Nick whispers in her ear "There is another male lion and it can lead to a deadly confrontation due to territorial instincts you problem crossed a board line I smelled it on the way here if he sees me he will kill me."
Nirvanna Nirvanna whispers back "would he kill me too or just you?" she would ask. She would look through the bush and at the other male lion.
Nick says "probably both of us since we are here together".
Nirvanna Nirvanna thinks for a moment. She would then transform into her human form and then picks up a rock and throws it to distact the male lion. Nirvanna would then transfrom back into her wolf form and then makes a run for it to her den.
Nick would Run with Nirvanna keeping the same pace. (My device didn't want to reconnect to the internet😡)
Nirvanna Nirvanna makes it to the den. She would sit down tiredly. (lol its fine)
Nick laid down in the den. He fell asleep a little bit after.
Nirvanna Nirvanna would sleep for a few minutes but woke up because it was starting to get colder. She would get up and went over to Nick quietly, careful to not wake him up. Nirvanna would then curl up next to Nick, falling asleep.
Nirvanna Nirvanna would still be asleep next to Nick. She would curl up even more, as she slept.