Often research by Camella, Flare and Rayvn. Camella is eyeing you.
Dawn Cave:
A cave in a mountain where every step you take will echo. The ground is covered in ice but the walls are made of crystal. Creatures that have light grey and sometimes white will be here. Often creature with wings or those that howl are in here.
Shadow Farm:
Mostly farm animals that are more friendly and gently. Horses, chickens, dogs, cats will be here.
Dusk Forest:
Not friendly but still tameable. Foxes, small cats, horses, birds, large cats are in here. Sometimes dogs but not often. Who knows what you will find in there?
The Path Of Unknown
Creatures of all sorts and different colors with be here from light to dark. However these creatures are dangerous and will not be swayed very easily. You may see things that are not real but look real. Quite a risk to go here.
Items Shops:
Appears to be a sort of robot hound who was clearly checking that everything was in order.
Small bag-small enough to put some items in but not a lot, has a chance of ripping (5 mush)
Medium bag-bigger and able to keep more items with lesser chance of ripping, (10 mush)
Big bag-Big enough to keep a lot of items in and stronger so lesser chance of ripping (15 mush)
Blue Box: Able to fit a kitten or puppy in it (goes with small bag)-5 mush
Green box: Two or three puppies or kittens? Maybe some birds as well? (goes with any bag)-15 mush
Red Box: What on Earth do you plan on putting in it and how many? (goes with any bag)-20 mush
Ropes: Used for horses or to climb down a cliff (5 mush)
Muzzle: More dangerous canines? Put this on them but get ready for a fight. (10 mush)
Chain: Only for emergancies! (20 mush)
Collar: You will need this for your feline and canine. (5 mush)
Lead: Please have a lead or without this then your new friend will take off (5 mush)
Halter: Used for horses. (5 mush)
Lantern: Used to see in the darkness. (10 mush)
Data pad: Will helpfully alert you if you encountered a wild creature, give you info including what it is, personality and if anyone else had encountered it. Will also let you know how dangerous the creature is. (10 mush)
Creature related items:
A husky with a red collar called Echo was pacing and nosing or placing items and even removing on the shelf. She was full of energy.
Pink petal: Creature will be female (3 mush)
Orange petal: Creature will be male (3 mush)
Cracked shell: Chances of finding eggs (3 mush)
Milk: Chances of finding a creature with a litter or expecting a litter (5 mush)
Pebble: Chances of having a event creature. Will be random or you can say which (5 mush)
Food Shop:
Shop is managed by three dogs with a collie looking expasterated at her two friends but nods to you.
Kibble-farm dogs and cats will love them. Could try it with any dogs in the forest but no promises. (5 mush)
Raw Meat: Good for those that love meat and are more wild and not easy to tame. (10 mush)
Fish: Any cats love them. Well small cats and foxes. (5 mush)
Hay: Try it with different horses and see their reaction. (10 mush)
Grass: All horses and rabbits love them. (5 mush)
Bird feed: Farm or wild birds will enjoy them (5 mush)
Nuts: Squirrels love these. Seriously (5 mush)
More Items coming soon
You see a large machine that you go to investigate but is intercepted by another robot hound? Message was clear. Do not approach unsupervised.