Wolf Play : Mutants//Experimentals || Semi-Lit || RP || CLOSED (Revampin
06:07:54 Brick, Fish, Hollow
Hello chat. How is everyone today?
05:57:58 Dojeje
I'm about to go to bed because I need to
05:48:24 Dojeje
If I get 4-5 or less hours, I'm usually still tired.
05:46:04 Dojeje
If I get more than 6-7 hours of sleep, my entire body aches. If I 9-10+ hours of sleep, I start running into things.
05:23:44 Dojeje
I always sleep through them though it's useless having them set. I just don't feel like taking them off right now.
05:21:48 Dojeje
It seems that way
05:21:47 Woods, Woody (he/ th
Star the AOD,

Thank you! You as well! :)
05:20:36 Dojeje
05:20:19 Dojeje
What tablet has an alarm going off every 30 minutes :(
 Star Tha AOD
05:17:12 i stalk chat (Star)
lol that made me laugh, hope you have a good night/day
05:12:46 Dojeje
-WP Click-
Don't remember if I've already linked this poll or not
05:12:36 Woods, Woody (he/ th
Star the AOD,

Yup =) Just waiting for sleep to take me. Or my partner to wake up. Whichever comes first XD
 Star Tha AOD
05:09:43 i stalk chat (Star)
hehe no, i'm ok
nice, so you've been on longer then i have :)
-WP Click-
You're still here? Go away 😠
05:06:55 Woods, Woody (he/ th
I want to text my partner but I really shouldn't.
05:04:53 Woods, Woody (he/ th
Star the AOD,

Dang. I've been up since 2pm game time.
 Pink Tears
05:04:10 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

i need to sleep badly but i want my friend to join the other game im on

spoiler alert, none of my friends on there are joining

you should sleep-
05:04:05 Woods, Woody (he/ th

Ahh, my bad. I get time zones mixed up.

Pink Tears,

Oh, that makes more sense.
 Star Tha AOD
05:03:18 i stalk chat (Star)
i'm an hour behind game time so it's currently 4:02AM and i've been up since around 2AM


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Mutants//Experimentals || Semi-Lit || RP || CLOSED (RevampinMay 6, 2021 07:56 PM

Posts: 8862
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Leonas and Rada

Mentions: The Group

Leonas kisses her on the lips once she starts to smile, and he smiles too. "Glad to see you smiling, Jac. It makes you look more beautiful." His words speak the truth as he kissed her again, only for Rada to open the door with Lex behind her, like always. The two have started to become inseparable when they met, and now he's even sleeping in her bed. Leonas has gained some form of respect towards the man as he's able to cuddle up with her without getting kicked out of the bed. "Emergency?" He asked, while Rada nods her head, and tilts her head a little, then she squeezes Lex's hand to calm him down. "Ibex," Her voice was hoarse, "Patrolling around the territory." She clears her throat, letting go of Lex's hand to massage her vocal cords. Leonas stares down at Jac, kissing her on the cheek.

"I'll be back, my love. Our conversation has to wait," he grabs the bear then gives it to her, "Sleep with him while I'm gone. He'll protect you from then on." Kissing her cheek once more before he left, and Rada stares over to Lex as he gestures back to their shared bedroom. "Wait in there for me. I'll return eventually." Her tone was as soft as she could make it, although she coughs as her throat went dry and follows Leonas to the meeting room. Once they were inside, the two stares at each other, already knowing what they must do.


Mentions: Lucille, Cero, and Eliana

Arlin stares over to Lucille, offering her a soft smile to reassure her. "Just talking to someone. No need to worry." His focus shifts back to the man with the female companion, "Well, I'm not the one with a girlfriend, but you seem to have one." Gesturing to the other woman, "The group?" Now how did a stranger know about them? "The group is doing just fine under the leadership of Leonas, as for the co-leadership, that's something Leonas is still deciding." There are so many candidates to be the co-leader of the group: Night, Levushka, Flame, and Rada. Someone who's been with the group the same amount of time so Leonas might pick either Night or Flame, perhaps Levushka, as he's somewhat the strongest member at the moment. "Their current location is unknown to me, so don't bother asking for directions."
Mutants//Experimentals || Semi-Lit || RP || CLOSED (RevampinMay 6, 2021 08:06 PM

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Mentions: Kage

Nakao stares over to Kage, giving the woman a grin as he was impressed with her landing skills. He jumps down from the metal beam, making his blade face down as he was getting ready to stab the man through the head. Nakao lands on top of the man, the point penetrating the man through the head, and he crushed the man with his weight. "Remember me, Mad Wolf?" He questioned the brown-haired man with a smile on his face. As for the other man, he was observing him until he notices the familiar he saw a long time ago, "The Phantom?!?" Nakao lets go of the hilt of his katana to give him a few claps, "Congrats. You remembered me!" His eyes glow as he makes his weapon dislodge itself from the dead man's skull, and he steps towards him as his blade was slicing the other men standing in his way. As for the group of men close enough to Kage, he left them alone so she can have fun.

The point of the blade stops at the man's jugular, "No. Let's have real fun. Although it was a real shame that I didn't have a long fight between the others, they would be nothing more but mosquitos towards me." His tone was mocking as he digs his hands into his pockets, pulling out a gold chain necklace. "My-my necklace. How did you get that?" The brown-haired man stammered as he grew nervous, while Nakao gave him a wink. "I stole it from your house after I killed your wife and those pesky maggots of yours." Upon realizing what the man did to his family, he ducks to the side as he pulls out his gun, shooting Nakao, but the tattooed man doesn't seem to be in pain.

"You're just causing damage to yourself," Nakao's eyes were still glowing as he sees the bullet wounds forming onto the man that now collapses in pain. "Pity. I thought I was going to get to torture you, but now you doomed yourself, and I have to work quickly." Placing the necklace back inside his pocket as he begins to torture the man.
Mutants//Experimentals || Semi-Lit || RP || CLOSED (RevampinMay 6, 2021 08:13 PM

Inferno Abyss
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Cero Axel | Male | 18 | M: Arlin, Eliana(ind), Lucille(ind)
Cero chuckled as Arlin said, "Well, I'm not the one with a girlfriend, but you seem to have one." Cero slid his eyes towards him as Arlin said, "The group? The group is doing just fine under the leadership of Leonas, as for the co-leadership, that's something Leonas is still deciding. Their current location is unknown to me, so don't bother asking for directions." Cero blinked once before leaning back onto the tree, "Why would I need to be told when I already know?" He narrowed his eyes slightly before saying, "A few know your not dead by the way. The girl, the one with the scales, has been searching for you." He had managed to pick up her mind for a couple moments, she had been close by. There were two others that were close by including that male from earlier.

Looking back at Arlin, he gave a sly smile before saying, "Maybe if you knew something that your brother did not, you would have gone back to help? But it's too late for that now isn't it?" Through those words, he implied two different things: That Nakao went after the others and something went wrong and that Cero had been close by this whole time. What wasn't implied was that Cero was taking bits and pieces from others minds and putting them together into riddles. Cero blinked slowly, his eyes on Arlin and a slight grin on his face.
Mutants//Experimentals || Semi-Lit || RP || CLOSED (RevampinMay 6, 2021 08:16 PM

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Mentions: Leonas
Jac watched as Leonas walked out with Rada, Lex following them out. She waited for a second, closing her eyes and attempting to sleep. She couldn't though, not with what had happened the last few times she had tried to sleep. She opened her eyes and sighed, forcing herself to sit up. She was not going to sit by this time, she was going to go out and look for Leonas. She wanted to help them too.
She went out of the room, surveying the hallway before walking towards the entrance of the mansion. She quickly teleported through the doors and outside, looking around. She didn't know where Leonas could've gone, but she decided that she could walk around the general perimeter quickly to see. And if she couldn't find him... well she didn't know what to do then.
She padded around the outskirts of the mansion, walking through the trees and keeping the Mansion in close range so she wasn't too far or wasn't going to get lost. She sighed, feeling tired. She wanted to go back and sleep more, but wasn't going anywhere without Leonas. She needed to know that he was okay, especally with ibex around there.
She realized that she had strayed away from the mnasion while she was thinking and she looked around. She decided to turn around and attempt to go back the way she came from. She noticed soemthing rustling in the trees and she stopped, looking confused.

Edited at May 6, 2021 08:17 PM by Dragonhorse
Mutants//Experimentals || Semi-Lit || RP || CLOSED (RevampinMay 6, 2021 08:26 PM

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Mentions: Nakao

Kage grinned, seeing Nakao jump down. She grabbed her Katana, slicing through one of the gaurds legs, right at the joints beind the knee. She grinned as they screamed in agony, dropping his weapon. Another of the gaurds in the group started shooting at her and she simple used her forcefeild before jumping at them, her weapon changed in her hands, to a much chunkier and heavy longsword that sliced through the second gaurd's arms. She grinned, his screams driving her fury. The weapon changed again into two daggers and she dug them into the thrid gaurd's chest, him screaming as she pulled down so hard it broke his ribs as it sliced through.

Another guy shot at her, her not seeing it and i hut her in the small of her back. She winced but swung around, sending a batch of kuni knives to hit him in the throat, him choking as he dropped and was trying to pull it out of his neck. The other gaurds were starting to bleed out and she just smiled, walking away and stabbing the first gaurd. She went straight to the next group, a sickening grin on her face. She didn't even pay any attention to the wound leaking blood and staining her shirt.

Mutants//Experimentals || Semi-Lit || RP || CLOSED (RevampinMay 6, 2021 08:49 PM

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Mentions: Arlin

Lucille crept closer to Arlin, scared of these newcomers. She didn't know what to do, but she decided to experiment a little bit using her physic torture on the man and seeing how it would affect him. It cost her a lot of mind power and made her slightly weaker, but allowed it to happen as it migth help both her an Arlin if these were enemies. It was also a warning to them, something to tell them not to mess with her and Arlin if they were thinking about it. She was determined to protect them both.

Mutants//Experimentals || Semi-Lit || RP || CLOSED (RevampinMay 6, 2021 09:41 PM

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Leonas and Rada

Mentions: Lex and Jac

Rada sits down in the chair, gesturing for Lex to sit down beside her while Leonas sits down on the other side, twisting his chair as he stares at her. "What should we do?" He asked, tilting his head while Rada was deciding on what to do. Her eyes shift around, drumming her fingers along the table. "I'll figure something out, and since they're sniffing along my borders, this is technically my personal problem." Leonas nods his head, leaning back against his chair as he thinks of a plan, his eyes staring at the hologram of the map in front of him. "With Ibex hounding at the borders, it is best if everyone were to remain close to the mansion and never leave the safe zone until you get everything situated. Everyone needs to take precautions when leaving the borders. I feel like Ibex is just trying to bait us into leaving the safe zone." Rada listens to what Leonas was saying, "Alright. Do what you think is best." Leonas nods his head, standing up, and left the meeting room to head back into his bedroom. When Leonas was gone, she sighs as she places both hands over her face as she tries to think of a plan, and forgetting that Lex was beside him.

While Leonas was heading back, he doesn't sense Jac's aura in the bedroom, and it's annoying how much she keeps disobeying his words. He's not doing to be controlling, more like trying to keep her safe from her own stupidity. He begins to think about where she could be, slipping on some shoes before quickly leaving the mansion where he starts patrolling the forest. "Jac!" He calls out to her, growing worried as she doesn't answer him.
Mutants//Experimentals || Semi-Lit || RP || CLOSED (RevampinMay 6, 2021 09:59 PM

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Mentions: Leonas
Jac was lost. She didn't know how, but she had taken a few steps away from the mansion and was now hoplessly lost. She was regretting her decision, she thought back to Leonas' words and realized she should've followed them. Start thinking with her head and not her heart for once.
The bushes moved more and she took a step back carefully, unsure of who or what was in them. She teleported back about ten steps as someone burst from the bushes. Her eyes narrowed as she realized they were holding a gun. They had the sights focused on her before she teleported, but they didn't know where she had went for the moment and was looking around. She went and hid behind a tree, hoping that was enough cover. She tried to summon some of her other powers, but it was just nothingness. Since Ibex she hadn't even felt her portal power, well not since the last injection. The voices came sometimes, but not with her power.
She hid in the shadows, crouching down with her back against a tree, hoping her powers would at least work there. She sniffled, wiping her face as she started to cry. She couldn't afford to cry right then, she needed to make no noise and stay silent, but instead she was crying. She heard footsteps approaching her and she froze, hoping against all hope that her powers would work.
She watched the person come up next to her, dressed in all black to hide. They immidiately spotted her and she just whimpered, closing her eyes as she gave up. To her surprise they didn't shoot her, but she felt something gently against her shoulder. The person had brushed her shoulder and was pointing in a direction. She looked at them, nodding as she stood and teleported in the direction that they had pointed.
Jac ran on blind faith, it was part of her code. Something she constantly had believed in. She ended up spotting the mansion again after a few times of teleporting. She breathed a sigh of relief, stopping her teleporting and taking small steps now towards the place barely visable through the trees. She felt tired, using her teleportation power had taken a lot out of her and she was already tired beforehand. She decided to jsut sit and rest, to take a little bit of a break. She knew she would probably be safe when she was in range of the mansion. She leaned up against another tree, sighing as she closed her eyes to rest.
Mutants//Experimentals || Semi-Lit || RP || CLOSED (RevampinMay 6, 2021 09:59 PM

Inferno Abyss
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Flame Chaise | 19 | Female | M: All(ind)
Flame flew quickly down the mountain, the cavern where she just came from in flames. She let out a screech down below, her scales and feathers shining brightly in the dull sun. She panted slightly before pulling in her wings, plunging then pulling up sharply at the slight tug. It was weird having it again but then again, it felt good. Flame landed next to a small pond for a drink, looking at her reflection for a moment. Her feathers were smoothed down on her back, like someone had been sitting there. Her horns were now tilted slightly to the side and her eyes in full slits.

The only thing different was the chained collar around her neck. She shook her head, it was the one thing she didn't like there. Another slight tug made Flame leap back into the air before spiraling down. She let out a screech, landing ontop of the mansion. Oops. She thought before jumping down gently to the ground, letting out another screech. She shook her head again, the collar jiggling around her neck.
Mutants//Experimentals || Semi-Lit || RP || CLOSED (RevampinMay 6, 2021 10:13 PM

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Mentions: Kage

He kneels in front of the man, then pats him on the head as he grins. "You're going to have so much fun with me, Mad Wolf." He cuts out his tongue then tosses it to the side. Nakao starts slicing off the man's toes before shoving his dismembered pieces in his mouth. Next, he did the fingers, shoving them inside before wrapping a piece of cloth around the man's mouth so he wouldn't be able to spit the pieces out. He moves his sword elegantly as he cuts the surface of the man's skin, peeling off the flesh with steady movements as he tosses bits and pieces away.

When half of the man's skin was gone, Nakao claps his hands as he thinks about what to do next. "Hmm. Ears? Eyes? Nose, maybe?" He questioned the man, but he can't say anything, and Nakao just smiles. "Just what I like to hear! All of the above!" He starts removing his eyes before eating them without a second thought. He wasn't a cannibal, but just staring at the man's eyes made him frustrated, and it got to the point he wanted to get rid of them. So he did, just in a unique way. He slices off his ears, tossing them away before cutting off his nose to reveal the breathing holes. He looks around, trying to find something to stuff his nose, and he finds a cigarette. You can see where this is going, and so he stuck a lit-up cigarette into his nose but made sure to put the burning tobacco in first. When he was done, he walks over to Kage and stares at her injury. "Ready for the party now? I can treat your wound back at my apartment."

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