Ok what kind of rp you got in mind.
I would like to rp as wolves, i have ideas :3
ok give me your ideas so we can choose one.
Hey guys. So many of my rps have been dropped and I'm looking to pick back up. None were dropped on my account and I am hoping to get the people back into them. I am looking for new rp Partners. Just post on here if you want to rp.
Hello there, and thanks for reading. I have a wolf roleplay plot ai have been wanting to play around with. I'm semi-pro and can currently post up to 400 words.
I would love to read your plot. You can PM it to me or post it here. So sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. I usually do about a paragraph sometimes more do to me being in school and such. I usually post atleast once a day but latley my internet at home has been acting up so I might have trouble posting at times.
Yin are you still wanting to rp?
This is still open. Come rp with me .