Wolf Play : Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) Open
08:35:26 SL, SilverLined
It's always been that way for some reason! I learned photoshop before I learned how to draw! I wonder why we do that.
08:35:21 Vox, Corey
Time is going by so slowly D:
08:34:13 ET
Nearly there!

Ahah yeah, horse artists seem to love manips!
08:32:52 SL, SilverLined
I find it very interesting that HEE is heavily into manips and were more into digital. Not a dig I genuinely find it fascinating ^^
08:31:54 Vox, Corey
13 days left, oh my gosh.

The end is near
 Link Cat
I got a lapis lazuli dye. It works beautifully with my custom. X3
-WP Click-
08:30:46 Phantom
Chat has been super busy and has gone quiet.
08:21:45 Phantom
When numbers repeat in a row.
 Blood lust tide
08:20:40 BewareWhoYouTrust
-WP Click-
08:19:34 ET
One very last minute design done
 Blood lust tide
08:18:52 BewareWhoYouTrust
Shes lovey
 Blood lust tide
08:18:20 BewareWhoYouTrust
WHO GOT BLOOD I NEED IT and Where Fuff my coffee train rigorously for the FMC.

Wht my wolves act causal in wolf play😅
08:17:32 Exist / Kuskyn
-WP Click-
Finally one of them threw me a bone
 Blood lust tide
08:16:57 BewareWhoYouTrust
137/150 voodoo dolls lol
 Wailing Tides
whats a lucky number?
08:14:39 Mac
Oh they are
I don't think I noticed that lol
08:14:03 Phantom
His vitals are lucky numbers in a row.
08:08:39 Mac
I'm trying to remember why I bought this guy
I think he was just cheap. I should know this, I just bought him today
-WP Click-
08:07:13 Venn/Venne
Need abilities for three more characters. x.x

It's been several days now.
08:05:49 Mac
Makes sense
It's kinda cute


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Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 26, 2024 03:14 PM


Posts: 178
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Blaze/Fennec/Female/Desert Skulk/Second in command M: Noah, Sable

Clouds gather overhead, and the heavens crash open. Rain, an uncommon sight in this arid place. Blaze huffed. Of ALL the times it could rain, it decided to rain right after the hunt. Blaze tossed her catch over her back: a couple of jerboas and a small lizard, and she began to briskly trot back to camp. On the way, she saw Noah, sticking his nose in something, and Sable, looking down at him. Blaze padded toward Noah.

“What are you doing?” She began, “Shouldn’t you be at camp in this kind of weather?”

Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 26, 2024 03:16 PM


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Edited at June 26, 2024 03:20 PM by Feiella
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 26, 2024 03:17 PM


Posts: 178
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Oh, whew. I thought I was in trouble there for a sec~
Feiella said:

Edited at June 26, 2024 03:22 PM by Embershed
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 26, 2024 03:21 PM


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nevermind. my bad
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 26, 2024 03:25 PM

Raving Dancers

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Candy || M || Grey Fox || Forest Skulk||
Candy sighed as he let his mate walk away to hunt, he understood that it would be faster for her to hunt, not only because of his injury but also because it was now raining and he wasn't a good hunter at the best of times let alone in the rain. He called after her "I'll be waiting in a tree here! Come back quickly and be careful, I don't know what it is but something doesn't smell right out here!" He sighed yet again, feeling useless as he climbed up the nearby tree and laid in the branches, watching Nori for as long as he could until she disappeared into the brush. He couldn't shake the feeling of danger, he thought he recognized the scent in the air but he couldn't place where he knew it from and that thought was gnawing at his brain. But there was nothing he could do now, she was off and all that was left to do was sit and wait until she got back.
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 26, 2024 03:49 PM


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Nori-F-melinistic grey-Expecting forest mother-M: Candy
I bound in the forest, only slipping twice. As a grey fox, Nori took to the trees and caught 2 squirrels down and a sparrow. This should be enough. "Nori.... I will take you. You can not escape. Your pelt will look nice, as a rug." Nori bolts from the tree. Triping. Nori notices how dark it is. Eyes wide, hyperventilating, she ran.
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 26, 2024 03:54 PM


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Nightshade/expecting female red fox/Farmer x Trader/M: Candy, Nori (indirectly)
She stood on a wet log staring at the male grey fox as he stayed in the rain. Her yellow eyes flickered from the fox to the bush. Something was wrong with it's tail so she stayed quiet before speaking.

"Who do we have here?", said Nightshade staring at Candy though she didn't address the tail, "Are you alone?'
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 26, 2024 09:02 PM

Raving Dancers

Posts: 51
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Candy || M || Grey Fox || Forest Skulk || M: Nori(indirectly), Nightshade
Candy nearly jumped out of his fur when a lone fox called to him, he hadn't even noticed her approaching. He sighed blaming his lack of warning on the rain and his worry for Nori. He didn't recognize the fox but they were still in forest territory so that would mean they were either trespassing or they were a farmer/trader, either way Candy didn't mind to much, he'd always liked meeting new foxes and it gave him something to focus on that wasn't his worry for his mate or the itch of his messed up fur. He smiled, flashing his long pearly white teeth as he tried to look friendly and said "oh! Hello! I'm Candy, from the forest skulk. Seeing as how I don't recognize you I'd guess you aren't from the forest skulk. It's nice to meet a new face!.... I'm not exactly alone, I'm waiting for my mate, Nori, to get back from hunting! We were on our way to find a farmer called nightshade but we figured we should catch something to pay them with before we went and found her. Traders and farmers don't like to do stuff for free after all, at least not in my experience.... You wouldn't happen to know where I could find this nightshade, would you?" Candy was doing his very best to focus on this new stranger and possible friend since he was honestly extremely anxious and annoyed at the rain and the dark. Be missed Nori already and he still couldn't shake the itch that something dangerous was prowling around, he just couldn't put his paw on what it was. At the very least this new stranger didn't seem like a threat and maybe they could help him and Nori find nightshade faster?
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 26, 2024 09:35 PM


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Nightshade/expecting female red fox/farmer x trader/M: Candy, Nori (indirectly)
Nightshade was surprised that two foxes were looking for her though she found amusement that he didn't know that he was talking to the one that they were after. She wasn't impressed that forest skulk foxes were looking for her though but Nightshade took pity on the confused and worried fox.

"I am called Nightshade though I'm surprised that two foxes are looking for a farmer and trader. I'm guessing there is a reason you are looking for me?", said the brown and white vixen making sure to keep her voice calm so she didn't scare the other fox.

She ignored the rain as it fell onto her brown fur because it didn't bother her.

Saraid/Female Arctic Fox/Ice Skulk/M: Open
Saraid had not managed to catch any fish but at least she caught some other prey. Her eyes flickered to the sunset before shaking her head to get the idea out of her mind. She was curious but not foolish.

Edited at June 26, 2024 09:39 PM by Feiella
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 27, 2024 11:16 PM


Posts: 4845
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Nodorak || Arctic Fox || Ice Skulk || M: Open

His summer coat glistened as he emerged from the water, completely drenched but carrying a decently sized fish in his jaws. Despite having slipped, fallen, and failed several attempts over, he was quite pleased with his catch, and he wanted to get it back to his skulk before some other predator decided to make it -- and possibly him -- its dinner. After such an unsuccessful day of hunting, he didn't want to lose the one thing he had managed to catch. The male flicked an ear in irritation and sent water droplets flying from its tip onto the green tundra. Time to go home.

Rak trotted across the terrain. His coat began to spike as some sections stuck together in wet clumps and others parted and dried, leaving him looking less waterlogged and more bedraggled. What a sight he would be. As he continued, his fur shed more water and became less prickly until he was nearly dry upon reaching the skulk. Rak placed his fish in a shaded spot and released a long sigh, looking up into the darkening sky.

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