Kenya snickered, "There's no point of fishing anymore, you scared them all off." She layed down, "Let's get to know eachother." . Breeze spotted both of them, and very gracefully and quietly climbed the nearest tree, helping Shadowheart up too. . Flash, being very fast, went to the back and pinned her down, letting her go a second later, "Give me what you got!" he snarled playfully.
"Ok"..."what did they mean about your past?" . "are they dating" she whispers to breeze after silently climbing up after breeze . "you asked for it then" she kicks him in the stomach then rolls and runs around him over and over trying too make him dizzy
Kenyas ears flicked, "Oh, they knew what happened to me and my mom, and knew why I acted out when I saw Flash near Caffine, so they where just apologizing for my actions" Kenya said, not seeming to bothered. . Breeze scoffed, I wish she was dating me. She thought, "Nope, not yet probably." . Flash fell down, "Ouchie my stomachhhh."
''Oh ok any thing you want to know about me?'' . she laughs "well i think your brother has the love for that other she wolf" shoadow hearts mind- almost as bad as i have it for you "wait i never got your name" . "stop being a pup you big lump" she teases and swipes gently and his muzzle
" Nothing on my mind, surprise me." Kenya said. . Breeze stiffened, "Breezed." She said, She's obviously my ex, I have to change my name abit. She thought, "Yeah, Flash has some affection for that she, I don't know how much I like her." . Flash batted your muzzle back, "Hey, where are the girls?" He asked, peaking where they originally where, "Are they that fast?"
"Ok then umm i was born into the same pack as coffee and we were best friends i was heartbroken when she left" . "nice to meet you breezed... strange name what is breezed?" . "jeeze apparently no one is allowed to go anywhere without telling you know... since when?" She teases then licks his muzzle where she scratched him
" There where too many pups in my pack, we all loved eachother though, all heartbroken when Breeze and Flashes mother decided to leave." . Breezes ears flattened, "uh,my mother was not good at naming-I mean I was named after her mother!" Breeze said, "Not a very good name though." . "It's not that, it's that we should of heard them, we were not that loud, both of them must be very quiet." Flash said suspiciously.
"Oh that's sad at least they had each other though right?" . "ha... now stop lying" . "flash leave the poor girls alone they are probably just stalking food or something and good thing to we need food."
Kenya shrugged, "I guess." . Breeze looked over, "You know?" Breeze was not surprised, I am a very memorable person. Breeze thought proudly, but shook it off, This is your ex, crackhead, not something do really be proud of! . Flash shrugged, "I guess."
"Hey at least you found them again right?'' . "breeze why did you lie to me?" . "lets head back"