
(Was used on HEE, but due to no business I moved it here) I know my credits say 355024, it's my Horseeden account: Ponies heaven - WyrmWind Flight Range Welcome to WyrmWind Flight Range! Here we Capture, breed and create new breeds of dragons! You can also explore, interact and breed with other players! - Rules! 1. Please be respect that I have the right to decline any order 2. Remember that I have a life outside of HEE and sometimes certain orders will take a while 3. Only send ebs after getting your dragon 4. When breeding/showing or interacting with another persons dragon please ask them for permission first! - Loyalty Program (PM Me to join!) Hello! I will be introducing a loyalty program! The signed members will be put in a list below. When you sign into the loyalty program, every time you buy from this shop you will have a increased chance to get the order free or get discounts. Members: SilverSoul Edited at September 12, 2024 03:48 AM by Drunken seas

 Species Information Nekorus Dragon The Nekorus Dragon lives in forested areas but sometimes they live up in the mountainside. The Nekorus Dragon is well known for their ability at Extreme hunting, and almost never fail when they hunt. They are built quite large in height, gaining advantage over prey, but they also have thin aerodynamic bodies that allow them to run at top speeds. The Nekorus Dragon also have a few special features such as their lack of wings, feline-like muzzle, hooked claws and fluffy tail. The Nekorus Dragon has the feline muzzle to help tear into their prey easily, as well as their hooked claws. The fluffy tail on the Nekorus Dragon helps it sense prey within a 10 mile radius, as the hair from the fluffy tail brush's against the ground, picking up any life sign. The Nekorus Dragon, although being able to hunt the most skilfully, prefers things like honey or chocolate over their own kill. The Nekorus Dragon usually comes in the colours of sandy yellows to cream or light browns but as they get older they turn in colour, usually Amber palettes or sandy white palettes, in the Nekorus Dragon change in colouring is known as 'Rusting'. *colour part doesn't applie if dragon is hybrid bred or customized* ArmourTooth Dragon The ArmourTooth Dragon tends to live in hot areas like deserts or Volcanos, in winter you can find these dragon sun-bathing in Volcano springs. The ArmourTooth Dragon is well known for their ability to resist extreme heat, Elite Strength and a Mace-like tail. They are built thickly with thick long necks and a large chests, they are gifted with medium sized wings and sometimes struggle to fly, so they prefer to find heights and glide from them. The ArmourTooth Dragon has long serrated claws that make it easier for them to fight, as it it a tradition amount their kind. The ArmourTooth Dragon Tradition is when the dragonet is old enough to leave the nest they go to a special gathering we call 'Fledging' and they are sorted into rounds consisting of two dragonets by the oldest member in the gathering, the rounds keep going until there are only two left, the winner therefore is seen as the strongest and has a better chance at finding a mate and gaining more respect when they leave, the gathering is basically is a way of finding out of what ranks you will be gifted but also a mark for when the dragonet is supposed to leave the nest. The gathering only accepts dragonets of the age 5 (teen), there is a possible chance that some dragonets won't survive, as it weeds out the weakest. The ArmourTooth Dragon usually comes in the colours of amber oranges, yellows and reds but also sometimes gold and pink. Colour doesn't change with age. BrightCall Dragon The BrightCall Dragon tends to be found around the highest levels of the mountains ranges, or large canyons. The BrightCall Dragon is well known for their small size and hooked claws. They also are usually thin, with fluffy necks and large ears and large wings. The BrightCall Dragon has hooked claws to help them climb the deepest slopes and cliffs, as they tend to make their homes in high up caverns, cliffs and canyons. The BrightCall Dragon leaves a sweet sugary scent from wherever they travel, they are named BrightCall because whenever they howl, shallow lights glitter along their neck. The BrightCall Dragon comes in the colours of anything pastel, pastel green, purple, pink etc. They do not change colour as they age. FeatherSpine Dragon The FeatherSpine Dragon is hard to spot, but is you do manage to find one you usually see them flying around sky islands or around shining bulidings. The FeatherSpine Dragon is well known for their Elite flight speed and their absolute love for shining objects. They are built with muscled Aerodynamic bodies and large wings, but also have different parts of their bodies covered in feathers. The FeatherSpine Dragon were first worshipped as gods and goddesses when settlers first landed on Wyrmwind Island, They are also distantly related to the Nekorus Dragon. The FeatherSpine Dragon has a tradition when the dragonet is old enough to leave the nest (roughly 5-7) they test the dragonet by making the dragonet to collect at least 50 pieces of shining silver over 3 days, if the dragonet fails, shame will be placed on the parent and the dragonet will return to the nest for at least another year. The FeatherSpine Dragon usually comes in the colours of white, light browns, golds and creams. The older the FeatherSpine Dragon gets, the darker it's natural colour gets, example: a white FeatherSpine aging will turn into darkened grey or off-white. *this dosent apply to Customs or hybrids*  ColdFlash Dragon The ColdFlash Dragon is usually found in the WyrmWind highlands or in arctic rivers. The ColdFlash Dragon is known for their ability to withstand sun-zero temperatures and wield a powerful frost breath. The ColdFlash has large antlers and patch's of thick silky hair all over their body, but mostly found around their neck, jaw and legs. These Dragons, like the Nekorus Dragon, don't have any wings. The ColdFlash Dragon is known to be solitary creatures, rather then staying in groups. The ColdFlash Dragon tend to travel around, not staying in one place and calling it 'home'. Young ColdFlash Dragons stay with their mothers for 5-6 years before splitting away and becoming 'grown'. The ColdFlash usually comes in the colours of light blues, greys and purples. They do not change in colour as they age.

 Shows This is where I will keep track of weekly shows, there will shows where only certain breeds can enter but their will also be shows that are multicultural. To enter every week, post in this forum in the provided form. If entering in a Relay, gather a team of 4 of your dragons, or team up with other players dragons, make sure you have a dragon that suits these terrains, if teaming with other players, ask for permission. Winning team get rewards per person, example: team gets first place, all four players get 100 mush each. Prize jackpot:
(The jackpot is emptied every week and refilled, will keep updated) Climbing Race 1st = 100 mush 2nd = Moose (10 feedings) 3rd = 10% discount - Sparring 1st = 100 mush 2nd = Moose (10 feedings) 3rd = 10% discount - Prey gather 1st = 100 mush 2nd = Moose (10 feedings) 3rd = 10% discount - Conformation 1st = 100 mush 2nd = Moose (10 feedings) 3rd = 10% discount - Sky race - only dragons with wings 1st = 100 mush 2nd = Moose (feedings) 3rd = 10% discount - Relay 1st = 100 mush (each) 2nd = Moose (10 feedings, each) 3rd = 10% discount (each) - Avaliable Shows: Climbing race Name - Number - pack name Name - Number - pack name Name - Number - pack name - Sparring Name - Number - pack name Name - Number - pack name Name - Number - pack name - Prey gathering Name - Number - pack name Name - Number - pack name Name - Number - pack name - Conformation Name - Number - pack name Name - Number - pack name Name - Number - pack name - Sky Races - All dragons with wings Name - Number - pack name Name - Number - pack name Name - Number - pack name - All terrain Relay - All breeds, hybrids included* Team - Dragon1 number - Dragon2 number - Dragon3 number - Dragon4 number Team - Dragon1 number - Dragon2 number - Dragon3 number - Dragon4 number Team - Dragon1 number - Dragon2 number - Dragon3 number - Dragon4 number Team - Dragon1 number - Dragon2 number - Dragon3 number - Dragon4 number  Stats The highest number of points a dragon can have in each stats is 20, these stats helps you determine what shows your dragon is more suited to. Be mindful to match your dragons so that their stats produce the best possible dragonet. Avaliable Stats: Speed Strength Agilty Stamina Movement Teamwork  Tournaments Tournaments will take place every month, and will only invite dragons who have continually come in 1st or 2st place in the weekly shows, there fore, the best will be facing the best. For tournaments there will be rather large rewards for the winners owner. The invitations will be sent to the owners via PM, so around the start or the end of the month, watch out for a invite! - Sparring - All breeds 1. Dragon number - pack name 2. Dragon number - pack name 3. Dragon number - pack name etc. Flight course - All breeds 1. Dragon number - pack name 2. Dragon number - pack name 3. Dragon number - pack name etc. Gathering contest - All breeds 1. Dragon number - pack name 2. Dragon number - pack name 3. Dragon number - pack name etc. Harsh Terrain course - All breeds 1. Dragon number - pack name 2. Dragon number - pack name 3. Dragon number - pack name etc.

 Breeding When breeding your dragons, be mindful that Drakaina can only breed 10 times, Bulls are unlimited. Be mindful when breeding, that they have a chance to lay a clutch of eggs from 1-3. Baby bases are currently not stocked, (possible future upgrade) and the dragon you have bred will go onto a adult base. When breeding hybrids, be mindful there is a chance you will be able to create a new species. There will be a small chance of a new species being made, each hybrid pairing. Due to Hybrid breeding, a selected dragon base might have the colours of another breed. Example: Nekorus Dragon with ArmourTooth Dragon colouring (red). Each dragon bred will have a 30% boost on the parents strongest stats, example: The parents best stat, Speed. The dragonet now has 30% more chance to have a better speed rating. Stats go up to 20 in total.   Breeding form: Pack name: Bull ref: Bull number: Drakaina ref: Drakaina number: Items: Ebs sent?: - only working on 3 at a time Clutchs in work: 1. SilverSoul - PH Nakeria - SS Dev 2. Rouge Wildfires - PH Icicle - PH FrostClaw 3. Pack name - Drakaina name - Bull name Studs & Broods Feel free to use these for breeding! You can breed them with each other or breed one with one of your dragons. The foundation Broods have no limit on there production. Prices for foundation breeding cost the same as shown above. PM me to put your own dragons up for brood or stud. BROODS PH Nakeria 
Dragon number: #001 Sex: Female Species: Nekorus Dragon Stats: Speed: 16 Strength: 6 Agility: 9 Stamina: 14 Teamwork: 4 Key Genes: Goldstripes - PH Fang  Dragon number: #003Sex: Female Species: ArmourTooth Dragon Stats: Speed: 9 Strength: 17 Agility: 12 Stamina: 14 Teamwork: 6 Key genes: Opal spots - PH Shervi Dragon number: #005 Sex: Female Species: BrightCall Dragon Stats: Speed: 14 Strength: 17 Agility: 8 Stamina: 5 Teamwork: 10 Key genes: Head stripes - PH Dari Dragon number: #007 Sex: Female Species: FeatherSpine Dragon Stats: Speed: 11 Strength: 10 Agility: 4 Stamina: 19 Teamwork: 12 Key genes: Gradient feathers - PH Icicle Dragon number: #009 Sex: Female Species: ColdFlash Dragon Stats: Speed: 15 Strength: 7 Agility: 20 Stamina: 12 Teamwork: 13 Key genes: Gradient underside - STUDS PH Langa Dragon number: #002 Sex: Male Species: Nekorus Dragon Stats: Speed: 14 Strength: 10 Agility: 15 Stamina: 13 Teamwork: 17 Key genes: Shaded spotting - PH Kalrid  Dragon number: #004 Sex: Male Species: ArmourTooth Dragon Stats: Speed: 6 Strength: 16 Agility: 3 Stamina: 16 Teamwork: 13 Key genes: Goldstripes - PH Sage  Dragon number: #006 Sex: Male Species: BrightCall Dragon Stats: Speed: 11 Strength: 4 Agility: 14 Stamina: 17 Teamwork: 13 Key genes: Body spotting - PH Milo  Dragon number: #008 Sex: Male Species: FeatherSpine Dragon Stats: Speed: 18 Strength: 7 Agility: 19 Stamina: 2 Teamwork: 10 Key genes: large body spots - PH FrostClaw Dragon Number: #010 Sex: Male Species: ColdFlash Dragon Stats: Speed: 9 Strength: 10 Agility: 16 Stamina: 14 Teamwork: 17 Key genes: Body ripples Edited at September 2, 2024 06:54 AM by Drunken seas

Orders Custom Pack name: sex: (Please add something to make it unique: example: PH)-name: Species: Description: Items: - Free Reign Pack name: (Please add something to make it unique, example: PH)-name: Species: Items: Pre-made form: Dragon Number: Name: Sex: Have stats rolled?: Ebs sent?: Item Shop Leather rope - Capture a Male Dragon Floral rope - Capture a Female Dragon Bag of coins - Capture a Dragon with 1 Key genes Bottled mist magic - Capture a Dragon with boosted stats Golden scale - Capture a dragon with 2 key genes - Orders in progress: 2. Pack name - Custom or free reign 2. Pack name - Custom or free reign 3. Pack name - Custom or free reign 4. Pack name - Custom or free reign

Edited at August 23, 2024 07:35 AM by Drunken seas

Edited at August 23, 2024 07:36 AM by Drunken seas

Edited at August 23, 2024 07:33 AM by Drunken seas

Opening! Taking 50% off on first order!

Pre-made! Name.. | 400 mush  Dragon number: #013 Sex: ?? Species: BrightCall Stats: (PM to roll) Key genes: None