
Pfft, that would honestly be great. Briar would just be cheering from the sidelines and having a great time watching their asshole of a leader get utterly shamed and embarrassed because some random dude just came in and won the game specifically set up so that no one buy Viar could win XD - Alrighty! Mine is much more wholesome, lmao - Let's do People I Don't Like next :)

That would be so hilarious- I need this in my life now. Like, yes. What would even happen after that? - Yay!! That's always nice lol - Oooo, that's a good one! We get more Ford! - Also, I made this... Akira seemed like someone likely to ask this of Irfam, so... Yeah. Akira, not realizing how bad of an idea this is: “Can we get an Irfam war cry please?” Irfam, beaming immediately: “I’m going to commit various war crimes!” Akira, confused and trying to reinstate the prompt: “No, war—” Irfam, already continuing: “I’ll be wanted in at least 13 different countries!” Akira, already exasperated: “A war cry!” Irfam, blinking: “Oh, a war cry?” Irfam, thinking about it for a moment: “…” Irfam, face brightening and taking everything up from an 11 to a 110: “I’m going to commit various unforgivable war crimes! I’ll be wanted in every country!!” Akira, sighing: “…Close enough.” Irfam, continuing the descent into absolute chaos and madness at being allowed anywhere near anything war related: “Mustard?! How about mustard gas!?!” Akira, realizing their mistake: “…Yikes…” Irfam, taking it even further: “Geneva Convention?! More like the Geneva Suggestion!!”

Lol, yesss Honestly, Viar would probably try to kill Garvin to reinstate the fact that he's in charge, which would likely lead to his death considering the fact that both Briar and Garvin are there, Briar will not loose another friend to this bastard, and the way the gang is run is based off of who everyone sees as most powerful, so, like, as soon as Garvin and Briar fought back and definitely won because Viar, while strong, can only use his power on one person at a time and kinda relies on his higher ranking minions to keep everything under control, they'd technically be in charge? Aka, probably the worst thing to happen for man-kind since Irfam discovered explosives... Two far from responsible and kinda chaotic people take over an extremely powerful gang just by winning a drinking game and killing the leader... Kostas should probably be called because I think that's as terrible idea- XD - Lmaoo, that skit is amazing! Also definitely something Kira would ask, haha

What's hilarious is the fact that Garvin's powers get stronger as he drinks/smokes/whatever the fuck he's doing. So like, a drinking game beforehand is a terrible choice for Viar. Especially with the second ability I have in the works. Which works ever-so-slightly through envy... I love how it's 'since Irfam discovered explosives'... Very accurate, haha And yeah, Kostas should definitely be called after. Not going to lie, Garvin would probably get drunk with power pretty quick if not. - Haha... Irfam is not stable and has less than sound morals as of right now. This man is unhinged and ready to blow up a city if need be. That's why Promachus keeps Irfam away from any and all battles. That's why Irfam is only working on weapons for the rebellion instead of doing anything else.

Alright, so, I've gotten slightly distracted from the song lyric thing and now I have to ask you a question instead. - How mean should I be? I have an NPC from someone's (Garvin's) past that I could drag in that would make everyone's life a hundred times worse. And, no, it's not Giles. Though I might drag Giles in too.

That's fucking awesome XD Kostas is definitely the whole groups hotline though, they just need a little alarm that rings in Kos's ear and sends him their location the second someone does something stupid, though, at this rate, we may need to find a way to clone Kostas so there's enough of him to go around, lmaoo - Um, well, I'm scared and I might regret this later, but sure, fuck it! Bring more pain! Lol

Yeah, for sure. Not sure how many of mine would actually ever call him though. Definitely not Garvin, or Aries, or Gorōta... Mergen is debatable, totally would depend on their mood. Irfam and Revan are also debatable haha. Irfam due to... Everything. And Revan would only call if necessary for whatever the group is working at. Garvin doesn't have a way to call anyone ever. Gorōta doesn't like talking so no calling. And Aries also doesn't have a way to call people. - Oh boy, you will definitely regret it. But uh, that's the fun of it! Man, hopefully Viar, Giles, and this guy don't end up working together. That would be, quite honestly, the worst possible scenario. The only thing that could be worse is if all the other terrible people also work with those three haha. The guy's name is Andi Placentius. Garvin doesn't even have any actual nicknames for him. Though he also doesn't call him by his name.

Yeahhh, that's another problem. Ingall may call, but, honestly, if it got to the point where he had to call, he might be too panicked to function anyway. Karma would call for sure, but they aren't typically far enought from Kos to have to anyways. Briar wouldn't call unless they thought it might involve people who are closer to Kos and he could do more that Briar, Nico might call, depends on the situation, Sol would probably call assuming they're sane enough at the moment, and Akira probably wouldn't actually care enough to call, lmao - He sounds fun for sure, lol I'm both scared and excited, haha

Yeahhhh- Can't wait for everything to go downhill because people won't (or can't) call Kostas XD - There are some people who Garvin hates, like Ford. And then there are people Garvin refuses to even come up with a nickname for, or remember the name of. If Garvin doesn't have a nickname for someone, then we have a problem. A huge problem. ... Now just to figure out how to have Andi walk into the story.. Can't be too hard, haha

Should be fun for sure, haha - Yeahhh, so fun. So very fun XD