
Kyoshiro ~ Royal pup Kyoshiro lays down on the same spot from where she was. The warm fire felt so great on her fur and the temperature was getting colder outside.

Hondo-King . He walked into the nursery. "Saoirse, would you like to lay by the fireplace? It is getting cold. You can bring Ace and Wade." He told her.
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Saoirse~Queen Saoirse glanced up as her mate walked in. She was exhausted from the stress of the day, but nodded. She picked the princes up by their scuffs, and turned to follow Hondo back to the hall.
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Hondo-King . Hondo slowed and walked with her. It was good to have the real Saoirse back. He nuzzled her gently. As they walked into the room with the fireplace he told her. "Lay down honey, I'll watch the pups." He licked her muzzle.
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Kyoshiro ~ Royal pup Kyoshiro then gets up and decided to lay down next to Varian since she was warm enough from the fireplace.

Hondo-King . He chuckled. The fire was warmness on his back. His whole family was finally together, except for Chase. His pups would never truly meet him. He layed his head on Saoirse's back in Misery. Why wasnt it him. . Cauldron-Henchwolf . "How could you let them get away?" He yelled at Bloodclaw. "Now what will Esmerray do to us?" He wasnt to worried. He killed the King's brother, which was better then the pups. "Shes going to kill you Bloodclaw." He said.
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BloomClaw| Henchwolf "Me?! Your the one who was fighting the King! And YOU let them get away how was I should post to take Nate and the alchemist? Two against one." He snapped back with his teeth bared. Kyoshiro~ Royal pup Kyoshiro rolled over on her back and let the heat from the fireplace warm her. Edited at November 15, 2022 02:35 PM by Musa

Cauldron-Henchwolf . "Well I cant help it that both King and his Royal Guard were attacking me. 2 against one. At least I killed one. You could have stopped him as he left. And plus. Nate and the Alechemist never made it before the King left!" He yelled in his face. Snarling and growling.
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Eating my pizza as the drama continues 🤣)) BloodClaw| Henchwolf "And was I? When the King has wings? I would have grabbed onto his tail but it would have been better if I did have wings." He snarled

Cauldron-Henchwolf . "But you could have still done it." He yelled. "Now Esmerray will kill both of us, because of you!" He yelled, fighting the urge to fight Bloodclaw.
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