
Artic ✷ licks Splotches ✷s bite mark Always know they were something more than exploring buddies

Your wolves played: Salamander Swat intertwines their tail with Silver Dune. - 1: *Warrior Cats vibes intensify* 2: Silver Dune is the Alpha Female, is this a forbidden relationship?!?! 3: Silver Dune's affinity with Sam is horrid 4: Salamander Swat is like, 5 years younger 0_0

Your wolves played: ♒Sol Quemado keeps secrets from ♒Leon Oscuro. - Sir, what secrets? 0>0

April runs away from a snake. April annoys Doberman Sage scent marks a nearby tree. April flicks their ear in unease. Cinder encounters 💀Catalina Sauce㈌ of pack Royal Pack on the forest trail and greets them enthusiastically. Moon finds a lake and goes for a swim. Shadow marks their territory. April found 10 mushrooms!
Noah growls at campers. Lily ambushes Sage. Dalmatian howls in joy. Dalmatian digs up some old food. Shadow bumps into a tree. Darkstalker frolics in a butterfly field. Callie attempts to fly by jumping off a rock, but they failed and earned a facefull of mud instead. Doberman licks a tree. Twilight Serpent of pack Royal Pack and Lily fight over a piece of meat.

Your wolves played: Ash Blizzard intertwines their tail with №℉℗₾&#. GAY WOLVES

Hey! This is a thing already. :0