Siku / Siku smiled apologetically at Ajihad. "Well, as far as I know, we don't have anymore secrets", he promised him. He overheard what Amara said. "Well, shouldn't we try to hunt right now?", he requested, "I have seen a herd of antelopes recently". / Nyasi / Nyasi shrugged. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind to meet Fae. I don't mind Luna either, but I am not sure if she would be allowed. Amara seems a bit overprotective over her. That's my opinion just!", Nyasi added defensively, looking around to distuingish Fae.
Yael frowned, "Fae is overprotected by Midnight. Sometimes it's a little scary to ask if I can play with her. He keeps her in his sight at all times. Maybe this should just be a lions thing. We can do something with the girls later." He grinned at them, hoping they would agree. The girls were too protected. It was funny that his mother had lost two cubs, and she still let Yael do what he wanted. "My mother lost two of my littermates, and I've gotten lost twice, yet she still isn't overprotective of me," he realized.
Shani looked up at Aslan, "I-I'm so sorry! I'm normally not this clumsy or energetic. I guess really just nervous about being in this pride. I haven't really been around other lions except for my mother and, well....Zamri," Shani said looking at the ground.
Echo looked at Nyasi. "Well, wouldn't you be protective if that was your only living cub" he asked. He didn't know Yael was an only cub as well as he twitched his tail. "Why is he over protective of Fae" he asked as he motioned for Yael to lead the way since it was his idea. He looked at Yael with a tilted head. "Maybe it's just a female cub thing?" / Amara nodded. "All capable Lionesses should head out soon. I don't know how many are still hurt from the battle" she said as she looked around. She looked at Khaleesi. "I know you probably won't know who I'm talking about, but can you call for Reyla, Ivy, and Tara" she asked. "If you see another, or know someone from your side of the pride" she said glancing at Siku and Aria, "please take them. You know these lands so I would love for you to lead them on this hunt." / Aslan sighed. "I'm just saying. Many of us are still hurt, and it's not fun being ran into like this" he said as he shook out his mane again. He continued on his way to find the cubs something. He knew he wouldn't be able to go after something large just yet.
Shani padded alongside Aslan. "What happened to you?" She was curious about what had brought all of these lions together.
Aslan looked forward as he walked. "A rather large clan of Hyena" he said with a growl. "He have no idea what caused them to attack. They killed so many. It was horrible. They almost killed me, but some humans chased them off and took me in to heal me. I don't know how long I was gone" he said. He stopped and looked at a meerkat who was too busy digging for food to notice. He smirked as he leaped for it, killing it quickly.
"Humans helped you! Humans don't help lions, they kill us! I should know, I was captured and shot at with sticks by them. Look at my ear and my rope-burn scars. They lured me into this box with food and I couldn't get out. And...and Zamri abandoned me there!" Shani said distraught.
Aslan looked at Shani. "Does this look like it could have held up on it's one" he asked motioning to what was a large gash on his side. "See those little things holding it together? Apparently it all humans are bad" he said. He wouldn't ever trust them, but the ones who saved him, he would defend.
"You may trust humans all you want to Aslan, but I-I can't. I'm sorry. It was hard enough to openly trust other lions again after a lion who hunted by my side, went on adventures with me, licked my face, and told me he loved me, abandoned me when I needed him most." Shani sat and looked into Aslan's eyes.
Aslan shook his head. "Who said I trusted them? No no no. I hate humans. But not all are bad. They could have killed me while I saw down and couldn't fight back and they didn't. That's it. I still hate humans, but I cant say that all of them are bad." He buried the meerkat before he went looking for more small prey.