Private Roleplay for Empress and RevDecember 13, 2021 01:07 PM

Queen Elsa

Posts: 6130
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Chino got word fast of the robbery and headed back to his patrol car and sped to the bank that the robber was in at this moment. I just damn knew it... he thought as he went through a red light and parked his car a few minutes later.
He got out carefully and walked towards the door and opened it. " Hey you! Stop right there. " Chino ordered as he came face to face with the robber across the room. " Drop the gun. And step away from the vault. Now!" he held his own gun at him. " dont hurt any innocent people. " But when the other spoke, he recognised it. can this be? The same one who kille my sister a year ago? " Who are you?" he asked " Step away from the vault I said" He clicked the gun, ready to shoot.

Edited at December 13, 2021 01:15 PM by Empress Elsa
The Good Always Fall.|| Private Roleplay for Empress and RevDecember 13, 2021 01:28 PM

Former Pack

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Brian turned and saw Chino, cursing he turned and shot the window behind Chino's head. Brian ran out the back door, bag in hand, toward's his apartment. It was the brother of the girl he killed last year. Shit. He didn't recognize the street's he was on and turned into a random alley, clutching his bag and trying to catch his breath quietly.

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