Wolf Play : Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x Socrates
Cypress, I'd never give up my dog, not ever he's my world.
04:58:13 01
id choose to move out with all my things id be to depressed without my dog but honestly I dont know your situation so it is just my opinion
 Cypress Road
04:55:02 Cy, love
If yall had to decide between moving out and getting to keep all your stuff including your dog but getting no help from your family and moving back into your parents house but having to get rid of just about everything including your dog, what would you choose?
04:34:14 Ash H:H!!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-

What should I name these 2 boys-
04:30:20 Will
New dye new dye yeahhhh
 LaPearl Park
04:14:47 Mystery Machine
Hi is it worth keeping enchanted water or not?
04:14:22 The Minor Nuisance
Welp, It's 9 pm and I'm going to bed.

G'night, Y'all!
 Pink Tears
04:09:12 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
i dont know-

part of me wants to do a river but i think thats a little dark considering le lore
04:07:38 The Minor Nuisance
...is octopus something to make it on?
04:07:16 The Minor Nuisance
Oh, cool, an OC!



...Nup. My brain isn't braining. All I can think of right now is octopus. I don't know why. Just is.
 Pink Tears
04:04:05 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

maybe? im trying to get ideas and also think of possible oc refreces since im basically making a phone wallpaper of my oc where the center is his eye

literally the only thing ive thought of on my own is his dog but i dont wanna draw a dog lol
03:59:52 The Minor Nuisance

A storm/cyclone, perhaps?

might fit the colours better.

But I'm no artist (profile pic is proof), so my suggestions probably aren't that good.
 Pink Tears
03:56:44 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

hm- i think it would look a little off since the eye is a clouded (blind) albino eye
 Ghost Queen
03:56:43 Ghost, Queen, Hades
Hmm I need 700 bones to get everything I want Xad
03:54:24 The Minor Nuisance

A forest, perhaps?

Or a tree or some tree bark
 Pink Tears
03:51:02 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
can someone give me some background ideas for my drawing of an eye?
03:43:41 01
maybe she's immortal and will survive another year
03:42:50 01
dun dun dun hopefully she survives TvT
 Pink Tears
03:42:45 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
thats very unfortunate-
03:42:16 Fei the writer
happens every Monday


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Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesApril 10, 2023 07:14 PM


Posts: 11245
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Gwyar ‘Aries/Khorne’ Ariethous Fraoch | M | 20 | Varies/O- | Demi/Ambi | Blood Manipulation | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Gwyar watched as Maya grabbed a bowl, watched as she set the bowl down on the counter, and watched as she wrote out another note. He hoped she wasn’t telling him off, hoped he hadn’t somehow been too demanding. And when the note was passed over, he hesitated for a mere moment before reading over the words.


‘I can do whatever, I'm happy to help! Promise! You aren't bossing me around or anything, I'm asking for you to help me help, if that makes sense. Oh, I will probably be in and out a lot, though, I need to make sure I'm checking on Clio.’


No accusations, no anger, no disappointment. Nothing he’d been expecting. And she was smiling at him too.


He stared at the note just a bit longer than he’d intended to, before clearing his throat a bit and nodding. “That’s fine, obviously. There’s not really much to do though, uh- If you want to start putting the ingredients together in the bowl then that’s fine?


Gwyar bit his tongue to keep himself from apologizing at his unsure tone. He wasn’t used to this. He wasn’t used to telling people what they could do. He wasn’t supposed to do that. He was supposed to listen. His fingers tapped against the counter, he forced them to still, he looked at the recipe book, and forced his voice to sound a bit less like a question. “We, uh, mostly just need to dry ingredients in there first. The flour, baking powder, sugar, salt…


Chile ‘Kyle’ Guerra Seymour | M | 20 | AB- | Pan/Ambi | Reindeer Shifter | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Chile heard as the other talking in the room stopped, and then answers began calling out instead.


I'll take some!


Pancakes are the fucking best, 'course I want some!


Agnar and Kage. Those two weren’t surprising at all, so he mostly turned his attention to Skylar and Ingall.


I'm okay, thank you, Chile.


He nodded slightly at Skylar, accepting of the choice even as the fidgeting poked at his mind. He knew better than to push though. Not when the only thing he could push would be pancakes and berries. Kyle would probably offer him berries again later, those were a safer bet than both options being pushed. A safer bet than just pancakes being pushed.


A conversation started up again, and within what seemed like seconds, Agnar was rushing past him. Smiling and speaking as he went.


See ya for breakfast, Chile, and thanks again! Oh, and you're invited too, if ya wanna come!


He gave Agni a small thumbs up as he went, and then looked over at Ingall as he spoke.


I'll take some breakfast as well, thank you, Chile. Do you happen to need anything?


As much as Kyle knew that he didn’t- He heard the underlying plea to get out. So he thought for a moment, trying to think of something. He was always willing to help a friend, after all, and Ingall wasn’t an exception. Luckily, he was given more time to think as Skylar spoke.


I'll ask Oculi if they want breakfast when they get up. And me and Kage will make sure to pick up a little bit as well. Before Kage goes out on his little adventure.


Yeah, yeah, whatever.


Thank you.


Chile listened to the conversation quietly, having begun to lean against the doorframe at some point during it. Smiling softly at the whole ordeal. “Alright, well. Let me know what Oculi says once they get up. And Gall, you can come over to my apartment if you want, an extra hand is always great.


Garvin | M | N/A (22) | N/A | Brin/Ambi | Catecholamine Rush | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Garvin heard the door open, close, and looked over without actually getting up as he heard footsteps approaching. Hare was back, which was always great.


Hey, you two, you want in on some chaos?


He hummed in thought, taking a drag from the cigarette before grinning. “Of fuckin’ course I do, Scout.


I’m alright, I got some stuff going on here today, actually.


Garvin rolled his eyes at Devery, and then squinted them at Fletch, taking a drag as he did so. The look on his face was a familiar one. One he’d know anywhere. He huffed a laugh, and sat up a bit. The look of someone who was definitely planning on causing mischief. But not just any mischief, Garvin’s favorite kind of mischief. “What’re we stealin’, Bow?


He heard as Devery groaned a sigh, “Nope. I’m out. Don’t call me as your one phone call when you get arrested.


Garvin snickered a bit, sitting up fully now, watching as Levi made his way out of the room. “Aw, come on Stark! Who else would I call?


Someone who would actually bail you out?


He huffed, and his attention turned back to Agni. “So… Ya gonna tell me ‘bout what we’re doin’?


Devery ‘Levy’ Kole Martin | M | 25 | O+ | Pan/Ambi | Flatten | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Hey, you two, you want in on some chaos?


Devery looked over, having not noticed that Agnar had come back until the words had been spoken.


Of fuckin’ course I do, Scout.


He thought a moment longer than Garvin did. Frankly, he still needed to get ready for tomorrow. Make sure everything was in a good place before the dealing took place. “I’m alright, I got some stuff going on here today, actually.


What’re we stealin’, Bow?


And Devery looked back at Agnar, looked over the younger one’s face, and then groaned a sigh as he saw that glint in his eyes. The one he only ever saw when someone was, in fact, planning to steal something. “Nope. I’m out. Don’t call me as your one phone call when you get arrested.


And he pushed himself out of the chair he was seated at, coffee mug in one hand and cigarette in the other. Because there really was no way he was doing that. No way he was bailing them out of jail. Maybe if it was only Agnar, but Garvin too? Man, he could only imagine the complications that would come with it. No way was he doing all that.


Luckily for him, Garvin seemed to know just who that had really been targeted at. “Aw, come on Stark! Who else would I call?


He rolled his eyes as he continued walking, shrugging as he took a drag. “Someone who would actually bail you out?” And with that, he managed to walk into his room. The conversation rightly avoided.

Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesApril 11, 2023 08:26 PM

Lost Memories

Posts: 8895
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Agnar ‘Agni’ Solefair | Male | 22 | AB- | Homosexual | Poly | Enhanced Senses | No | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Of fuckin’ course I do, Scout.

I’m alright, I got some stuff going on here today, actually.

What’re we stealin’, Bow?

Nope. I’m out. Don’t call me as your one phone call when you get arrested.

Aw, come on Stark! Who else would I call?

Someone who would actually bail you out?

So… Ya gonna tell me ‘bout what we’re doin’?

Agnar smirked, amused by the whole interaction. "No worries, we just won't get caught!" He winked before pushing himself up to sit on the back of the couch with his legs dangling. He twisted to face Garvin as he spoke. "We're gonna raid the mall. Anything and everything, as long as you can get it without getting caught first, 'course! Oh, and the others don't know this yet, but I had another idea too! We could totally make a competition! Whoever gets the most stuff wins one thing from everyone else's pile too. You get caught, you get disqualified, obviously."

He grinned. "How's that for chaos?"

Kage ‘King’ Virgo | Male | 19 | B+ | Homosexual | Ambi | Shadow Manipulation | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir)

Alright, well. Let me know what Oculi says once they get up. And Gall, you can come over to my apartment if you want, an extra hand is always great.

Kage continued to pout at Chile's response. Why'd Ingall get to go visit people while he had to stay here and do all the dirty work?! That was hardly fair!

"Thank you, Chile. If you give me a moment, I'd like to grab something first, then we can head over."

Then there were swift footsteps as Ingall made his way down the hall to his room. Kage huffed. There he went bossing people around again! Telling them to wait for him when they totally didn't have to!

A few seconds later, the footsteps returned and Ingall rejoined Chile.

"Alright, have fun you two! I'll come over to let you know what Oculi says when they wake up!" Skylar's voice was soft and warm. Kage's shoulders slouched more. Why'd they get the happy tone and he got the scary one?! This was his boyfriend!

The two left, signaled by a soft click of the door, and Kage finally looked up, huffing dramatically as he glared at Skylar.


Skylar laughed quietly and crossed the room to lightly ruffle Kage's hair.

"Come on, Kage, it's not that bad."

"Cleaning is the worst!" He protested, lightly pushing Sky's hand away. "And I didn't do anything wrong! Ingall's a prick!"

Skylar sighed, his expression saddening. "Your distancing yourself, Kage." He said softly.

Kage paused, confused. "No, I'm not! He's just a prick!"

"Kage, you are-"

He stood suddenly, meeting Skylar's eyes harshly, not missing the way he flinched slightly at the sudden movement. "No. I'm not. I don't do that anymore." He hissed, hands clenching. "I'm not making that mistake again."

Silence hung in the air for a moment before Skylar sighed softly, dropping his eyes. "Okay."

Kage took a breath and nodded. "Okay. Yeah. Let's just clean then."

His partner nodded and they both fell into their own task. It was silent, but uncomfortably so this time. Kage knew well that they were both thinking about the same things, and neither of them was willing to push the subject further.

This was far enough.

Skylar ‘Sky’ Baldwin | Male | 19 | A- | Pansexual | Ambi | Healing Energy | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir)

Alright, well. Let me know what Oculi says once they get up. And Gall, you can come over to my apartment if you want, an extra hand is always great.

"Thank you, Chile. If you give me a moment, I'd like to grab something first, then we can head over."

Skylar smiled softly and stepped aside to let Ingall pass him to get to his room, watching as he returned a few seconds later with a small, well-kept case in his hand. His flute. He tended to play more when he was around Maya, if the rest of them were lucky, they'd get to hear as well.

As Ingall re-joined Chile at the door, Skylar waved slightly.

"Alright, have fun you two! I'll come over to let you know what Oculi says when they wake up!"

He didn't have to look over to know that Kage sank down further at his tone. He waited until the door was shut, however, to look over, watching as his boyfriend unfolded himself and huffed dramatically.


Skylar laughed softly and crossed the room, gently ruffling his boyfriend's hair. "Come on, Kage, it's not that bad."

"Cleaning is the worst! And I didn't do anything wrong! Ingall's a prick!"

Sky let his hand, which Kage had pushed away, drop back to his side. Sadness rising in his chest. Kage really was oblivious.

"Your distancing yourself, Kage." He spoke softly, very aware that he was walking a thin line.

"No, I'm not! He's just a prick!" Kage's voice was more forceful, a slight waver underlying his tone.

"Kage, you are-"

Kage stood suddenly, green eyes bright with warning as Skylar took a half step back, flinching at the sudden movement and the added harshness in his tone and gaze.

"No. I'm not. I don't do that anymore. I'm not making that mistake again."

Skylar froze, dropping his eyes. His mouth felt suddenly dry and his legs seemed almost shaky. Too far. He'd crossed the line.


Kage took a steadying breath and nodded.

"Okay. Yeah. Let's just clean then."

Skylar nodded this time, turning to go grab the broom from the kitchen, fighting against the stinging in his eyes. It had been years. They had to talk about it. They had to. Because, if they didn't, Kage would hurt someone else, and, this time, it might not be indirect. And Skylar couldn't bear to see that look of horror on his face again.

Yet, Sky couldn't bring himself to pull Kage out of his head either, because that would hurt him too. There were no good options here.

A shaky hand lifted to touch the large scar on his cheek and he winced as a warm tear traced the rugged skin.

It was years ago, but it all felt far too fresh.

Ingall ‘Angel’ Dara Featherlight | Male | 21 | B- | Demisexual Panromantic | Ambi | Enticing Voice | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Alright, well. Let me know what Oculi says once they get up. And Gall, you can come over to my apartment if you want, an extra hand is always great.

Ingall relaxed a bit more at the words and he dipped his head. "Thank you, Chile. If you give me a moment, I'd like to grab something first, then we can head over."

Without waiting for a response, Angel turned and walked quickly to his room, heading immediately to the closet, pulling a small case off its top shelf. He wasn't sure if he'd actually be using his flute, but he wanted to have it just in case. In case Maya wanted him to play, or Clio. Maybe, after the others left, those remaining would be calm and kind enough to enjoy something that he enjoyed as well. And something that his brother had enjoyed.

His hand lifted to his necklace again for a second before he took a breath and hurried back to join Chile, waving back at Skylar as he spoke.

"Alright, have fun you two! I'll come over to let you know what Oculi says when they wake up!"

Ingall nodded and gently closed the door behind him and Chile, offering a very faint smile to the other as they headed to his apartment.

Upon entering Chile's apartment, Ingall was greeted with the soft sounds of shuffling from the kitchen, which is where he headed, assuming that's where he could help, if anywhere.

Maya and Aries were there, and May looked up, eyes flashing with surprise before lighting up. She waved enthusiastically and smiled widely, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet as she spotted the case in Ingall's hand.

Gal nodded at her and placed the case down in the corner of the kitchen, out of the way, before walking over to where Maya and Aries were standing. "Good morning Maya, good morning Aries." He greeted, hesitating for a moment as May watched him with a questioning tilt of her head. She held up her hands, brushing them over her body as if she was brushing something off, and then wiggled her fingers. Clean. She'd showered. She was clean.

After a moment, he sighed and extended his arms, watching as she very happily walked into them, lightly wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.

Maya, one of the very few people Ingall let touch him. He trusted her. She'd given him reason to trust her time and time again, and, more than anything, she reminded him of her brother. She was the only one in the group that Ingall might actually consider (though it was still very unlikely) going to if he needed help. Specifically with emotional shit. Only certain emotional shit, though.

So, he hugged her back lightly for a couple of seconds before gently pulling away. May grinned at him again and waved happily to Chile, still looking highly excited, probably about the flute.

Maya ‘May/Fawn’ Mildred Eniko | Female | 23 | AB+ | Bisexual | Ambi | Blissful Dreams | No | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

That’s fine, obviously. There’s not really much to do though, uh- If you want to start putting the ingredients together in the bowl then that’s fine? We, uh, mostly just need to dry ingredients in there first. The flour, baking powder, sugar, salt…”

Maya smiled and nodded, jotting down another note.

'I can do that! Do you know measurements, or should I eyeball it?'

Either way would be fine, May was relatively skilled in the kitchen... At least with things she'd made before. And pancakes and berries were easy enough!

As she handed the note over, she heard the door open and looked up as Chile and, much to her surprise, Ingall entered the kitchen. Maya blinked in surprise and then grinned widely. Her smile grew only wider when her eyes landed on the case that Ingall sat off to the side. He'd brought his flute! Yes!

"Good morning Maya, good morning Aries."

May bounced lightly on the balls of her feet and met Ingall's eyes, tilting her head questioningly. She knew that Angel would know what she wanted, but she had to make sure it was okay first, especially if her friend was having a bad day. Which he probably was, considering that he was here instead of in his own apartment.

Quickly, she brushed her hands over her body and then wiggled her fingers, signaling that she was clean and that she had showered.

Ingall seemed to hesitate for a moment before letting out a quiet sigh and extending his arms, which May immediately walked into. She hugged him lightly, carefully not to put too much pressure against him or make him feel trapped, and pressed a feather-light kiss on his cheek before he gently pulled away.

She stepped back respectfully and waved enthusiastically at Chile in greeting. This morning was going to be so much fun!

Edited at April 11, 2023 09:17 PM by Lost Memories
Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesApril 12, 2023 08:56 AM


Posts: 11245
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Gwyar ‘Aries/Khorne’ Ariethous Fraoch | M | 20 | Varies/O- | Demi/Ambi | Blood Manipulation | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Gwyar watched as Maya smiled and wrote, taking a moment to look at the recipe book and the pancake recipe. He looked over as she passed the note over.


‘I can do that! Do you know measurements, or should I eyeball it?’


He’d looked down at the note, eyes catching the last word before he’d even truly read the rest. His eyes stared, throat tight for absolutely no reason as he breathed through his nose, as his chest constricted, and he was unable to look at the rest of the note. Unable to move his eyes away from the taunting word. A finger twitched, they tapped against the counter futilely, a sad attempt to keep his mind from actually processing the word. From pulling out drawers and cabinets. Everything sharp was moved routinely, Kyle made sure of that, each and every night.


He heard the door open, which meant that Chile was back. So he didn’t need to turn and greet him. Not yet. Kyle would rap on the doorframe and then speak. To let them all know he was there and that he was about to talk. If he wanted to talk. His eyes refused to move from the last word on the note. He could hear Maya moving a bit, he heard footsteps, eyes stayed trained on that word. More footsteps.


Good morning Maya, good morning Aries.


His eyes finally managed to move, and he turned towards the source immediately. Of course he did, that voice held power. That voice held authority. Maybe not in tone, but by who the voice belonged to. Some people had voices like that. Like Kyle, whose voice was like a light in a tunnel. But that wasn’t Chile, that was Ingall. A fact that his ears had known as soon as he’d heard him. Ingall’s voice was one that his ears were trained to listen for. To listen to.


His shoulders straightened out a bit subconsciously, the way they always did in the arena, and he kept his eyes downcast on reflex. Away from Ingall’s eyes. Skin prickling with unease despite his attempts to at least come off as unbothered as possible. His response came easier though, less emotion, less weakness. And without a name attached, he never addressed them directly. No one did, should. There was too much risk in doing that with them, so the same principle would be used with this authority figure too. “Good morning.


Chile ‘Kyle’ Guerra Seymour | M | 20 | AB- | Pan/Ambi | Reindeer Shifter | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Thank you, Chile. If you give me a moment, I'd like to grab something first, then we can head over.


Kyle nodded, smiling lightly at his own ability to help a friend. Watched as Kage huffed, Skylar smiled, and Ingall disappeared into the hall only to reemerge with his flute case seconds later. Chile smiled fondly at the case, Clio and Maya loved when he played. And, to be fair, Gall was a good player. He definitely didn’t mind the music, it was actually pretty great.


Alright, have fun you two! I'll come over to let you know what Oculi says when they wake up!


As Ingall reached the door, Chile stepped aside to let him through, sending the other two a pair of finger guns as he walked out, watching as Ingall closed the door behind him. Turning back around and offering Gall a smile in return, he walked down the hallway back to his apartment. He could check on Clio when he got up if May had already woken up, and then tell Ari who wanted pancakes and berries. Tell him that Skylar wanted berries but no pancakes. That Akira and Oculi weren’t awake yet.


As soon as he’d opened the door, he could hear shuffling in the kitchen. Maya was probably up to then, since it wasn’t the loud voice of Quinn. And there was too much noise to just be one person. He nodded to Ingall, giving a tap on the doorframe of the entrance before closing the door behind him, just out of habit.


From there, he walked on over to Clio’s room, tapping lightly on the doorframe as he opened the door. He glanced in, eyes easily finding his sister still asleep in the bottom bunk. He smiled, sighed almost silently, and then tapped the doorframe again as he closed the door again. Turning, he started on his way to the kitchen, entering as he reached it.


Gall had seemingly just placed his case in a corner, out of the way from any baking they’d be doing. Aries wasn’t turned towards them, Maya was. Maya was smiling, obviously happy to see Ingall and his flute. Aries… He did a once-over, not missing the tension in his friend’s shoulders, his whole stance, not missing the tapping of his fingers against the counters. His eyes narrowed, following the staring gaze to Maya’s notepad.


Good morning Maya, good morning Aries.


Chile’s attention was only slightly redirected as Gall spoke, almost immediately going back to Aries. Because there hadn’t been a rapping on a frame, he’d already been tense, and this was Ingall speaking. And, as expected, he saw as Ari turned practically immediately, saw the shoulders square and straighten, saw as the tension stayed and grew.


Good morning.


He made his own way into the kitchen, walked in and over to the counter, hoping to elevate the tension and deescalate whatever was at risk of going on. He rapped on the table as he walked past and then set his hands on the counter. An easy way to let Gall know what to do next time, and a good habit to keep in place for himself. “So! Agnar, Kage, Garvin, and Devery all wanted some pancakes and berries. Oculi, Quinn, and Akira aren’t up yet but we’ll be told what they both say when they are.


He paused, and then continued, “Oh, and Skylar just wanted some berries.” As he stood there, he let his gaze run over to the notepad, stealing a glance.


‘I can do that! Do you know measurements, or should I eyeball it?’


He breathed in a quiet sigh through his nose, and then turned. Aries hadn’t moved. Unfortunately, that made sense. Even without the note catalyzing, Ari was prone to complacency, to listening to anyone who even slightly reminded him of the people from the arena. He bristled a bit, and he forced that down. If he could murder all of those damn guards and workers, he would.


Focusing on what he could do though, he could talk to Maya. Let her know not to use ‘it’ in her writing when having a conversation with Aries. And that if she did then to put right next to it exactly what she was referring to. He glanced over at the recipe book, just to make sure that his friend had grabbed the right one, that this wasn’t one of those days where Aries got upset at himself and tried to fix things by seeking out exposure to what had caused the problems. The book was the right one, with words crossed out and the sentences explained. That was good at least, he looked over to Maya, making sure to catch her eyes, trying to silently convey that he’d need to talk to her. That she wasn’t in trouble despite that.


Garvin | M | N/A (22) | N/A | Brin/Ambi | Catecholamine Rush | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

No worries, we just won't get caught!


Garvin snickered lightly, turning to look at Scout easier as he pushed himself onto the couch. He raised an eyebrow in question, taking a drag as he waited for Sparrow to speak.


We're gonna raid the mall. Anything and everything, as long as you can get it without getting caught first, 'course! Oh, and the others don't know this yet, but I had another idea too! We could totally make a competition! Whoever gets the most stuff wins one thing from everyone else's pile too. You get caught, you get disqualified, obviously. How’s that for chaos?


That… Was a great idea. Basically a game. He leaned back, smiling a sly grin as he did so, keeping his eyes on Agni as he grinned too. His sly smirk turned into a wide toothed grin, “Best idea I’ve heard today, Nate. ‘M totally in.


Frankly, it seemed like an easy win to him. He’d been stealing for a long time, since… Well, since always, as far back as he was comfortable remembering. Regardless, he still stole from the others a ton too… Despite words to stop that he gave some of them. But that wasn’t too important. Though, the idea still had some questions to ask.


So he leveled his gaze at Sole, and went back to his sly smirk. “We just stealin’ from the stores or is pickpocketin’ goin’ ta be allowed too? And will certain stuff be worth more points? And, best question ‘ere, what if someone gets caught but gets out of trouble, loot all intact?” He took a slow drag after, knowing full well how dramatic that was. To be fair though, it was fun.


If pickpocketing was allowed, he’d just count the whole game as a win for him. If getting caught but getting out of trouble didn’t take him out of the game? He would definitely win. Because as good as everyone else was, they were either good at stealing without getting caught or they were good at stealing and getting out of trouble when they were. Mostly. And pickpocketing was an art that very few of them were actually pros at. The amount of times Garvin had been able to steal something right off their person without them noticing for at least minutes after the fact proved that much. So, if pickpocketing counted and he could stay in even if he was caught as long as he managed to get out of it with his stuff intact? He didn’t doubt his chances at winning. That was for certain.

Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesApril 12, 2023 05:08 PM

Lost Memories

Posts: 8895
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Agnar ‘Agni’ Solefair | Male | 22 | AB- | Homosexual | Poly | Enhanced Senses | No | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Best idea I’ve heard today, Nate. ‘M totally in. We just stealin’ from the stores or is pickpocketin’ goin’ ta be allowed too? And will certain stuff be worth more points? And, best question ‘ere, what if someone gets caught but gets out of trouble, loot all intact?”

Agnar's grin continued to widen as Garvin spoke. Good idea after good idea. Hell yeah! This is why he invited G-man to all the chaos!

"Anything and everything, so pickpocketing is a total yes! I love you're ideas man, yes, we should totally have a point system! What do ya think should be worth the most? What's worth the least? Oh, and, if someone gets caught and gets outta trouble with everything, I'd say that's an extra few points!"

He tapped his fingers excitedly on the couch. This was bound to be tons of fun! Especially if everyone joined in!

Kage ‘King’ Virgo | Male | 19 | B+ | Homosexual | Ambi | Shadow Manipulation | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir)

Kage moved around the front room. He'd lived in the apartment for long enough that, even though he didn't like Ingall, he knew how he liked things positioned, so he placed everything in its proper place. After a few minutes though, he found himself looking toward the kitchen where Skylar had disappeared. He should be back by now, even if he was sweeping, it didn't take that long and, when they were both home, Sky never stayed out of Kage's sight for more than a couple of minutes unless there was good reason.


Tossing the last pillow back onto the couch, Kage turned and headed to the kitchen. He definitely shouldn't have snapped. Even if Skylar was wrong, which he was, he still shouldn't have snapped. Sky didn't respond well to that kind of stuff, Kage should know better by now.

He hurried to the kitchen and paused in the frame, eyes landing on the lanky figure of his boyfriend. Sky had evidently finished sweeping and was sitting at the table now, starring off into space while one hand subcontiously rubbed at the scar on his cheek.

Kage did a quick assessment of his partner's posture. He'd positioned himself so that he was slightly slumped, one arm pressed down hard against the rough wood of the table. His sleeve was slightly pulled up so that the skin on his wrist was complete exposed to the wooded surface. This told him two things, one, Skylar was actively seeking discomfort, as rough textures like the one of the table usually bothered him a lot and, two, Sky had contimplated doing something stupid before catching himself and sitting down quickly to avoid it. He was completely still and his eyes were distant and unblinking, proving that he was far off into his head. His chest was moving quicker than normal. Anxiety attack then. And, finally, there were signs of tears on Skylar's face, which was probably why he was rubbing at his scar. Water was a trigger for that.

Having assessed all of this within about fifteen seconds, Kage took a deep breath and crossed the room to the table, taking a seat across from his boyfriend. When he got no reaction, he slowly reached across the table and lightly grabbed Sky's hands in his own, pulling them away from his boyfriend's face and from the table. He smiled softly when Skylar's eyes flicked to him, wide with uncertainty as Kage shifted their hands to open both his palms flat, facing the other. After a few seconds, Sky copied the motion and Kage lightly pressed their palms together.

"Hey, mi amor." He murmured, his voice much softer than normal and he watched Skylar stare at their hands, still breathing faster than Kage would like. "Look, you're here, see? We both are. I got you."

Skylar's eyes flicked up to Kage's again and Kage's heart shattered at the brokenness in them. Still, he smiled. "I'm not mad, okay? I'm sorry I snapped at you, I didn't mean to. I shouldn't have. I'm not mad though, I promise."

Skylar nodded barely, fingers shifting to link with Kage's, who responded in kind, squeezing his partner's hands tightly for a moment before letting go and standing to walk around the table. He Gently cupped Skylar's cheeks when he got to his side and rested his forehead against his, smiling faintly as Skylar let out a soft sigh and finally seemed to relax a little.

"I'll be careful, love." Kage promised softly, pressing a soft kiss to Skylar's forehead before adjusting again to hug him tightly. Sky leaned into his touch, taking comfort in the applied pressure.

"I trust you."

Skylar ‘Sky’ Baldwin | Male | 19 | A- | Pansexual | Ambi | Healing Energy | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir)

Skylar managed to actually sweep for aproximitally a minute before the dam fully broke and tears spilled over.

Cursing quietly, Sky immediately went to put the broom back and desperately reached up to shove the tears away from his scar, panicking as the warm, salty water slipped through his fingers and craftily danced around his every attempt to swipe them away. A burning sensation started up in his cheek where his scar was and Sky panicked more, grimacing as he rubbed at the skin roughly. It hurt too much, just stop crying! Please!

Better! Just stop existing!

If that happened then all the pain would stop! Kage wouldn't be mad anymore, Skylar wouldn't have to think anymore, wouldn't have to fight anymore, wouldn't have to feel anymore!

His eyes, still blurred with tears, flicked to the drawer where the knives were held and, for a split second, he was stepping forward and reaching out, ready to grab the deadly device when Kage's face flashed in his mind. Eyes filled with horrified tears, mouth open in an agonizing scream, hand reaching toward him.

He couldn't do that to him.

Stumbling back, Sky quickly found his way to the table, sitting himself in a chair and pressing his arm down hard against the rough wood, relishing the scratchy sensation that brought him so much discomfort. He continued to rub at his cheek, even as his tears stopped falling and a soft buzz started up in his head, pulling him away from reality.

He wasn't sure how long he sat there like that when his hands were suddenly gently pulled away from him. When he looked over, he was faced with soft green eyes a light smile. Kage.

He didn't look angry anymore. That was good, right?

There was movement and Kage shifted, stretching out his fingers and pressing his palms outward toward Skylar. Something he did when Sky got overstimulated. It offered support if Sky wanted it, but didn't put any pressure on him at all. Sometimes that's what was needed, and other times it was the opposite, but Kage had figured that out too. He changed what he did based on Skylar's reaction. He really was amazing.

After hesitating a moment, Skylar simply copied the movement and watched as Kage pressed their palms together gently. His hand looked so small compared to Sky's, it almost made him smile. Almost.

"Hey, mi amor. Look, you're here, see? We both are. I got you."

Skylar looked up from their hands, meeting his boyfriend's eyes. Kage smiled gently and Sky wanted nothing more than to hug him in that moment, but he couldn't. Kage was good at hiding, he might still be angry and just feel bad because Skylar was panicking.

"I'm not mad, okay? I'm sorry I snapped at you, I didn't mean to. I shouldn't have. I'm not mad though, I promise." Sky examined Kage for a moment, searching for a lie. When he couldn't find one, he just nodded faintly and adjusted his hand to link his fingers with Kage's, silently asking for more physical support. Kage responded immediately, squeezing his hand tightly before standing and walking around the table quickly. He cupped Sky's cheeks, and he didn't even flinch as his hand brushed over the ugly scar, something Skylar couldn't understand but appreciated nonetheless.

When Kage's forehead rested against his own, Sky let out a soft sigh and leaned into the touch as his boyfriend spoke.

"I'll be careful, love." He said, moving to place a kiss on his forehead and wrap his arms tightly around his shoulders. Skylar found himself falling further into Kage's embrace. He believed him. Of course, he believed him. That didn't mean that he thought that Kage would manage to pull out of this cycle without hurting anyone, but he believed that he would try. Because Kage may be a liar, but he was his boyfriend first.

"I trust you."

Ingall ‘Angel’ Dara Featherlight | Male | 21 | B- | Demisexual Panromantic | Ambi | Enticing Voice | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Good morning.

Ingall paused. At the tone of Aries's voice, the way he looked over immediately and changed the way he presented himself, at the way he avoided looking at Ingall directly. Right. He was scared. How could Gal forget?

He looked over as Chile rapped on the table, recalling the way he'd hit the frame when entering the room too. He nodded quickly to signify he understood the meaning behind Chile's actions, and listened as the other spoke.

So! Agnar, Kage, Garvin, and Devery all wanted some pancakes and berries. Oculi, Quinn, and Akira aren’t up yet but we’ll be told what they both say when they are. Oh, and Skylar just wanted some berries.”

Well, that wasn't completely true, but Ingall didn't argue. Skylar needed to eat at least something, and, even if he ended up completely disregarding them, it was good to have the option. Plus, no matter what, they wouldn't go to waste. No food around here did.

He shifted, eyes flicking over the room. It seemed like, realistically, they didn't need any help. Four people hardly needed to cook something as simple as pancakes and berries. Besides, it was probably better if he wasn't around here. Around Aries.

His chest constricted a little and he reached up to clasp his hand around his necklace again, chewing his cheek as he debated his words. This wasn't his space. It was supposed to be Aries's, he was supposed to feel safe here. Ingall of all people understood that, but... He couldn't bear the idea of going back to his own apartment right now. A walk might be nice, but with breakfast so close, it might not be a good idea, someone would have to come find him.

Letting out a silent breath, he did the best he could to give everyone what they wanted.

"Um, is there something I should do someplace else? I can clean up in the common room or something if you'd like, you seem to have the kitchen covered."

That should suffice, right? It should at least give Chile enough to work with. Hopefully it gave Chile enough to work with, because, out of his element, Ingall felt completely lost.

Maya ‘May/Fawn’ Mildred Eniko | Female | 23 | AB+ | Bisexual | Ambi | Blissful Dreams | No | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Good morning.

Maya's smile wavered a little and she looked between Aries and Ingall, shifting nervously at the tension in the air. Aries was always uncomfortable around Ingall for some reason, probably because he could act like an authority figure sometimes, but Ingall never misused his power as far as Maya was aware, and he seemed just as tense around Aries as he did around him.

Her eyes snapped to Chile as he rapped on the table, likely trying to communicate with Ingall what he should do before entering a room Aries was in. Maya hadn't even thought about it, it'd become a habit for her to do this since Chile showed her the first time, and even before that, she did it pretty typically to annoyance herself without talking.

So! Agnar, Kage, Garvin, and Devery all wanted some pancakes and berries. Oculi, Quinn, and Akira aren’t up yet but we’ll be told what they both say when they are. Oh, and Skylar just wanted some berries.”

Maya relaxed a little and nodded happily at the words, though she paused when Chile met her eyes, very obviously communicating that they needed to talk. May nodded very slightly, hoping she hadn't done something wrong, before her attention was, once again, grabbed by Ingall.

"Um, is there something I should do someplace else? I can clean up in the common room or something if you'd like, you seem to have the kitchen covered."

Her brows furrowed at the way Ingall was holding his necklace, a tell-tale sign from him that he was anxious. She started chewed her lip and shifted from foot to foot, anxiously this time. Her eyes found Chile again and she made a tiny, questioning gesture, something that could roughly be translated to:

'What the hell are we supposed to do?! Too tense!'

Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesApril 12, 2023 08:06 PM


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Gwyar ‘Aries/Khorne’ Ariethous Fraoch | M | 20 | Varies/O- | Demi/Ambi | Blood Manipulation | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Silence stretched after Kyle’s words, and Gwyar stayed still. Kept his eyes away, kept his hands from clenching, kept his fingers from tapping, and simply stood there. Kept himself from apologizing. Kept himself from speaking. Trying to keep his attention on Ingall, trying to keep himself from thinking too much. Tried to ignore what pulled at the back of his mind. He just had to listen. That’s all.


Um, is there something I should do someplace else? I can clean up in the common room or something if you'd like, you seem to have the kitchen covered.


He stayed still. The question wasn’t for him. He wasn’t asked questions. Ingall didn’t need to ask him questions. Those words were meant for someone else. Which meant all Gwyar needed to do was stay still and silent. As much so as possible. So that the others in the room could talk. He kept himself from biting his tongue, kept himself from moving. Was he breathing too loud? Shallow breathing through the nose would work.


When a voice spoke again, he could distantly recognize them as Chile. Could distantly realize that his shallow breathing through the nose had constricted into almost nothing. Could distantly recognize the way his chest ached, ignorable, bearable, nowhere near the worst he’d felt. And entirely necessary, entirely fine. His feet stayed planted on the ground, his entirety stock still. The voice was far away though, barely piercing through his mind.


Honestly, more than two…for this…fine by me, the room isn’t… Haven’t…


Chile ‘Kyle’ Guerra Seymour | M | 20 | AB- | Pan/Ambi | Reindeer Shifter | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Chile gave Maya a small smile when she nodded back to him, looking back at the other two. Ingall was obviously nervous, clasping at his necklace in that way he did whenever he was. Ari wasn’t doing much better, practically just standing at attention. Waiting for orders like a ‘well trained’ soldier. ‘Well trained’. He’d always hated that phrase. More like conditioned and broken, his mind supplied, rather unhelpfully, so he pushed the thought away. He didn’t want to think too hard about that. When Ingall spoke, it was a welcome distraction for him.


Um, is there something I should do someplace else? I can clean up in the common room or something if you'd like, you seem to have the kitchen covered.


And… Well, Kyle was drawing a blank. He was at an impasse. Unsure of how to respond, how to answer. Because, yeah, the kitchen was definitely covered. Four people was honestly a lot for this kitchen to hold. Basically the limit, and that was if the four weren’t moving around.


But he needed to do a lot. Ingall was anxious, so he would need to be spoken to. Aries needed away from Gall for right now, the way his friends’ breathing shifted after the words said that much. And would definitely need to be talked down. Chile also needed to talk to Maya. None of the conversations would do well with others present though.


Aries definitely couldn’t be alone. Ingall probably could, there wasn’t anything in the common area but- Well, Kyle wanted to be a good host for his friend. He didn’t want to just assign Gall to cleaning up a mess that wasn’t his. Maya was relatively stable as far as he knew, but he did need to talk to her.


Aries needed someone with him though. Chile didn’t want to risk him going through the kitchen drawers and finding anything sharp. Not right now. But he wouldn’t do that if someone was in here with him. And he couldn’t tell Aries to leave the kitchen because then Ingall and Ari both would be leaving the room and that would cause some complications and— He caught Maya’s eyes from across the room, mostly by accident as he was looking around trying to find out what to do.


‘What the hell are we supposed to do?! Too tense!’


The message was easy enough to read, but did nothing to alleviate the pressure starting to develop on his shoulders. But the three needed him and he had to do this. He was the one who brought Ingall to the apartment, he was the one who decided to make pancakes and berries. This fell on him to fix. So, he did what he always did in a stressful situation… He took a deep breath, gave himself a split second to think, did an almost imperceptible shake of his head, and spoke.


Honestly, more than two is a bit much for this kitchen. Cleaning the common area’s fine by me, the room isn’t as clean as usual right now. Haven’t gotten to that yet today. And Maya, could you maybe keep an eye on Clio for me?” The words sounded confident enough. Like he knew what he was doing. Honestly, this was probably a good call all around. Aries wouldn’t be alone and Kyle could talk him down. Ingall would get to clean, which did seem to help his nerves most of the time, and then after he finished talking to Aries then he could talk to Gall. And then Maya could keep an eye on Clio, and whenever he finished with the other two, he could talk to her. Or she’d have a chance to help Ingall a bit too, while he dealt with Ari. Gall did seem more inclined to talk to her.


He did a quick once over around the room again. Ingall was anxious but cleaning would hopefully help so he could talk to him second. Maya would do fine with Clio, and he could afford to talk to her last. Aries was- Practically not even breathing. Shallow, far too spaced out breaths through the nose. Which meant he was getting way too close to an edge that Kyle needed to pull him from. As soon as possible.


Garvin | M | N/A (22) | N/A | Brin/Ambi | Catecholamine Rush | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Anything and everything, so pickpocketing is a total yes! I love your ideas man, yes, we should totally have a point system! What do ya think should be worth the most? What's worth the least? Oh, and, if someone gets caught and gets outta trouble with everything, I'd say that's an extra few points!


Garvin grinned at the words, taking another drag before speaking again. “Do we want ta go off of size or worth? The more money somethin’ would’ve cost could work for the point system, or we could go with the larger somethin’ is that more points it’s worth.


Either way, he was already fairly certain of everyone’s loss. Especially if they went with worth. Jewelry was easy to steal. Watches, rings, bracelets. Tons of choices there. Plenty to steal. Plenty that would cost a pretty penny for sure. Phones and wallets too, obviously. There was always something on someone that could be stolen. And jewelry stores were always overpriced. There was no way he’d be going down. Not with how many times he’s already stolen from places like that.


Oculi ‘Opal’ Aisling Belmira | Apagender | 23 | A- | Cupio/Pan/Ambi | Sight | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

When Oculi woke up, they ended up laying in bed for a bit longer than they would’ve liked, feeling phantom pains left behind from… Whatever their dream had been. They couldn’t remember now that they were awake. That was probably fortunate. They stared at the ceiling and tried to remember how to move their arms in order to get up. Tried to remember the point in getting up.


Eventually though, they did get up. And then they stretched a bit, trying to reconnect with themself as much as possible before actually standing.


As soon as they were standing, they were getting dressed. A random t-shirt, a button-up over it, comfortable jeans, and their regular sneakers. They stood in front of the mirror in their room for a good few minutes when they went over to comb their hair and put in their piercings.


They didn’t do anything while they stood there. Just stared forwards, the world seeming far away. Their reflection showing someone who they just— Didn’t connect to. Someone who they stared at and that stared back at them. Someone with indigo eyes and pink hair and freckles. And a stupid scar on their left eyebrow.


They eventually forced their hand to grab the comb, go through their hair to get rid of the worst of the tangles, and then set it back down. They put in their piercings, and then turned back towards the rest of their room.


Oculi left their room pretty quickly after, blinking a few times as they forced their mind to focus on the fact that Ingall wasn’t cleaning and they didn’t see Kage or Skylar anywhere. They walked through the apartment without any real direction, still finding themself in a clean living room fairly quickly though.


So, without a word, they sat down on the couch. Their skin prickled. Oculi bristled, grabbed one of the pillows and held it closer to them. Kage and Skylar probably weren’t awake yet, given how clean the living room was. They weren’t sure about Gall though, he was usually awake and cleaning by now. They hoped he was okay, wherever he was.

Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesApril 14, 2023 09:36 PM

Lost Memories

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Agnar ‘Agni’ Solefair | Male | 22 | AB- | Homosexual | Poly | Enhanced Senses | No | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Do we want ta go off of size or worth? The more money somethin’ would’ve cost could work for the point system, or we could go with the larger somethin’ is that more points it’s worth.

Agnar hummed. "Let's go off size. Harder to steal larger stuff, stuff worth more is good too, though, so, maybe if it's over $500 or something then that could also be worth more points."

Kage ‘King’ Virgo | Male | 19 | B+ | Homosexual | Ambi | Shadow Manipulation | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir)

Kage held Skylar for a moment, both of them taking comfort in each other before the sound of soft footsteps was heard down the hall. Oculi must be up.

Kage squeezed Sky tighter for a moment before carefully pulling away, keeping his voice low as he spoke so they wouldn't be overheard. "You okay?"

Skylar nodded faintly, reaching up to wipe at his eyes before looking at Kage and smiling slightly. "I'll be fine. We should go to Oculi, they don't like being alone."

Kage hesitated a moment before nodding and leaning over to steal a quick kiss before grinning and pulling away. "Actually, I have a very important question to ask Oculi! Thanks for the reminder!"

Sky's eyes grew round and he stood quickly, reaching out to stop his boyfriend, who was already heading toward the door. "Kage, no!"

"Kage, yes!" Kage cackled, racing toward the common room and practically throwing himself at the couch as Skylar scrambled to catch up. "Hey, Oculi! Wanna rob the mall with us, it'll be fun!"

"Kage, don't drag more people into your idiotic ideas!" Sky scolded, slightly out of breath from chasing the smaller, he offered a warm smile to Oculi though. "Good morning, Oculi. Please disregard my boyfriend's invitation. Would you like breakfast? Chile's making pancakes and berries and we're supposed to tell him if you'd like any. Also, I was planning to hang out with Maya, Clio, maybe Ingall, and whoever else doesn't want to risk getting arrested today, if you'd like to join?"

Kage wrinkled his nose. "What? That's no fun! Stealing is much more action-packed! And it has more reward!"

"Nothing is as rewarding as friendship. Plus, if you get caught, your only reward will be jail."

"You're too sweet."

"I am. I put up with your dumb ass far too much, you nearly give me heart attacks all the time."

Kage snickered and shrugged. Honestly, that was more than fair, considering what he'd put Skylar through. He was chaotic and Sky was... not. If one of them was going to have a heart attack because of their partner, it would definitely be Sky. "Yeah, well, you're stuck with me. No takebacks!"

Skylar rolled his eyes. "I put up with you too long to let you go now."


Skylar ‘Sky’ Baldwin | Male | 19 | A- | Pansexual | Ambi | Healing Energy | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir)

The soft sound of footsteps reached Skylar's ears even as he leaned into Kage's touch, and, after a second, Kage squeezed him tighter and then let go, looking at him with warm green eyes.

"You okay?"

Skylar took a breath and nodded, reaching up to wipe his eyes. Realistically, he wasn't sure how okay he was. His heart was still aching and, despite Kage's promise to be careful, anxiety was still tugging at his chest, a silent warning that something bad was coming. A feeling that Sky was all too familiar with.

Still, it wasn't fair to put that all on Kage. His boyfriend was trying his best, and worrying him further wouldn't help anyone, so, looking up, Sky offered a faint smile. "I'll be fine. We should go to Oculi, they don't like being alone."

Kage seemed to hesitate a moment, most likely not believing what Skylar had said (rightfully so), but then his eyes lit with a chaotic gleam that his partner knew all too well, and he pulled away, a grin playing on his lips. "Actually, I have a very important question to ask Oculi! Thanks for the reminder!"

'Oh god.'

"Kage, no!" Skylar snapped, standing up a little too quickly, having to pause to steady himself before reaching after his boyfriend, who was already running toward the common room, cackling like the little gremlin he was.

"Kage, yes! Hey, Oculi! Wanna rob the mall with us, it'll be fun!"

Skylar huffed as he reached the common room, glaring at Kage who was grinning and leaning over the back of the couch. "Kage, don't drag more people into your idiotic ideas!" He scolded, knowing very well how useless it was. His eyes flicked to Oculi and he smiled kindly, noting the way they held a pillow to their chest, probably as a way to ease anxiety. "Good morning, Oculi. Please disregard my boyfriend's invitation. Would you like breakfast? Chile's making pancakes and berries and we're supposed to tell him if you'd like any. Also, I was planning to hang out with Maya, Clio, maybe Ingall, and whoever else doesn't want to risk getting arrested today, if you'd like to join?"

"What? That's no fun! Stealing is much more action-packed! And it has more reward!" Kage huffed, crossing his arms over his chest dramatically.

"Nothing is as rewarding as friendship. Plus, if you get caught, your only reward will be jail." Sky stated, raising an eyebrow pointedly.

"You're too sweet."

"I am. I put up with your dumb ass far too much, you nearly give me heart attacks all the time."

Kage paused at that for a moment before snickering and shrugging.

"Yeah, well, you're stuck with me. No takebacks!"

Skylar rolled his eyes, a small affectionate smile tugging at the corner of his lip. He knew well that he wouldn't leave Kage for the world. "I put up with you too long to let you go now."


Ingall ‘Angel’ Dara Featherlight | Male | 21 | B- | Demisexual Panromantic | Ambi | Enticing Voice | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Honestly, more than two is a bit much for this kitchen. Cleaning the common area’s fine by me, the room isn’t as clean as usual right now. Haven’t gotten to that yet today. And Maya, could you maybe keep an eye on Clio for me?

Ingall nodded, grateful for something to do. For a moment, he debated saying something, but a single glance at Aries told him that that wasn't a good idea. The guy looked like he was about to have a panic attack, if he wasn't having one already, and Ingall hardly wanted to add to that. So, he gave another swift nod toward Chile and hurried out of the kitchen, heading to the common room.

It wasn't a terrible mess, but it wasn't clean either, which was perfect. That meant it wasn't overwhelming, but there was enough of a mess that Ingall actually felt like he was doing something by picking up. He moved quickly, shaking slightly without really processing it, and shifting things around to make everything feel more neat and tidy.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when there was a soft tap on the coffee table behind him, and he turned around quickly, finding Maya with a soft smile on her face. She extended the notepad in her hands and raised an eyebrow as Gall read over the words.

'Hey, don't forget to breathe. You're going to make yourself pass out.'

Ingall looked up at his friend and rubbed his necklace, taking an exaggerated breath. "There."

Maya looked at him knowingly and shook her head slightly, a small smile playing on her lips. Sighing, Ingall nodded, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, and then another, feeling his shoulders relax a bit. When he opened his eyes again, May was looking at him with an expression that Gal didn't need a notepad to read.

'I told you so.'

"Yeah, thanks. I'll be fine."

May looked at him for a moment then nodded, smiling at him before heading down the hall to her and Clio's room.

Maya ‘May/Fawn’ Mildred Eniko | Female | 23 | AB+ | Bisexual | Ambi | Blissful Dreams | No | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Honestly, more than two is a bit much for this kitchen. Cleaning the common area’s fine by me, the room isn’t as clean as usual right now. Haven’t gotten to that yet today. And Maya, could you maybe keep an eye on Clio for me?

Maya relaxed a little, glad that Chile got the situation under control, and watched as Ingall nodded, paused, looked at Aries, and then nodded again before heading out of the room. She sighed softly and shot a warm smile toward Chile before silently grabbing her notepad off the counter and following Ingall's footsteps.

She stopped to watch her friend before heading to her room, eyes narrowing as she examined the quick but slightly shaky movements and the almost rapid breathing. He was extremely overly stressed then. It must have been a rough morning. And night.

May clicked her tongue softly and scribbled out a note, walking over and lightly tapping on the coffee table to get Ingall's attention, watching as he jumped at the sound.

His eyes flicked over the words and, once he looked up, Maya raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to reply. Ingall took an exaggerated breath."There."

May barely resisted the urge to reach over and smack the side of his head, instead settling for a knowing look and smile. Gall was stressed and acting out, it was fine.

The taller seemed to hesitate for a moment before finally sighing and nodding, taking a few deep breaths. He relaxed a little and Maya was quick to give him her signature 'I told you so' look.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll be fine."

She watched him for a moment longer and then smiled, satisfied, and trotted toward her room.

She entered slowly and quietly, careful not to do anything that could possibly wake Clio, and, once inside, she checked her friend before taking a seat on the floor, sitting criss-cross and staring at her notepad, flipping back to what she'd written to Aries. Maybe she could figure out what she'd down wrong.

Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesApril 15, 2023 11:35 AM


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Gwyar ‘Aries/Khorne’ Ariethous Fraoch | M | 20 | Varies/O- | Demi/Ambi | Blood Manipulation | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Ingall nodded, and looked over, before nodding again towards someone. And then he was gone, turning and leaving. Standing there, unsure of what to do, unable to look around.


Pressure on the middle of a palm. Head snapped over, finding yellow eyes. Black sclera. Kyle. Excess tension bled away, tension that had come without notice. Kyle was breathing, loudly. Obviously. Obnoxiously. Don’t. Trouble. Kyle continued though, and eventually realization dawned.


He tried to match him. Tried to push away the fear and tension that clung without reason. He could only get his breathing to stop being spaced out, Anything else felt like too much, like he was poking a sleeping giant. Chile’s hand pressed into his diaphragm, simulating an actual breath. He tried, and tried. And tried. Because Chile shouldn’t have to. Because this whole thing seemed so— Pathetic. There wasn’t any reason for this. He stopped for a moment, and picked back up. He tried, and eventually… He managed.


Chile stepped back, giving him space that he was honestly glad for. “Are you doing a bit better now?


He stood there for a moment, trying to breathe on his own a bit. Trying to drag himself back the rest of the way. And then he hadn’t answered, hadn’t even apologized. For any of this. So he took one more breath, “..Y-Yeah. Sorry.


He knew an apology probably wasn’t enough. Knew he had to make up for this. He didn’t know how. The only idea he could come up had him trying not to slip again.


Don’t worry, Ari. We can make one or two pancakes together and then the rest can be on you to make. Alright?


That didn’t seem fair. Too low of a price. But… Kyle thought that was a fair price. Plus, that would be him doing more of the work. So regardless of how low the price seemed, how low the price was… All he could muster in response was, “..Right, yeah.


He watched as Chile got out different measuring tools, watched as he set them out, looking back at the recipe every now and then. And then looked at him. “Can you go ahead and measure out all the dry ingredients and put them in the bowl? We need to triple the recipe, I think.


He nodded, and went over, beginning to do what he’d been told. When he finished and put them in the bowl, Chile sifted them and he prepared the wet ingredients. When Kyle made a well for them, he poured them in. And then Chile stepped away, and he grabbed a spoon to begin stirring.


Stirring them all together took a bit longer. Especially with how much there was to stir. Tripling the recipe was definitely an odd decision. But given the recipe made eight in one batch, tripling seemed alright. Aries managed to stir pretty well though, and got everything mixed up together smoothly by the time that Chile turned back around to him.


Is the batter ready?


Having still been looking at the bowl, Aries looked up and over at him, before glancing at the batter again. “Yeah, I think so.


Alright then, bring over the bowl and scoop some of the batter out. Not too much, but I don’t think we can really measure out the one-fourth of a cup that the recipe says to do.


Aries nodded, and walked over with the bowl, scooping out some of the batter. Watching as Chile made the first pancake. Listened as Kyle basically walked him through making the second one, both of them on a plate by the time they were done.


Okay, you got this covered in here?


He thought for a moment and then nodded, he’d almost forgotten that Chile would be leaving, “Uh, I should, yeah.


He saw Chile nod and leave the kitchen, and he turned back around to keep up with making the pancakes.


Chile ‘Kyle’ Guerra Seymour | M | 20 | AB- | Pan/Ambi | Reindeer Shifter | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Chile watched as Ingall nodded and paused, and then nodded again. Turning and making his way to the common room quickly. Watched as Maya smiled warmly, grabbed her notepad, and left too.


As soon as they were both out of the kitchen, he turned his attention to Aries. Reaching over with one hand to lightly press into the middle of his palm, he felt the tension already there spike. Watched as his friend’s head whipped over to him, eyes searching. Breathing still shallow and spaced out. Tension lining just about everything.


Eyes found his own though, and the spike dipped back down. So, Kyle took an exaggerated breath. Trying to get Ari to copy him. He ended up taking a few more before Aries tried to match, and was only partially successful, still breathing through his nose. Still breathing shallowly. But not as spaced apart. With his other hand, Chile applied some pressure to his friend’s diaphragm, and then brought his hand back.


That ended up stimulating breathing a bit better, going through exaggerated breaths at the same time. And at some point, Aries managed to take a deep, steadying breath. So he stepped back, removing his hands, keeping his eyes on Ari. “Are you doing a bit better now?


There was still a slightly far away look in his friend’s eyes, and he hadn’t really expected an answer. He hadn’t expected much, if he got any reply- Ari would probably be apologizing. And for a good few seconds, that’s what happened. No answer, no reply at all. And then… “..Y-Yeah. Sorry.


Just as expected, an apology. For something that wasn’t really his fault. Regardless of how much Kyle wanted to say that, to tell Aries that he had no reason to apologize, to do anything but what he was going to do— He knew the one in front of him well enough that if he didn’t accept the apology, if he didn’t let Aries make up for whatever he thought he’d done… There’d only be more problems later. So he gave a small smile, “Don’t worry, Ari. We can make one or two pancakes together and then the rest can be on you to make. Alright?


That’d probably work. He didn’t think Aries would go looking for the sharp stuff if he left at this point. Not unless he finished the pancakes before someone was back in the kitchen, but even then. That was unlikely to happen. And being the only one to make pancakes for everyone, that would hopefully seem justifiable enough to him so he didn’t try and do more. Plus, that all would give Chile the chance to go and talk to the other two. Yeah, this would work.


..Right, yeah.


Chile nodded, giving Aries a soft smile. His friend still seemed tense, but that was expected. At least he was breathing now. That was what mattered most.


Looking back at the recipe, he grabbed the tablespoon and teaspoon measurement ring from where he kept it, taking the one-fourth teaspoon, one teaspoon, one-half teaspoon, and the one tablespoon off. Then he reached over and grabbed two measuring cups. Looking back at Aries, “Can you go ahead and measure out all the dry ingredients and put them in the bowl? We need to triple the recipe, I think.


Aries nodded, and the two fell into a comfortable pace. Once the dry ingredients were in, Chile sifted them together while Ari got the wet ingredients ready. As soon as they were ready, Kyle made a well in the bowl, and Aries poured the wet ingredients in. Milk, butter, and eggs.


He got Aries to take over stirring so he could get the pan and stove ready. He oiled the pan so the pancakes wouldn’t stick, and then turned the stove to medium heat. After taking out a few plates, he turned back to Aries. “Is the batter ready?


Ari looked over, glancing back to the bowl. He definitely seemed a bit better now, distractions usually seemed to help. Either way, the nod he gave along with- “Yeah, I think so.” Was honestly good news.


Not just because the words meant the batter was done and they could start actually making the pancakes… But they also meant Aries was farther away from the ledge now. Far enough that him being alone wouldn’t be too taxing on Kyle’s mind. “Alright then, bring over the bowl and scoop some of the batter out. Not too much, but I don’t think we can really measure out the one-fourth of a cup that the recipe says to do.


His friend nodded, and brought over the bowl, scooping some of the batter out. Kyle flipped the first one, and once the first one was done, he placed it on one of the three plates. Then, he stepped aside and let Aries do the second one. Watched, made sure his friend knew how to do it, and then grinned once the pancake was done and on the plate. “Okay, you got this covered in here?


Uh, I should, yeah.


Chile nodded, tapping on the doorframe as he left the kitchen and came into the common area. The room definitely looked cleaner, that was for sure. He stepped in, out of earshot for Ari, and then spoke to Ingall, rapping lightly on the closest object as he did so. “Hey, Gall. We just finished two pancakes so I decided to check on the rest of the apartment.


An invite to talk, not a direct question. He didn’t want to make things worse, and he didn’t know Ingall’s response to different methods. So best to go with this one for now, he could switch it up based off of what worked.


Garvin | M | N/A (22) | N/A | Brin/Ambi | Catecholamine Rush | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Let's go off size. Harder to steal larger stuff, stuff worth more is good too, though, so, maybe if it's over $500 or something then that could also be worth more points.


Garvin grinned, nodding along. “That sounds all good ta me, Twig. Any other rules we should come up with before everyone else is askin’ us? Who all do ya think will be goin’?


He took a small drag after he spoke, watching Sparrow somewhat carefully. Frankly, he didn’t care for rules. But he could bend and use rules to boost him whenever it came to games like this. So, he'll be fine with this. At least for now.


Oculi ‘Opal’ Aisling Belmira | Apagender | 23 | A- | Cupio/Pan/Ambi | Sight | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Oculi heard the sounds of people coming from the kitchen to the common area a bit before he saw them. So Kage and Skylar were awake then? That was odd, given how clean everything was still. Regardless, as Kage threw himself onto the couch, Oculi couldn’t help the slight smile that came to their face.


Hey, Oculi! Wanna rob the mall with us, it'll be fun!


Well- That was definitely something Kage would say immediately after seeing, well, just about anyone. Probably. They didn’t get to think about it too long, since Skylar caught up and spoke first. They returned the smile to Skylar whenever he smiled though.


Kage, don't drag more people into your idiotic ideas! Good morning, Oculi. Please disregard my boyfriend's invitation. Would you like breakfast? Chile's making pancakes and berries and we're supposed to tell him if you'd like any. Also, I was planning to hang out with Maya, Clio, maybe Ingall, and whoever else doesn't want to risk getting arrested today, if you'd like to join?


What? That's no fun! Stealing is much more action-packed! And it has more reward!


Nothing is as rewarding as friendship. Plus, if you get caught, your only reward will be jail.


You’re too sweet.


I am. I put up with your dumb ass far too much, you nearly give me heart attacks all the time.


Yeah, well, you're stuck with me. No takebacks!


I put up with you too long to let you go now.




Oculi listened to the half-bickering, half talking between the two quietly. Somehow not laughing at the antics. At some point, their grip on the pillow had loosen, simply holding it lightly now.


They thought back to the questions, and smiled, rolling their eyes a bit. Humor in their tone as they spoke, “I should probably go with Kage and whoever else goes, honestly. Just to make sure that they don’t get arrested. You know? Don’t want Maya losing her mind with worry.


Honestly, Oculi wasn’t too sure about food yet. So they didn’t bother answering, they didn’t want to say something only to end up deciding the opposite later. Something that they were, unfortunately, known for doing sometimes. They’d much rather just talk to Kage and Skylar for now, wake up a bit more before deciding anything like that.

Edited at April 15, 2023 11:36 AM by Overthink101
Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesApril 15, 2023 11:23 PM

Lost Memories

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Agnar ‘Agni’ Solefair | Male | 22 | AB- | Homosexual | Poly | Enhanced Senses | No | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

That sounds all good ta me, Twig. Any other rules we should come up with before everyone else is askin’ us? Who all do ya think will be goin’?

Agnar hummed thoughtfully. In all honesty, making up rules for a game that was literally breaking all the rules seemed kind of stupid. Plus, that would give him more to keep up with when all he really wanted was to enjoy himself and steal some stuff. He doubted he'd actually win anyway, he was fast, but Garvin was experienced and Kage had his power. If anything, it was a competition between those two.

"Nah, I think we're good on rules. Who needs 'em?" He chuckled. "As for who's coming, it's just me, you, and Kage so far, but Kage's asking Oculi, I believe, and we'll ask Chile and Quincy too. Quinn will probably tag along, but I don't know about the other two, so let's just count on the four of us, since Devy's a party pooper." He grinned playfully at the last bit, eyes practically glowing with excitement. He was totally hyped for this, I mean, a heist? That was cool as shit!

Then he realized he'd forgotten someone. Somehow. He always managed to do that! Huffing to himself he quickly added another person to the list. "Oh, right, I'll ask Kira too if they get up soon enough, if not though, we'll have to leave them behind."

Kage ‘King’ Virgo | Male | 19 | B+ | Homosexual | Ambi | Shadow Manipulation | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir)

I should probably go with Kage and whoever else goes, honestly. Just to make sure that they don’t get arrested. You know? Don’t want Maya losing her mind with worry.

Kage beamed. "Hell yeah! More to the party! This'll be great!" He ignored the part about Maya, though. Realistically, she would lose her mind no matter what, that's just how she was. She worried a shit ton about everyone else, for some reason. Kage never understood it, though, they rarely got caught when they did stupid stuff!

"Right, well, if they get themselves into trouble, don't fall with them. That'd just mean more people to bail out." Skylar sighed, too used to all the chaos to bother even trying to stop it.

"Relax, Sky! We won't get caught!" Kage replied, grinning. "Besides, if we steal stuff, we can use it! Or sell it! It's better for everyone!"

Skylar rolled his eyes, evidently not convinced. "Kage, Maya will kill you all for even trying this, Ingall will panic if you try to shove more unnecessary stuff into his space, and people will hesitate to buy from you when you don't have a Koda. This is definitely not best for everyone. Especially if you get caught, or worse, hurt."

Kage pouted. "It'll be fine! People will buy, they always buy when stuff is cheap, doesn't matter if I've got a Koda or not! Also, for the last time, we won't get caught! Or hurt."

Sky just shook his head in disbelief. "Fine. Do your stupid things. If you get caught, I'll kill you. And I'm not begging Ingall to bail you out this time."

"Fine, fine! Won't be necessary anyway! So, Oculi, what do you think we should steal? Jewelry? Oh, I bet they have some great earrings sitting around somewhere!" He smiled brightly and leaned heavily against the couch, spotting Skylar rub his eyes in annoyance and turn to head to their bedroom. He didn't bother following, Sky was probably going to read or something for a little before breakfast. He always said it helped with nerves. Plus, he probably didn't want to listen in on all the amazing thoughts that Kage had, as they could be a little overwhelming for him at times. Which was totally cool! He could spit them at someone else!

Skylar ‘Sky’ Baldwin | Male | 19 | A- | Pansexual | Ambi | Healing Energy | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir)

I should probably go with Kage and whoever else goes, honestly. Just to make sure that they don’t get arrested. You know? Don’t want Maya losing her mind with worry.

Skylar hummed softly to himself, watching as Kage's face split into an even wider grin. "Hell yeah! More to the party! This'll be great!"

It was most definitely not great. Still, there was no point in trying to stop the chaos from expanding. That tended to make things worse anyway. So, instead, he just sighed. "Right, well, if they get themselves into trouble, don't fall with them. That'd just mean more people to bail out."

"Relax, Sky! We won't get caught! Besides, if we steal stuff, we can use it! Or sell it! It's better for everyone!"

Skylar was unable to resist the need to roll his eyes at that. For someone so smart, Kage could be an idiot sometimes. "Kage, Maya will kill you all for even trying this, Ingall will panic if you try to shove more unnecessary stuff into his space, and people will hesitate to buy from you when you don't have a Koda. This is definitely not best for everyone. Especially if you get caught, or worse, hurt."

His boyfriend just pouted, more upset that Sky was disagreeing than actually concerned about what he was saying. Which was honestly pretty typical.

"It'll be fine! People will buy, they always buy when stuff is cheap, doesn't matter if I've got a Koda or not! Also, for the last time, we won't get caught! Or hurt."

He just shook his head, feeling a pounding start-up in his skull. It wasn't as bad as it was when he hadn't slept, but it certainly wasn't pleasant. Kage managed to make him more anxious than anything else, and, sometimes, that could be quite painful.

"Fine. Do your stupid things. If you get caught, I'll kill you. And I'm not begging Ingall to bail you out this time."

And Kage smiled brightly. Unconcerned. Too confident in himself and his ability to be the least bit worried about any potential harm that might come to them. Besides, Skylar worried enough for the both of them.

"Fine, fine! Won't be necessary anyway! So, Oculi, what do you think we should steal? Jewelry? Oh, I bet they have some great earrings sitting around somewhere!"

Sighing softly, unable to listen to the planning of a disaster, Sky turned and headed back toward his and Kage's shared room, grabbing his book from the nightstand and plopping down on the bed. Right now, quiet sounded very nice.

Ingall ‘Angel’ Dara Featherlight | Male | 21 | B- | Demisexual Panromantic | Ambi | Enticing Voice | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Yet again, Ingall found himself jumping at the sound of someone knocking lightly on an object behind him. Jesus, he was jumpy today. More so than he'd like.

Turning, Gal relaxed slightly at the sight of Chile. “Hey, Gall. We just finished two pancakes so I decided to check on the rest of the apartment.

Gall nodded, unsure of what exactly Chile wanted from him. He was fine to talk, if that was it, but it wasn't like he was great at conversations. Plus, his lack of ability to read people was becoming very annoying at the moment. He could read Aries, but that was only because he knew what anxiety looked like. Chile was different. He didn't look... well, he didn't look like any strong emotion. Ingall could only pick up on stronger emotions, and this was making him uneasy.

"Um, right, okay." He shifted awkwardly, eyes dropping. If he were in front of a crowd, this would be easy. If he were talking about science, math, or reading, this would be easy. Small talk was not. Emotional talk was not. This was not easy. "Is there, uh, something you need me to do?"

Was that what he wanted? Ingall to do something? That would make sense, right? People talked to people when they wanted the other person to do something. That's how this worked, right? God, why couldn't Chile just be direct!?

Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesApril 16, 2023 02:54 PM


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Chile ‘Kyle’ Guerra Seymour | M | 20 | AB- | Pan/Ambi | Reindeer Shifter | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Um, right, okay. Is there, uh, something you need me to do?


Chile’s eyes did a once over, just to make sure he understood the tone as well as possible. And, yeah, Ingall was tense. Confused. Still, the words were basically an invite of Gall’s own for Chile to talk. And if direct was what the other needed, he’d figure out how to go about it. Switch up methods to be more direct. Ari was like that too sometimes.


He took a breath, and shrugged. “Nothing I need, per say. Just wanted to check up on you, see if you’re doing alright. Talk to you a bit.” He paused, was that direct enough? He decided to add, “Aries calmed down now.


And then he paused again. He needed to hit a few different bullet points, would Ingall listen? Would he want to talk? Gall wasn’t the most emotionally inclined, after all. He needed to get it in though. “What happened in the kitchen wasn’t your fault. Not really.


There, hit the topic on the head. Just get that out of the way. How was he supposed to explain though? He couldn’t tell him about the arena. Being vague wouldn’t be too good either. He bit his lip for a moment, and then continued. “It wasn’t your fault. He was already on edge before you came in and said something.” He couldn’t out Maya, couldn’t out Aries, couldn’t out the arena. Chile just needed to make sure no one thought it was their fault. Somehow. “And, yeah, he gets a bit more on edge with you around… Mostly because of your power. But you can’t control what your power is. And, well, he trusts that you won’t misuse it, or abuse it. His mind just won’t listen to that, since…


He paused. He couldn’t tell Ingall about the arena. He couldn’t out Ari. He couldn’t do much. How was he supposed to explain without being too vague? Without saying too much? “Since… He’s been in situations where, uh… Something similar to what your power causes happened. If that makes sense?


He hoped it did, because Chile was at a loss here for how to explain anything without being too vague or saying too much. He really hoped it did.


Garvin | M | N/A (22) | N/A | Brin/Ambi | Catecholamine Rush | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Nah, I think we're good on rules. Who needs 'em? As for who's coming, it's just me, you, and Kage so far, but Kage's asking Oculi, I believe, and we'll ask Chile and Quincy too. Quinn will probably tag along, but I don't know about the other two, so let's just count on the four of us, since Devy's a party pooper. Oh, right, I'll ask Kira too if they get up soon enough, if not though, we'll have to leave them behind.


Garvin nodded along, snickering a bit. “That’s fair, yeah. Couldn’t’ve said it better myself. So it could be anywhere from four of us to six of us? Oh yeah, we’ll all be able to steal quite a bit, probably. The more hands the better, obviously.


His grin stayed up throughout what he said, and then upon remembering what had been said about rules… It shifted into a small smirk, “Man, I am so stealin’ from every old lady I see. Easy targets for sure. And they always got crazy rings and necklaces on ‘em. Not to even mention they’re fuckin’ purses and wallets that for some reason got wads of straight cash in ‘em. And their cards are always higher ranked, for some reason too. Those sell like crazy, man. You ever sell a high rank card before? Those go for quite a bit. It’s great.


He took a drag as he thought, there would be no way he’d be losing. Most of them would probably still stick to a moral code or whatever. And even if they didn’t— Cage was really the only one he’d have to watch out for. Given that the dude had a pretty cool power. But his own was good for this, and he had more experience than any of them. There was no way he’d be letting them win.


Oculi ‘Opal’ Aisling Belmira | Apagender | 23 | A- | Cupio/Pan/Ambi | Sight | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir).

Hell yeah! More to the party! This'll be great!


Right, well, if they get themselves into trouble, don't fall with them. That'd just mean more people to bail out.


Oculi nodded lightly, grinning softly and shifting a little to get more comfortable on the couch now that there was more weight on it.


Relax, Sky! We won't get caught! Besides, if we steal stuff, we can use it! Or sell it! It's better for everyone!


Kage, Maya will kill you all for even trying this, Ingall will panic if you try to shove more unnecessary stuff into his space, and people will hesitate to buy from you when you don't have a Koda. This is definitely not best for everyone. Especially if you get caught, or worse, hurt.


It'll be fine! People will buy, they always buy when stuff is cheap, doesn't matter if I've got a Koda or not! Also, for the last time, we won't get caught! Or hurt.


Fine. Do your stupid things. If you get caught, I'll kill you. And I'm not begging Ingall to bail you out this time.


Oculi listened to the sort-of fight in silence, watching as they sorted things out with one another… Kind of. There was a lot of beating around the bush, of deflection, and of assurances that just sounded empty. Watched as Kage turned back to them and began speaking as Skylar walked away.


Fine, fine! Won't be necessary anyway! So, Oculi, what do you think we should steal? Jewelry? Oh, I bet they have some great earrings sitting around somewhere!


Oculi looked back at Kage, nodding slightly. “Some new earrings could be nice. Maybe find something more practical that Ingall could use as like, I don’t know, an apology? We could steal some more hair dye too, obviously. Jewelry is a great starting point though, for sure.

Plenty of Reasons | Adapa x SocratesApril 16, 2023 07:14 PM

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Agnar ‘Agni’ Solefair | Male | 22 | AB- | Homosexual | Poly | Enhanced Senses | No | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

That’s fair, yeah. Couldn’t’ve said it better myself. So it could be anywhere from four of us to six of us? Oh yeah, we’ll all be able to steal quite a bit, probably. The more hands the better, obviously. Man, I am so stealin’ from every old lady I see. Easy targets for sure. And they always got crazy rings and necklaces on ‘em. Not to even mention they’re fuckin’ purses and wallets that for some reason got wads of straight cash in ‘em. And their cards are always higher ranked, for some reason too. Those sell like crazy, man. You ever sell a high rank card before? Those go for quite a bit. It’s great.”

Agnar snickered. "Hell yeah, dude! Old ladies are the easiest targets on Earth! I can imagine, I've never actually seen a high-ranking Koda though, I don't think. Not sure which place I wanna hit first, there are plenty of stores in the mall! I may just run around 'til I find shit that looks cool! Oh, should I bring a bag? That might be good, so I can hold more shit." He hummed and then just shrugged. "Eh, I'll figure it out! Not too worried, this'll be fun!"

Kage ‘King’ Virgo | Male | 19 | B+ | Homosexual | Ambi | Shadow Manipulation | No | Mentions; Everyone (Ind/Dir)

Some new earrings could be nice. Maybe find something more practical that Ingall could use as like, I don’t know, an apology? We could steal some more hair dye too, obviously. Jewelry is a great starting point though, for sure.

Kage snorted quietly. "If you wanna grab something for Ingall, go right ahead, but I ain't waiting time and stuff on him. Hair dye is definitely a good idea though! You, Sky, and Aki go through a shit ton of that stuff!" He snickered. "I might go for the candy store too, just some simple stuff. It's not worth much, but it tastes good! Oh! We could totally look through the clothes too, we always need more of those!"

He grinned. It was true, honestly. Somehow, Kage's clothes always had holes in them! Plus, he really hadn't gotten any new clothes for nearly a year now, so it was probably time for an upgrade. He would grab something for Sky too. He may not want to apologize to Ingall, but he should definitely apologize to Skylar. Unless he wanted the cold shoulder for the rest of the night when he got back. Which he certainly didn't.

Ingall ‘Angel’ Dara Featherlight | Male | 21 | B- | Demisexual Panromantic | Ambi | Enticing Voice | Yes | Mentions; Everyone (Dir/Ind)

Nothing I need, per say. Just wanted to check up on you, see if you’re doing alright. Talk to you a bit. Aries calmed down now.

Ingall relaxed a little at that. At least Aries was doing better. That was good.

What happened in the kitchen wasn’t your fault. Not really. It wasn’t your fault. He was already on edge before you came in and said something. And, yeah, he gets a bit more on edge with you around… Mostly because of your power. But you can’t control what your power is. And, well, he trusts that you won’t misuse it, or abuse it. His mind just won’t listen to that, since… Since… He's been in situations where, uh… Something similar to what your power causes happened. If that makes sense?”

Gall hesitated before nodding slightly. It did make sense, but it didn't really make him feel better. Chile said Aries wasn't worried about him misusing or abusing his power, but if that were really the case, he probably wouldn't really be scared of him. And Aries was definitely scared of him.

Even if he wasn't, though, it would still be Ingall's fault for not realizing that Aries was close to the edge before he came in anyway. If he could just read people better, then maybe this whole situation could have been avoided! He should have just told Chile not to worry about breakfast and gone on a damn walk!

He couldn't say that though. Chile was already probably worried. He was already having to help Aries. He didn't need to deal with Ingall too. So, keeping his eyes down and rubbing his necklace nervously, Ingall spoke.

"Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks. I'm glad Aries is okay."

Hopefully, that would suffice.

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