Innocent ~~ Have you ever stolen something from your best friend and then tried helping them find said stolen thing. (I didn't do this but my "best friend" did it to me)
Innocent *phew* Have you ever ridden a cow (and fallen off *cough cough*)
Nope. Have you ever told yourself that you'd go to sleep by [time] and ended up staying up 3+ hours later? <_<
Guilty. ~ Have you ever plotted against your friends who were having problems with another friend because you liked your other friend more?
Not that I can recall, but I'm sure I have before. -- Have you ever procrastinated so much that you felt like everything was wrong?
Innocent. --- Have you ever got caught on your phone when you were supposed to be asleep?
Guilty- Have you ever thought someone disliked you but were not sure until another friend of theirs confirmed it?
Ahem. Friend of "theirs and mine". Guilty. 😔 -- Have you ever been told "later" for something that never happened?
Uh yes happend to me a lot, I think "later" is just a way of saying "never" XD so guilty I guess ~~ Have you ever stared at someone so long just to annoy them, and then afterwards completely deny you were staring at them?
Innocent --- Have you ever had a friend try to control your life for years?