I've posted a few Quality of Life / game improvement requests for fixing things on the website like poorly worded game guides and the like.
As a new player, honestly, the most difficult thing was learning how to play the game. Particularly breeding.
There are "unwritten rules" and rules that are written poorly written, which makes learning both difficult and frustrates older players with new players asking for information that literally isn't written down anywhere, or at least not where it should be. (The number of player-made forum posts that are treated as hard rule documents, when these documents do not show up in the actual game-hosted rules and such, drives me crazy trying to find things. That's poor navigation -and- poor documentation.)
A poorly written rule example: 'text talk is discouraged' means... discouraged, not actually outlawed, but then the same rule states 'only these are allowed for text talk' and-- people absolutely use more text talk than just those few little okay'ed things, and don't get in trouble even with mods in chat, but if I slip up and use one not on that little list I get in trouble and it drives me up a wall with confusion. So my solution is to re-read that rule as "no text talk allowed" end of. But it'd sure be nice to just... have an actually consistent, cohesive rule, written the way it's actually meant to be utilized, not a weird sometimes-its-just-a-guideline grayzone
The game guide has outdated info, or poorly and not-so-accurately portrayed info that leaves room for misunderstandings. Learning how to create custom gear was a headache and a half; the game guide offers next to no details on it what-so-ever, and to find out more, it directs you to go visit the tab in the premium section... which means... Even learning about it was blocked from me, until I had a paid premium account, and then the premium section didn't even explain it all that well at all D: it just told me how to -do- it and use the program itself, but not what the -results- of my effort would be, or what i'd get out of the arrangement.
People I asked didn't seem to have the answers, or even know who to tell me to ask (i know these things now but I sure didn't as a brand new shiny player!), and I basically had to dive into it blind to figure it out myself. So I did.
Most players are probably not going to go through that headache, they'll stop at the first or second hurdle. I'm stubborn and jumped through all of them over the course of a few weeks of daily effort to learn.
Breeding? Easy enough in my own den-- but to outside dens? Goodness, what a headache! I had no idea that if I bred my male wolf to someone else's female wolf, they get to keep the puppies I paid for. That's NOT written in the game guide (a requested change for improviing the wording was submitted), and what is written is so vague I, who had read the entire game guide top to bottom so I could avoid exactly these kinds of issues, misunderstood. I assumed my puppies would just be 'delayed' in arriving so they could fulfil the 'RP need to nurse.' Because... that's the reason provided in the meta game guide. That they need to nurse.
Not the -actual- reason, which is that because the female wolf is pregnant, and because the female wolf is owned by the other Den and by Wolf Play rules they are therefore allowed to do anything with the wolf they own (and the puppies inside her, as they own the puppies due to being in their wolf and in their den), it would cause mechanical-side game issues if, say, that player retired the wolf with puppies I owned. So it's a mechanical hiccup that might be un-changeable. The wording for explaining it could be better.
(I personally think that could be fixed by just putting a freeze on pregnant females from being retired or something the same way you can't retire a male wolf who impregnanted a female, but that'd be possibly a significant effort to impliment, unsure?)
So nope, my digital pixel puppies I spent hundreds of mush I scraped together as a brand new player, were kept by the people I paid since I didn't know I was "supposed to talk to them before breeding." I'd wasted time keeping my den space open in preparation for puppies to appear, who never appeared, and after a while I finally went hunting for answers. I had no list anywhere that showed what wolves I'd bred my males to, so I couldn't even track down the owner of the females to ask if they still had the puppies i'd paid for. I hadn't known I would need to keep these records myself, and assumed they'd show up in the Breeding Report like all my other pregnant ladies and recent offspring. Nope.
No where said any of that to forewarn me as a new player. Not the game guide, not the game rules, not the breeding interface. The breeding button to submit the sale for said expensive breeding fees, didn't have any kind of warning telling me as much.
So as a new player, that was incredibly frustrating, and very discouraging. I know better now, of course, so it's a non-issue for present day me.... but this post is about new players, so there's my new player experience.
I felt like I was being punished for not knowing, especially when, as a new clueless player, I voiced said confusion then immediately got harped on for Not Just Knowing This, Don't You Know Everyone Just Knows This?
I think the game guide needs a very good over-haul to make it up-to-date and bluntly transparent on game mechanic details. Replace unclear implications and RP-focused formats with actual meta game-guide content. (Example; telling me the puppie shave to nurse is why they stay at the other den, makes sense for RP purposes.... But doesn't help me understand the actual game I'm playing, as it didn't inform me about the game mechanic itself [ie; they keep the puppies, end of, and it's truly because of other game mechanic issues that make that difficult to arrange, not something done just for laughs and giggles for story content] and it didn't educate me on the unwritten rule of "you must talk to the female's owner to secure puppies" that everyone was so ready to inform me of when I thought to ask, after losing hundreds of mush.
That'd be very useful in the game guide.
So yep, I'm with other voters.
-Site Navigation (specifically for finding useful and essential information)
-Breeding (specifcally the lack of essential information being recorded somewhere a new player would actually find it)
those are the singlemost frustrating things of the game, and also things I think are perfectly fixable. Mostly, I think the game guide and rules could use an update to make them more accurate, cohesive, and explanatory.