
As per usual, I have become bored and decided to follow my friends into this chaos...Although I've technically been doing this for years in a private setting XD This is mostly gonna be in a text format but if I think I can do it, I might doodle one for Reaper so I can practice :D - For the purposes of this Reaper will be seperated from Mylo because of the lore differences but in all reality Mylo is the human version of Reaper. - Some of these guys have pictures, others don't. Lore will be off to the side because not everyone has a description :3 Click the picture to bring up their TH! :D Credits are on the image and if not they will be posted beneath the picture :D  | Reaper The Grim Reaper in dragon form. Lives in hell and is a giant grump with a soft spot for kids. Enjoys threatening to eat limbs and use the bones to pick the flesh out of his teeth. |  | Mylo The human version of Reaper, a grumpy guy who is too tired to deal with bullshit. He's known to be a hitman with the alias The Reaper. He's very secretive about his past. |  | Cirque Des Morts (Circus/Carnie) An evil shapeshifting robot who appears to bleed. It's rumored he runs a carnival that's infamous for disappearances. He also seems to have a sickly sweet smell coming from him... | Cassius Morningstar | Cass A psychopathic fallen archangel who has a strong belief that humans are lesser than angels and should be extinct. | Edited at January 19, 2025 12:20 AM by The Reaper
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Trips into the thread Mylo, what made you go into hit work? Is your hair dyed or naturally like that? Is there anybody who knows about your past? Who? Cassiuss, can you list a few ways angels are superior to humans? Have you ever met a human you thought was above average? How come you don't have any fears listed? Everyone is afraid of something.

(Not me trying to decide how I want to do the written replies from everyone) Mylo Mylo rolls his eyes and leans against the wall, "What made me go into hit work?" He shrugs, "I didn't have much of a choice, it made money and utilized what I do best. As for my hair, it's all natural. And there's only one person who knows the smallest bit of my past, no I wont tell you who. I don't even know you so you're lucky I'm even replying." -- Cass Cassius fluffs his wings out and crosses his arms before putting on his cockest smirk, "The fact that you don't know should be your first clue. Why should I explain this to human filth like you anyways?" There's a jovial tone to his voice as he continues, "No...Maybe." His face fell for a moment, as if there was something more than cold indifference or his fabricated happy, flirty tones, before he pulled it back together, "That's not something scat like you needs to know. And no, I'm not afraid of anything, why should I be? I'm more powerful than anything you could imagine."
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Can I give reaper a marshmellow? :3

Reaper The dragon crinkled is nose before tilting his head in confusion. "Marsh...mallow?" The syllables slowly rolled off of his tongue as Reaper sat down and began to lower his head, "What is a marshmallow, Shadows of Dawn?"
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"Hey Reaper I can give an answer for you!" says a faun hidden somewhere around you... "Think of a cloud and inmagine the sweetest smell as a taste and, I always see them as little delosas-(little troublemakers in my world) and prefer them roasted enough to my liking sometime I burn the on purpose." "Anyway, marshmellows are cilindrical and fluffy bits of something called candy and are still good unless you get ones that are coated in sugar... Edited at January 19, 2025 03:17 PM by NyghtLais

Just a general for everybody question. Favorite spots to stay? Comfort foods? Best thing you ever did?
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Reaper The dragon tilted his head before letting out a low growl. He lowered his head to be on the same level as the Faun, "They sound wonderful, just the way I like my goats." NyghtLais said: "Hey Reaper I can give an answer for you!" says a faun hidden somewhere around you... "Think of a cloud and inmagine the sweetest smell as a taste and, I always see them as little delosas-(little troublemakers in my world) and prefer them roasted enough to my liking sometime I burn the on purpose." "Anyway, marshmellows are cilindrical and fluffy bits of something called candy and are still good unless you get ones that are coated in sugar...
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Reaper I heard you have a soft spot for kids, but do you still like threatening them? Or do you just threaten adults? . Mylo Do you have favorite hitman job you did? . Circus What's the sweet smell coming from you? Or can you even smell since you're a robot? . Cass Grace standing judgmentally in the corner ~~~ What is your favorite human invention?

(Aight lets go down the line!) Reaper The dragon sat down, looking down his snout at you. Reaper wrinkles his nose before grumbling, "In the veil, it's easier to sit in the world between worlds than deal with you mortals or the idiots down in hell." The spines on his back rattled as he smirked and leaned down to get into your face, "Human flesh is my comfort food." He raised his head again and flicked his tail, "The best thing I ever did was end this unamusing conversation." - Mylo Mylo walks into the room before beginning to turn around and walk out, "Nope- Vah is not allowed to know all of my secrets. She'll go tell Quill and then it'll just all be downhill from there." He shakes his head. - Circus The animatronic trots into the room before locking eyes on you, "Well aint you just a gorgeous little thing. I bet you'd look great as one of my performers. As for your silly little questions," He begins to stalk towards you, the plates on his back slowly rising as he shifts into a more humanoid form, "I prefer to stay in my carnival, it's so much good fun. The wins and the losses, rotting popcorn and moldy stuffies." He grinned, wires sparking, "I don't exactly eat so I don't have a comfort food. But the best thing I did was give into the rot." - Cass The archangel fluffed out what was left of his feathers before he tucked his wings behind his back and gave a flirty smile, "My favorite spot to stay has been right next to the most beautiful person in the room," Cass looked around, "Huh, I can't decide if it's you or me. A comfort food? Well I hate to ruin your date plans but I dont exactly eat, darling." He takes a few steps towards you, grace in every movement, "The best thing I ever did was tell my sad excuse for a father to go fuck himself." (I swear, I might need to hand out newspapers so people can smack some of these guys-) Zeraphia said: Just a general for everybody question. Favorite spots to stay? Comfort foods? Best thing you ever did?
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