Biography Father to Vetra Gothis, grandfather to Orinia Victus, and great grandfather to Noviana Hesperia. Vakerian was an emissary to several kingdom and known to be one of the most desirable of the Bron bachelors. He sired eighty-seven offspring, though only eight survived to his death. Garrus is an example of a masked wolf—the large and small masks being very appealing and distinctive to the Brons—though cheek, frontal, snip, and tear markings were also deemed lovely. Garrus was fond of roasted boar, roasted nuts, and a large fire under a new moon. To his allies and his enemies he was referred to an Archangel, being the voice of the Bron pack. To pups and juveniles in his older years, he was known as “the ol’ Badger.” He was exceptionally hardy, and would’ve likely lived much longer if not for contracting rabies—cruelly fitting for a badger. Garrus chose an honorable self-inflicted death rather than to succumb to madness.
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