
Alexander| M| Wolf-dog| M: Timber I was walking through the woods for a bit and caught up on a scent I recognize and followed it revealing me to a opening where there were a bunch of animals I first caught sight of Timber so I walked up to her." Hi." I say getting her attention

Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Ace ~+~ I smile at him, "yeah me too" I say. "Let's rest here for a bit, then go search the park thing" I suggest.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: Selene, Alex I look around and see a new thing by Timber." Do you know who that is?" I ask Selene pointing at the newcomer

Sparrowhawk/M/Collie/German Shepherd/M: I dunno, whoever's there? "We can find some prey, and then a den. I don't want to be just... out." He saw her glance at the thin scaly thing in the grass and wondered if she feels as unsure about it as he did. He stood up regularly, and shook his coat, trying to get the dust out of his long, pretty mane. He stopped quite abruptly, jumping back in front of Night as a big wolf-looking canine showed up in camp, standing by Timber. He snarled, studying it carefully, looking for gaps in its defenses. It was scaring him. Edited at April 24, 2024 08:30 AM by Blade of Dreams

Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Ace, Alex ~+~ I look at the newcomer, they seemed really friendly with Timber. If they're her friend, they should be safe. "No, I've never seen them before. Let's go say Hi!" I say, and jump up to go greet them. "Come on!" I call at Ace, suddenly full of energy for some reason.

Ace | Border Collie + German Shepherd | Male/M: Selene i jump down following Selene over to the newcomer and I say hi." Hey. What's your name?" I ask politely because I don't think they are a threat Alexander| M| Wolf-dog| M: Timber,Selene,Ace I look over my shoulder and see more animals coming over to me so I lay down next to Timber and look at them." My name's Alex. What's yours?"

Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Ace, Alex, Timber ~+~ "Hey there!" I say. "I'm Selene, and this is Ace." Should I say we're mates? Ugrhhh i don't know. I've never done this before. I smile at the newcomer. "Have you eaten recently? We have some buried food if you'd like" I offer.

Alexander| M| Wolf-dog| M: Timber,Selene, Ace Should I say something I don't even know them." No I don't need anything to eat but you seem like you do. I caught a deer and got some bamboo earlier when I say a panda run away from the zoo." I lick Timber's muzzle

Selene | F | Red Fox | M: Ace, Timber, Alex ~+~ "Thank you! That;s very kind of you, we were struggling to get her bamboo actually." I said. "Do you happen to know where there are caves or shelter?" I ask, "We could use some shelter in case it rains. Some of us are hurt." I say, thinking of sparrow. Blaze had blood on her earlier. Hopefully she's okay. Am I asking too many questions? I wonder.

Timber - F - WolfDog - M: Alex - "Hey Alex, where have you been?" I ask. I crawl out from under my tree root. I wag my tail gentily. - Night - F - Wolf - M: who ever - I walk up to the strange canine. "Hi, I'm Night." I say. A new WolfDog. Hmm... This will be a good thing. More dog power. More to out number the scary string.