Biography The young thief was no match for anyone. Nobody could stop her. She was quick in the night. Hidden in the Shadows. And because of her role in the Thieves Guild. The leader. After being betrayed by the old leader, she became in charge. Master of lockpicking, pickpocketing, bribing, and sneaking around. And she's rich. Recently finished her heist job of the Jarl. Oh, if anything ever disappears, remember Ruvaak.
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality The evil one. Hidden in the shadows is this master thief. She is daring, brave, and not afraid of anything. Her rebellious side is what made her rich.
You remember that I love you, k?
Gift from dear Telle Tilla <3 Thank you.
Special Skills Can pick a lock without even trying. Never noticed when pickpocketing. And the best, she is magic. After a heist, she can just turn invisible for some time and make it out.