Rhyder yawned before turning his head to look at Inka. "Are you all right?" He asked.
She gave a short nod, letting herself deflate a little. She knew she was fine, but she had a sheering pain in her head.
Rhyder tried to lick her cheeck but couldn't reach. He sighed and laid his head down. "Now can I have a nap?"
She gave a quiet chuckle, "You have permission to sleep, as long as you`re not grumpy tomorrow." She nodded, licking the back of his head before resting her own on her paws.
"I promise I wont try to be grumpy tomorrow." He closed his eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.
She nodded, closing her eyes but not falling asleep just yet, she just liked the dark. When she finally deflated, she managed to sleep with the sounds of the birds and trees.
Rhyder woke suddenly to a growl. His head shot up and his ears pricked listening.
Inka's ears flickered a little, slowly starting to wake up, "What...?" She asked him groggily, trying to follow his gaze.
Rhyder let out a low growl to the other wolf. It didn't smell like the pack yet it was still strangly familiar. His gaze shifted as he followed the movement.
She yawned and started to wake up completely, her senses starting to strengthen when she spotted the little movement.