Wolf Play : Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x Socrates
Cypress, I'd never give up my dog, not ever he's my world.
04:58:13 01
id choose to move out with all my things id be to depressed without my dog but honestly I dont know your situation so it is just my opinion
 Cypress Road
04:55:02 Cy, love
If yall had to decide between moving out and getting to keep all your stuff including your dog but getting no help from your family and moving back into your parents house but having to get rid of just about everything including your dog, what would you choose?
04:34:14 Ash H:H!!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-

What should I name these 2 boys-
04:30:20 Will
New dye new dye yeahhhh
 LaPearl Park
04:14:47 Mystery Machine
Hi is it worth keeping enchanted water or not?
04:14:22 The Minor Nuisance
Welp, It's 9 pm and I'm going to bed.

G'night, Y'all!
 Pink Tears
04:09:12 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
i dont know-

part of me wants to do a river but i think thats a little dark considering le lore
04:07:38 The Minor Nuisance
...is octopus something to make it on?
04:07:16 The Minor Nuisance
Oh, cool, an OC!



...Nup. My brain isn't braining. All I can think of right now is octopus. I don't know why. Just is.
 Pink Tears
04:04:05 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

maybe? im trying to get ideas and also think of possible oc refreces since im basically making a phone wallpaper of my oc where the center is his eye

literally the only thing ive thought of on my own is his dog but i dont wanna draw a dog lol
03:59:52 The Minor Nuisance

A storm/cyclone, perhaps?

might fit the colours better.

But I'm no artist (profile pic is proof), so my suggestions probably aren't that good.
 Pink Tears
03:56:44 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

hm- i think it would look a little off since the eye is a clouded (blind) albino eye
 Ghost Queen
03:56:43 Ghost, Queen, Hades
Hmm I need 700 bones to get everything I want Xad
03:54:24 The Minor Nuisance

A forest, perhaps?

Or a tree or some tree bark
 Pink Tears
03:51:02 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
can someone give me some background ideas for my drawing of an eye?
03:43:41 01
maybe she's immortal and will survive another year
03:42:50 01
dun dun dun hopefully she survives TvT
 Pink Tears
03:42:45 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
thats very unfortunate-
03:42:16 Fei the writer
happens every Monday


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Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesSeptember 20, 2023 01:16 PM


Posts: 11245
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Chile ‘Kyle’ Guerra Seymour | M | 21 | AB- | Pan/Ambi | Reindeer Shifter | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Taking the notepad from Maya when she offered it, Chile smiled softly towards her. She seemed a bit less stressed now, at least. That was good. That was always good. No one else needed to get stressed here, he’d figure everything out. He always did, this wouldn’t be any different.


‘Right, thank you, Chile, I trust you. I don’t think he did, he left in a rush, plus, I’m pretty sure he’s avoiding any contact with Aries if he can. So, yeah, after we eat one of us can bring it to him.’


Reading the notepad, he tried not to grimace. He really did think that the two could get along, and the fact they didn’t wasn’t because of either of them. Really, the fact of the matter was that the fault belonged to the wretched arena and everyone that had ever hurt either of them… He had the urge to go check on Aries with that thought, he knew the look he’d seen on Ari’s face. He knew what that look meant. Plus, more than that, Quincy had a habit of accidentally pushing his friend closer to the edge than Kyle ever wanted him to be. But, well, he’d just told May that they should take care of themselves, and he couldn’t set an example of not doing that… And, maybe, he didn’t really want to deal with Quinn right now either.


Instead of grimacing though, he sighed. If needed, he could maybe ask Maya to try and keep Aries from leaving the complex. He didn’t want to take away the option, that felt too much like something the arena would do, but– He was worried. He knew where Aries would go if he did leave, and he was worried. Still, that’d be a last resort. For now, he nodded. “Alright, yeah. We’ll take his flute to him after we eat.


Garvin | M | N/A (22) | N/A | Brin/Ambi | Catecholamine Rush | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Sorry man, that won’t be happening. Tryin’ is a must for me! I find competition great fun, if ya haven’t noticed! Guess your probable win will take a bit more effort, a tragedy, really.


Garvin huffed, somewhat amused, and smirked towards Agni. “Damn, really wanted that easy win. Still shouldn’t be too hard though. I mean, against a kid, an imp, and a joke? I still totally got this.” He didn’t elaborate further, didn’t tell Sole who was what, and certainly didn’t think about how calling any of them ‘kid’ when he didn’t even know his own age was probably not a good idea. The fuck did he care anyways, right?


Oculi ‘Opal’ Aisling Belmira | Apagender | 23 | A- | Cupio/Pan/Ambi | Sight | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Eh, I don’t think it’d be that big of a deal, but whatever! You wanna come with me to pick up my food anyway?


Oculi shifted, thinking through their options before seeing Sky enter from the hallway. Kage noticed almost immediately too, and so their chance of answering disappeared. Not that they really minded, they almost preferred not being able to answer. After all, it gives them a bit more time to decide. To figure something out if they didn’t want to go.


Oh, good, Sky! Hey, I was just gonna ask Oculi to come with me to grab my breakfast, you should come! I’m sure Maya and Chile would like to talk to you! Or Aries, maybe! ‘Sides, I think me and Oculi would both enjoy your company!


They paused, glancing at Kage and the choice that had apparently been made for them. They probably would’ve agreed anyway, they didn’t quite feel like being left alone right now. They also weren’t sure how they felt about being around food either. And, the feeling seemed mutual with Sky, at the very least. Regardless, they were fairly certain that they’d both have to go. They shifted into the corner of the couch. Were their legs even going to agree with going with the two? They hoped so, they’d rather not have to say they wouldn’t go because of their legs. Especially after telling Kage they’d go to the mall with him and that group.


Sure, love, I can do that.


Awesome! Let’s go then, yeah? You good to go, Oculi?

And– Oh, Sky had answered, Kage was looking at them again. Were they good to go? Oculi was fairly certain that they had to be. The two were waiting on them. Had they been quiet for too long? It’d only been a few seconds, right? They rubbed a hand against the couch a bit, and then pushed up off the couch instead. The air seemed much colder now that they weren’t pushed into the corner of the couch, but they fixed on a grin and suppressed the shudder. “Yep, of course I am.

Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesSeptember 21, 2023 02:46 PM

Lost Memories

Posts: 8895
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Agnar ‘Agni’ Solefair | Male | 22 | AB- | Homosexual | Poly | Enhanced Senses | No | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Damn, really wanted that easy win. Still shouldn’t be too hard though. I mean, against a kid, an imp, and a joke? I still totally got this.

Agnar snorted, finding the nicknames amusing. He had a relatively good idea of who was who, but honestly, it didn't really matter, it was funny either way. "Hey man, never underestimate a kid, an imp, and a joke. Ya might be surprised!" He grinned. "Think Kage could give ya a run for yer money."

Kage ‘King’ Virgo | Male | 19 | B+ | Homosexual | Ambi | Shadow Manipulation | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir)

Yep, of course I am.

Kage beamed, pushing himself off the back of the couch. "Great, let's go!"

He waisted no time, trotting happily through the door and toward Chile's appartment. He knocked once before simply barging in, tapping quickly on the entry way to the kitchen (if only because he'd been scolded by Skylar enough times for not doing so), eyes lighting up when they fell on Quincy.

"Yooo! What's up, man! Glad to see you're awake! So, Imma fill you in on our plan for today. Mall heist. Great fun!" He finally glanced over to Aries and threw a bright smile in his direction. "Morning, Aries! Ooo, pancakes! Okay, anyway, Quinn, you down to go rob the mall with me, Agni, Oculi, probably Garvin, and maybe Aki? Idea curtousy of Agni, I'm sure he's got mor details by now!"

He was practically bouncing with energy and excitement, talking quickly but without much worry about who was actually able to keep up. He trusted Quincy to keep up, and he didn't care if the others were able.

Skylar ‘Sky’ Baldwin | Male | 19 | A- | Pansexual | Ambi | Healing Energy | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir)

Yep, of course I am.

Skylar smiled faintly at Oculi as they pushed themself off of the couch.

"Great, let's go!"

Sky opened his mouth to respond, but before he could even get one word out, Kage was already out of the room. Skylar blinked in confusion for a moment before shaking his head slightly and smiling. He never understood how his boyfriend had so much energy, or how he moved so fast, but it was rather amusing in his opinion, and, personally, he found it rather adorable.

That was, until Kage rushed head first into a dangerous situation and Sky wasn't fast enough to stop him.

Sighing softly, Sky turned to Oculi. "Well, I guess we should probably follow." He said softly, smiling warmly at his friend again.

He made sure Oculi was close behind before he started making his way to Chile's appartment. The door was still cracked from when Kage udoubtedly burst in. Skylar just hoped he had knocked first.

Tapping lightly on the door, Sky opened it more fully to let himself and Oculi in and hesitated. Kage was obviously in the kitchen, his loud voice evident, but... Well, the smell of sugary pancakes was already evident in the air, making Skylar gag instinctivly, and the kitchen would undoubably be worse. It was where the food was prepared, so it would have the strongest smell and the most food.

At this point, Sky didn't think he could physically deal with being around that. Not with how his stomach turned and how his brain screamed at him to get away, but... He'd promised Kage that he'd come with and he couldn't bear the idea of dissapointing him, especially not after the relief on his face when Sky had agreed to join.

So, tensing his shoulders and forcing himself to breathe more shallowly, Skylar stepped farther into the appartment.

He glanced into the kitchen and only narrowly avoided flinching at the sight of several plates full of pancakes and berries. He felt unsteady on his feet, dizzied by the idea of even being around... that... for much longer.

Even so, he simply braced himself against the wall to avoid collapsing and cause even more problems. He knocked lightly on the entryway to the kitched and stepped just inside, leaning heavly on the wall and continued to breathe shallowly, glaring at the floor to avoid looking at the pancakes.

The nausia was bad enough that Sky was tempted to just ask Kage if it was okay to go back to their own appartment or simply retreat to the bathroom. But what if Kage asked why? What could Skylar possibly say then?!

'Sorry, I'm too pathetic to even be around food because the thought of eating it makes me want to vomit and reminds me of how utterly disgusting I am. Can I bother you instead of having to deal with my stupid, baseless fear that literally makes no sense because I'm ugly and disgusting either way?'

Yeah, that would hardly fly. So, Sky stayed still and silent, hoping this would all go by quickly.

Maya ‘May/Fawn’ Mildred Eniko | Female | 23 | AB+ | Bisexual | Ambi | Blissful Dreams | No | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Alright, yeah. We’ll take his flute to him after we eat.

May smiled faintly and nodded, hesitating for a moment before setting her plate down on the coffee table and reaching over to hug Chile lightly for a moment. He was good at hiding it, but she knew Chile was just as stressed as everyone else. Maybe even more so. He delt with... well, pretty much everything. He was good at it too, no one could deny that, but Chile had to feel a lot of pressure to keep everything stable and functional.

That said, May hoped that he knew that he didn't have to do everything alone. Even if he was better at what he did than anyone Maya had ever known, she would do her absolute best to support him and work with him on keeping things functional, even if it did feel stressful, because Chile deserved it, and so did everyone else.

After hugging Chile for a moment, she pulled back and scribbled another note.

'Thank you for everything, Chile. You really are the best. Though, remember that you aren't alone either, okay? I've got your back. No matter what.'

She handed it over and smiled warmly, feeling much more relaxed now. Because, yeah, they could bring Ingall's flute to him later, and they could deal with other problems as they came up. This was a process, and as long as she remembered that, and as long as she and Chile had each other, everything would be fine.

Soon after she handed the note over though, there was a single knock on the main door, followed quickly by the sound of it opening and Kage's loud voice. Maya rolled her eyes in affectionate amusment, grabbed her plate, and sat back, taking a bite of pancakes.

Apparently, Kage had become impatient with waiting for food to be brought to him and decided to come claim them himself. That, or he just wanted to come talk to Quincy. Both were very possible options.

Maybe a minute later, there was another, softer knock on the door and May assumed that must be Skylar. Maybe Oculi.

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