Wolf Play : Lichen X Yukon
 Blood Demons
05:32:37 Blood
I'm so annoyed I just warriored stone my custom who was only 7 instead of my 16 year old
05:30:43 She/her
I forgot I had her :/ I hate SVs
-WP Click-
05:21:28 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
I didn't max him but I'm close to maxing him in social
Boo, personally I would if he were mine.
05:13:36 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
-WP Click-

should I buy bronze figurines to get more cp so he can be maxed in social?
Has anyone managed to speak to the sheepdog?
Whenever I click talk the adventure block just goes blank.
Cypress, I'd never give up my dog, not ever he's my world.
04:58:13 01
id choose to move out with all my things id be to depressed without my dog but honestly I dont know your situation so it is just my opinion
 Cypress Road
04:55:02 Cy, love
If yall had to decide between moving out and getting to keep all your stuff including your dog but getting no help from your family and moving back into your parents house but having to get rid of just about everything including your dog, what would you choose?
04:34:14 Ash H:H!!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-

What should I name these 2 boys-
04:30:20 Will
New dye new dye yeahhhh
 LaPearl Park
04:14:47 Mystery Machine
Hi is it worth keeping enchanted water or not?
04:14:22 The Minor Nuisance
Welp, It's 9 pm and I'm going to bed.

G'night, Y'all!
 Pink Tears
04:09:12 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
i dont know-

part of me wants to do a river but i think thats a little dark considering le lore
04:07:38 The Minor Nuisance
...is octopus something to make it on?
04:07:16 The Minor Nuisance
Oh, cool, an OC!



...Nup. My brain isn't braining. All I can think of right now is octopus. I don't know why. Just is.
 Pink Tears
04:04:05 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

maybe? im trying to get ideas and also think of possible oc refreces since im basically making a phone wallpaper of my oc where the center is his eye

literally the only thing ive thought of on my own is his dog but i dont wanna draw a dog lol
03:59:52 The Minor Nuisance

A storm/cyclone, perhaps?

might fit the colours better.

But I'm no artist (profile pic is proof), so my suggestions probably aren't that good.
 Pink Tears
03:56:44 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

hm- i think it would look a little off since the eye is a clouded (blind) albino eye
 Ghost Queen
03:56:43 Ghost, Queen, Hades
Hmm I need 700 bones to get everything I want Xad


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Lichen X YukonAugust 9, 2023 10:25 PM


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"Branam." She repeated, her voice just as soft as his. She raised her head slightly, tilting it to one side as she considered him, her ears perked. "I like it. Though I can't you look like a Branam. Your fur's not black." Amusement laced her tone as she licked at her muzzle. "But still, it does suite you." Her eyes were growing heavy and she let a wide yawn slip into the air as she rested her head against her paws. "Goodnight Branam."

Lichen X YukonAugust 11, 2023 06:16 PM

Yukon's Castle

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The slim male would smile softly at the female as she complimented his name. His tail wagged gently behind him, "Thank you.." He stated softly before hearing her small yawn and her telling him goodnight. "Goodnight.. Cinder.." He whispered to her, laying his crania into his paws and quickly falling asleep.

The next morning, Branam was up bright an early as the pups scampered over too their father. The silver male smiled and nudged them out of the den. But, it wasn't long before Branam heard a hurting howl, as if someone was calling for help. Lowering his audits down too his crania, he stepped from the den and seen Jakop standing on his small perch.

"Today.. Is a very sad one.. You guys know your duties.. Though, you may have a break if you wish." The large wolf then retreated back into his den, Eros following closely behind.

A mixture of emotions filled his gaze as the alpha spoke. Since his time here, he had never seen Jakop like that. What had happened? As he went too turn around, he saw Jakop and Eros carrying pups, which hung limply from their mouths. Branam let out a small whimper before his audits lowered to his crania. Would this have happened if he would've asked to be doula earlier? Sighing, Branam would walk over too the food pile before hearing a snarl. Turning to look, Ashla was already pouncing, her teeth out as she snarled.

"What do you think you're doing?!" She snarled.

Branam, with wide eyes would back away from her, lowering his audits to his crania. "I was getting food.." He answered simply.

Ashla's hair would be standing on end as she hovered over the now laying down omega. "Has anyone else ate yet? Who were you getting it for anyway?" She snarled.

"Myself.." Branam mumbled.

"Speak up!" Ashla snapped at him.

Branam growled and snapped back, but before he could get a word out, Ashla was tearing at his scruff, Branams yelps could be heard from all over, but, it wasn't long before the large alpha female, tears and all came barreling into the large silver female.

Ashla snarled before recognizing who it was. "My lady.. I.. I'm sorry.." She said, laying down.

A now bleeding Branam stood up, his legs shaking as he looked at Fantasia, dipping his head. "Thank you, ma'am.."

Fantasia just nodded and glared back at Ashla. "My pups did not make it through the night.. If you wish to argue over food today, do it elsewhere.. Today is meant for grieving.." She growled before trotting back toward the den.

As the alpha walked away, Branam quickly grabbed a rabbit, trotting back toward the omega den.

Lichen X YukonAugust 11, 2023 06:46 PM


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Cinderstep woke to the sounds of pain filled cries and howls splitting the air. Her heart hammered in her chest as she raised her head, eyes blinking blearily in the slanting sunlight. For a moment she was rather disorented, her head spinning with hunger as she gained her bearings and remembered where she was. Part of her was disappointed to see that her father had not sent a rescue party yet, though she knew that things like this take time.

The scent of death clung heavily in the air as she stood slowly, stretching her aching legs and padded to the front of the den, pearing out. The sight of two warriors carrying limp bundles in their mouths had her heart breaking. As much as she disliked the way the Alpha female of this pack treated Branam, she shared in her pain.

The sound of snarling and yelping drew her attention towards the center of the clearing where Branam was being attacked next to a pile of fresh kill. She bunched her muscles, ready to leap in and defend the omega despite what it would cost her. She was saved from such a decision as the Alpha Female leapt in, shoving the attacking wolf away from Branam.

Cinderstep was too far away to hear what she was saying, but by the releived look in her denmates eyes she could guess that the female was being scolded for her behavior. She watched as the omega grabbed a rabbit before quickly retreating towards the den. She ducked out of sight and layed down on her side of the nest again. When Branam came into the den she jumped to her paws, her nose sniffing at the wounds on his neck as the blood soaked his fur.

"StarClan." She hissed, eyes widening as she lapped her tongue over the fur. "Do you have a medicine wolf you can go to once you finish eating?" She asked, stepping back to look at him fully.

Lichen X YukonAugust 13, 2023 01:07 PM

Yukon's Castle

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Branam flicked his tail as he entered the den, seeing Cinderstep laying there before she stood straight up. Setting the rabbit down, he felt the wetness of a tongue on his fur after hearing her say something. Looking at her, he smiled a little. "Thank you.. and, no, I don't.. But.. If I talk you through it will you help me?" He asked her softly, "Also, this is for both of us, you can have first pick," He stated before hearing more hurtful howls from his packmates. Even though he was in pain, Branam joined in, knowing just how excited his alphas were for their puppies too be born. He just wished they had more time with them, he felt terrible.

After the howl, Branam would sit and allow Cinder to eat first.

Lichen X YukonAugust 13, 2023 05:03 PM


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Cinderstep nodded slowly, looking at the rabbit before taking a hesitant bite, keeping the size small before pushing it towards him. "I know a small bit about healing. I trained under our Medicine wolf before I decided I was better suited as a Warrior." She said, sharing the rabbit with him. When it was gone she sighed silently in relief as the hunger pangs in her belly stopped.

She looked around the den finding a cluster of cobwebs in the far corner of the den. She stood on her hind legs, using one paw to brace herself against the wall and the other she stretched high above her, straining to reach the cobwebs. She managed to hook them with her claws, pulling them free and dropped back to the ground, limping over to him with the cobwebs wrapped around her claws and paws.

Lichen X YukonAugust 13, 2023 05:39 PM

Yukon's Castle

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Listening too her words, Branam would nod. "Alright.. I don't have much, though.." He sighed before they shared the rabbit. Afterward, he went too speak before watching as she got up and strained herself to get some cobwebs. Smirking, he'd flick his audits. "Do your best, Doctor Cinderstep." He chuckled softly, not wanting to anger anymore of his packmates today.
Lichen X YukonAugust 13, 2023 05:56 PM


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Cinderstep chuckled as she sat down next to him, using her tongue to clean the wound as much as she could. It was still bleeding though not as heavily as it had been. "They aren't too deep." She murmured. "But it would help if I could have some marigold or burdock root to stop infection and fever from settling in." Sighing she applied the cobwebs to his fur, pressing it firmly against the wound and the skin around it. "That should stop the bleeding entirely. We'll leave it on and just let it fall off on its own. Try to stay off this side while you sleep and don't go fighting anyone else until I say so." She tried to put on her firmest voice, imagining how her mother used to scold her for sneaking out of camp.

Lichen X YukonAugust 13, 2023 10:17 PM

Yukon's Castle

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As Cinderstep worked on his wounds, it didn't exactly hurt him. It stung the tiniest bit. Hearing they weren't too deep, he nodded. "That's good.." He smiled before hearing her next statement. "We don't have too much as of right now.. But, maybe i'll go out later and get some herbs." He stated before letting her continue too work. Flicking hhis tail, he got up as Cinderstep continued to speak. "Don't worry, my packmates may be assholes, but, I don't start fights.." He chuckled a bit before he heard some snarls coming from outside the den.

Branam quickly came out of the den, looking around before seeing his pack members gathering around at the entrance of camp. Rugar was nudging his pups toward the den. Turning, Branam would urge them in, looking at Cinder, "Stay here.." He told her softly before turning back around and trotting over to the group. It was two more wolves. Lowering his audits, he sighed. They were both much bigger and stronger than himself. Great.. More new wolves that are gonna get higher ranks than me..

"Who are you?" Jakop asked.

"I am Guardian, and this is my mate Spirit.." The large brute stated, his dark brown pelt covered with dark splotches of grey. His mate was almost the same color minus the grey splotches everywhere.

Jakop looked at the two, thinking for a moment before looking up at his mate who gazed at him in slight approval. "You guys may have a trial period.. You will learn to live within out terms, if you cannot follow them, you will be forced too leave." He stated.

Guardian smiled and nodded, "Alright.." He stated softly too Jakop.

"I will do the honors of showing you around.." He stated, turning to lead the two around.

Branam sighed and then just simply trotted back toward the den, watching at Rugar was putting his pups down for a nap before trotting out.

"Just two new wolves.." He sighed, laying down with a sigh.

(You may have your pack come anytime you wish^^)

Lichen X YukonAugust 13, 2023 11:24 PM


Posts: 103
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It was well past Sunhigh when Jupitersmoke led the patrol of wolves to the border. She and Glassstar had spent a long time the day before and late into the night preparing for every possible scenario. When she had returned to where she had left her sister with the female, her father at her side, she had been dismayed to find that they had taken her.

Now, she had her father Glassstar, her best friend Duskstone, and three other warriors, including their Medicine Wolf Dappleheart. Each warrior had a piece of freshkill hidden in the bushes, while Dappleheart had a bundle of herbs tied tightly with some stalks of long grass at her paws. They sat patiently, waiting for a patrol to come by at any point.

(Way ahead of you xD)

Lichen X YukonAugust 13, 2023 11:47 PM

Yukon's Castle

Posts: 1722
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Later that day, Jakop, Rugar, Eros and Guardian went out patrolling. The four largest wolves of the pack walking side by side, Eros a bit ahead of the four. Ashla and Laia were out hunting. The two pups played in the middle of camp, Fantasia and the new doula, Spirit laying nearby watching them. Branam had kept himself in the den with Cinderstep, liking their conversations.

Though, the slim brute couldn't help but wonder why the pack she had talked so highly of hadn't come for her yet. If they were so good to her, why haven't they come charging in here tooth and claw? It was obvious that his pack would fall. Though, the way they treated most he didn't exactly care.

As they walked, Jakob noticed some pawprints within the mud nearby the border. They were currently behind the group from the clan, following along the border before making their way back. "There's others here.." he spoke gruffly to the other three. "Eros, flank, you as well Rugar, Guardian and I will come up their rear.. I can smell them, they aren't too far into our territory yet.." he mumbled too them before watching as his warriors dispersed. With Guardian by his side, the two largest brutes of the pack stalked forward, after a few minutes they finally came up behind the group, Jakop letting out a small growl in warning. "I suggest you leave... Now.."

It wasn't long before Rugar and Eros came up on the sides of the wolves.

Jakop took another step forward, his tail waving behind him in anger and annoyance. He knew who these wolves were, "Your pack member is fine, she will be with my pack until I decide to let her go.. She tresspassed.. Just as you are right now.. I have two of my best hunters out here now too, so don't think this will be and unfair fight.." He mentioned, not wanting them too think they had the upper hand.

Edited at August 13, 2023 11:48 PM by Yukon's Castle

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