Judy look at the ground and said "I was left here. I am not sure why." She was telling the truth. She was left there and she was not sure why. Judy was not sure where her home was anymore. Judy was waiting to see how Dawn would react.
Dawn looked at her and said "I was left in a random pride because I didn't fit in with.my old one". She also said "So do you want me to teach you what you don't know about the Savannah?"
Judy look at her and said "yes please." She was happy that someone was going to teach her what she did not know about Savannah. She was hoping that she could learn everything from Dawn.
Dawn said "okay". Then started to say "well for starters whenever you make a kill you have to hide it because of scavengers like the vultures and Hyenas." (Sorry about the late response I just woke up)
Judy listened to her as she was wanting to make sure that she learned everything from Dawn. Judy look at Dawn as she was hoping that she could learn everything from her. Judy was thinking of what she could hunt if she needed to. [Its ok.}
Dawn says "I will teach you more in the morning but we should go to sleep."
Judy said "Ok." She was not tried but she was willing to rest since she was safe with Dawn around.
Dawn wakes up.stretching. She says "good morning Judy".
Judy said "Good morning Dawn." She was standing as she was listening for any danger.