Biography Stud fee:
500 mush 1 apple 1 jasmine
Gear/decor, bronze figs and explore moves can lower the mush price ^^
Might also be willing to do POL if I like the female. Premium needed though! I get POL, you keep the other two pups ^^
Reservation fee: 250 mush, 1 apple, 1 jasmine
Pm me to change prices or pay with a jasmine ^^
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality Highest rarity born for both male and female:
Female: 42 (two Twins both females!) born in the pack Lunatic Guardians
Male: 47 Born by Don't Starve Birth Defects: Melanism, Runt, Spina Bifida Boosts: Elite Speed, Inner Strength, Savvy Insight
Preferences Reservations this year:
Special Skills FIRST faded liver 55RS custom on the game! X3
25,400 mush + 8 apples earned Need to make 45000 mush/85 apples