As the sun rose it hit 7 am. Embry then woke up to his alarm. He slowly got up, rubbing his eyes. He looked over to Knox's bed, he was gone. Embry then got up and got ready quickly before making his way to the kitchen. As he arrived at the kitchen he spotted Knox and a slight smile grew on his face.
He had got back to the dorms maybe an hour ago. He hit the early morning rush along with a long wait at a drive thru. He sat down with his food at the table and set the other stuff he got down next to him in the brown paper bag with the cast food restaurant logo on it. He hasn't realized how much time had passed but when he looked up from his food and phone he saw Embry. "Hey. Uh... I got you some food." Knox said lifting up the bag that was on the ground, "how did you sleep?" He added
"You didn't have too." He said as he scratched his head, sitting down. "I slept okay, how about you?" He then asked as he looked at the food. He then took out the food and began to eat it.
Knox knew that he didn't have to get Embry good but he just felt kinda entitled to ya know? "Fine I guess." Knox responded back to embry. "I'm going to go back to the dorm. Enjoy." He said to embry as he got up to throw his food and collect the rest of his stuff before heading back.
"Hey wait Im coming with you." He said gathering all the food and standing up. He then followed Knox back to their dorm. "You seemed kind of off last night, are you okay." Embry said with concern as he stepped into the dorm after him.
(i dont have my normal formatting settinbs so bare with me) Knox paused when he heard embry tell him to wait up. i just needed a moment to breath. knox said. he took a breath before continuing to speak. I also found out that one of my old friends is on my soccer team and he said some stuff that got to me. i didnt want to snap at you on accident so i went to the field to try to clear my head. he told embry. when they got closer to the door to there dorm knox went and opened the door for embry. i'm sorry that i worried you. if i did anyway... Knox apologized before his sentence trailed off.
Embry listened as Knox spoke, letting him finish before responding in return. "It's okay, Thank you for telling me. I wasn't worried I just thought it was weird." Embry said as he walked over to his bed and then hopping into it. "You okay now though?" He then asked looking at the boy.
"Yeah." Knox told him hoping he sounded a little convincing. "Do you have classes today?" He asked. He looked at his phone and noticed it was getting a little close to class at least judging off of yesterday's class.
"Yeah I do." Embry replied as he check his schedule on his phone. He then darted up and made himself a little more presentable. He put on a baggy tee with some baggy jeans. "What class do you have." He then asked pulling out his phone again, checking his classes.
"Math I think." He said before double checking his schedule . "Yeah and it doesn't start for another hour or so." He said checking his messages. Soccer was later then it was yesterday but coach wanted to speak to him before practice.